What factors influence a sociologists choice of method? Flashcards
Practical considerations
Can the research be done? How easy will it be to research this?
This includes:
> time and money: who will pay, how long will it take?
> personal characteristics of the researcher/s
> availibility of opportunities to conduct research. Access etc.
Ethical considerations
Is this research moral? should they be doing this research?
This includes:
> Obtaining informed consent from participants
> confidentiality and privacy
> will people be harmed by the research.
> are vulnerable groups, like mentally ill going to be exploited?
> will the researcher lie and deceive people and abuse their trust?
Theoretical considerations
Is the research going to be useful?
This includes:
> is the sociologist a positivist or interpretivist?
> will the data be reliable?
> will the data be valid?
> will the data be representative?