What are the 5 P's of labor Flashcards
Describe the first P of labor
Passenger: Fetal lie, attitude, presentation, position, station
Describe fetal lie (2 positions & meaning)
Transverse: Fetal long axis is horizontal and forms a right angle to maternal axis
Parallel or longitudinal: Fetal long axis is parallel to maternal long axis, either cephalic or breech persentation
Describe fetal attitude
Relationship of fetal body parts to one another
Flexion: chin flexed to chest, extremities flexed into torso
Extension: Chin extrended away from chest, extremities extended
Describe fetal position:
Relationship of presenting part of the fetus (sacrum, mentum, or occiput) in reference to its directional position as it relates to one of the four maternal pelvic quadrants
1st Letter to fetal position & meaning
First letter references either the right (R) or left side (L) of the maternal pelvis
2nd Letter to fetal position & meaning
Second letter references the presenting part of the fetus, either occiput (O), Sacrum (S), mentum (M), or sacrum (Sc)
3rd Letter to fetal position & meaning
Third letter references either the anterior (A), posterior (P), or transverse (T) part of the maternal pelvis
Define passageway
Birth canal, composed of bony pelvis, cervix, pelvic floor, vagina, and introitus (vaginal opening). Cervix must dilate and efface in response to contractions and fetal descent.
Define powers
Uterine contractions cause effacement and dilation of the cervix and descent of the fetus. Urge to push and bear down in 2nd stage of labor helps in the expulsion of fetus
Define Position
Position of the laboring woman.
Define Psychological response
Maternal stress, tension, and anxiety can produce physiological changes that impair the progress of labor
Why should the laboring woman change position frequently, during the first stage of labor?
Increase comfort, relieve fatigue, and promote circulation