What does Article 10 protect? Flashcards
What does Article 10 (1) state?
- Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
- This right includes freedom to hold opinions and to recieve and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
- This right shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
What does Article 10 (2) state?
States must not:
- Indoctrinate citizens.
- Discriminate on grounds of opinion.
- Force disclosure of opinion.
States Must:
- Promote balanced views.
- Foster equality.
What does the freedom to communicate information and ideas include?
- Political opinions, artistic expression and commercial expression.
- Especially where the expression raises concerns and national debates.
What is political expression seen as?
A “high value” expression.
What right is protected, and by what case?
The right to ‘offend, shock and disturb’, thanks to Handyside v UK
What happened in Handyside v UK (1976)?
- Handyside published a book aimed at children that taught them about sex, including pornography.
- The UK court convicted Handyside under the Obscene Publications Act 1959.
- The ECtHR found no breach of Article 10.
- Fell within the margin of appreciation.
Why is the freedom of press implied?
It is necessary in order to impart ideas.
What have many cases held regarding journalists?
That ordering a journalist to reveal the source of information can breach Article 10.
Why must political expression be protected?
In order to allow free and open elections.
What must a line be drawn between in political expression?
Political expression and criminal activity.
What situation demonstrates the importance of drawing a line between political expression and criminal activity?
- Jo Cox was an MP who campaigned for the UK to remain in the EU and was subsequently murdered.
- A man was arrested for calling people to “Jo Cox an MP” in response.
What is civil expression?
Where the conversation is of public concern.
What might civil expression include?
Information regarding commercial enterprises such as fracking or building a motorway.
Why is artistic expression vital?
- Challenges the status quo.
- Often is used in conjunction with other forms of expression.
What does artistic expression have and why?
- A wide margin of appreciation.
- Due to states having to balance this against things which are offensive or inappropriate.