"Whaling Out West" Flashcards
Analogue (n.)
1 : something that is similar to something else in design, origin, use, etc.
2 : an organ or part similar in function to an organ or part of another animal or plant but different in structure or origin.
“A modern analogue to what happened before”
“And all the other inadequate and hugely depressing analogues for unique and heightened sensitivity.”
In this last example, by D’Ambrasio, seems to take the meaning as “example.” But it works. How? It carries both the contextually viable meaning “example” and the denotation “something comparable.”
Priapic (adj.)
1 : phallic
2 : relating to or preoccupied with virility or male sexual excitement.
Canker (n.)
1 : something that causes bad things to happen.
2 : Any of various plant diseases.
Convivial (adj.)
1 : (of an event) friendly, lively, enjoyable
2 : (of a person) cheerful, friendly.