Whale Rider quotes (linked to context flashcards)
Maori Renaissance
‘A regular instruction period for the men so that we would be able to learn our history and customs’
Teaching Maori
‘The establishment of language nests … which Koro had established a year before’
Colonialism (in Papua New Gineau)
‘Jeff had told her I was Maori but it was obvious that I was still too dark’ - Rawiri
Nuclear testing in the sea
‘A flash of bright light had scalded the sea … seven young calves had died’
Maori Whalers
‘I went to stay with my uncle who was a whaler’ - Koro
Chieftainship inheritance
‘I will have nothing to do with her. She has broken the male line of descent in our tribe’ - Koro
Mana and connection to ancestors
‘It sounded as if she was warning them. The orca suddenly dived’
Kahu’s leadership
‘I was top of my class this year. And I’m the leader of the culture group. I love singing the Maori songs’ - Kahu
Whales as a connection
‘It is the birth cord joining past and present, reality and fantasy’ - Koro
Koro’s acceptance of Kahu
‘You’re the best grandchild in the whole wide world. Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter’ - Koro
Kahu’s destiny / spear
‘Child your people await you. Return to the Kingdom of Tane and fulfil your destiny’
Kahu as spear
‘I thought I saw something flying through the air, across the aeons, to plunge into the heart of the village’ - Rawiri
Symbiosis of man and nature
‘if it dies, we die. not only it’s salvation but ours is waiting out there’