what can we learn about evil and suffering Flashcards
what happened on Palm Sunday
Jesus enters into Jerusalem riding a donkey he was greeted with crowds shouting
“Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord”(John 12:13)
why is Palm Sunday important to Catholics
It is important to Catholics because it allows them to recognise Jesus as the son of God
It also shows the moment where Jesus begins to prepare himself so that he can sacrifice himself for our sins
Key word: Incarnate
“to make flesh” when we say that Jesus is God incarnate, we mean the son of God took on a human form
How are he Trinity and incarnation connected
Christians express their belief in the incarnation by calling Jesus the Son of God, this connects the Trinity as the Son is used to name the second person in the Trinity
what to Christians mean when they refer to Jesus as the son of God
When Christians refer to Jesus as the Son of God, they mean that he is God who has become a human being - that he is the “incarnate Son”
Quote showing Jesus is fully divine
John 1 : 1-18
“In the beginning their was the word”
Jesus existed with God in the beginning
Quote(s) showing Jesus is fully human
John 1 : 1-18
“The word became flesh”
Jesus is the word as he is the messenger of God and he became fully human (became flesh)
“The word became flesh and dwelt among us”
what does the Kenosis Hymn link into incarnation
the Kenosis Hymn tells Catholics that Jesus was willing to become the slave of humanity and give his life so we could have a closer relationship with God
“Being born in human likeness”
It also tells Catholics that he didn’t come to rule but to serve and help those seen as the outcast
“And being found in human form, he humbled himself”
What happened to Jesus at the crucifixion
Mark 15
“They struck his head with a reed, spat upon him, and knelt in homage of him”
They mocked Jesus. They knelt before him as people referred to him as the King of Jews
They also crucified him with criminals
“And with him they crucified to bandits
Why did God allow for this to happen
God allowed this to happen so that mankind’s sins could be forgiven. This means that we could have a relationship with Him
Why is Jesus’ suffering and death important
“Dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life”
-The Catechism
Jesus’ death destroyed what happened in original sin and gave us the opportunity to have eternal life with God. Therefore, following Jesus means eternal life ]
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it”
-1 Corinthians 12:26
Jesus’ suffering taught Christians that they are one body - the body of Christ- who shares each others burden. This means that we must all support each other
What is the rosemary
The rosemary is the contemplation on the life of Jesus and Mary’s role in his life
The life of Jesus experiences through the eyes of Mary his mother
How do Sorrowful Mysteries link with suffering
The sorrowful mysteries part rosemary. It follows the suffering of Jesus leading up to his crucifixion. Part of the sorrowful mysteries is The scourging at the pillar.
This reminds Catholics of the great pain endured while he was being whipped at his arrest. This suffering is
on our behalf as without it we wouldn’t have the opportunity of eternal life with God
Why use statues
The presence of a statue helps to act as a focus for prayer and devotion
In Exodus 20:1-5 God tells Moses to serve no other God but Him but also commands Moses to make statues of gold angels as part of the tabernacle. God will not command men to break His own commandments
Images are not bad as long as they are not worshipped as God
What is the Pieta
It is a statue of Mary holding her dead son’s body. It was made by Michelangelo in 1498-1499 stands in St. Pere’s Basilica in Rome
What does the Pieta tell Catholics
The Pieta is triangular showing Catholics that he is part of the Trinity
The statue also shows a scene of grief and suffering but it also shows hope and salvation through the resurrection of Jesus.
Mary us shown as a young woman- pure and innocent
what happened on the Sermon on the Mount
the sermon on the mount is one of the most famous sermons Jesus gave where he described the beatitudes
What are the beatitudes
The beatitudes are a series of blessings that Jesus gave during his sermon on the mount.
Jesus describes the poor in spirit, the mourning and the persecuted as blessed as they are the closest to God.
FOR Jesus’ teachings
Ideals to live up to
Jesus is clear that his teachings go against the majority
AGAINST Jesus’ teachings
There’s too much problems in the world for Jesus’ teachings to apply e.g. economic problems, conflict , greed
What is Natural Law
The idea of Natural law was put forward by philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas. The idea of natural law is that all humans have some purposes in common
- Preserving life
- Reproduction
- Educating Children
- Living in an ordered society
- Worshipping God
What does Natural Law mean for Catholics
Natural Law means that al humans have the same nature
Key concept: NATURAL LAW
The laws of right and wrong are the same for all people at all times and at all places
Every human can discover natural law
What are the Jewish views on statues
They reject statues in observance of one of the ten commandments
“You shall have no other gods but me”
Therefore no images or representations of God in the synagogue.
God alone should be worshipped.
God is not depicted in art or statuary because God is beyond human understanding.
What is a good quote for the sermon of the mount
“think not that I have come go abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them (Matthew 5:17)
What does the sermon of the mount tell Catholics
Jesusbdescribes the requitements of being a followed of him. So in order to be closer to God Catholics believe that you must follow these rules