Whakataukī/Proverb Flashcards
Hōhonu kakī, pāpaku uaua
Long on words, short on actions
Okea ururoatia
Never say die
Iti noa ana he pito mata
From the withered tree a flower blooms
E kore a muri e hokia
What’s done is sone
Kia mau ki te tokanga nui a noho
There is no place like home
Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha
It’s the thought that counts
Ko ia kāhore nei i rapu, tē kitea
He who does not seek will not find
E hoa ma, ina te ora o te tangata
My friends, this is the essence of life
Waiho ma te tangata e mihi, kia tau ai
It would be better to let others praise
E koro e mimiti te aroha mōu
My love for you will never wane
Ka tika a muri, ka tika a mua, ka rere pai ngā āhuatanga katoa.
If the back is in order, and the front is in order, all will go well.
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou
Seek knowledge for the sake of your wellbeing
Pai tū, pai hinga, nā wai rā ka oti
Good to stand, good to fall, continues on and eventually the work is complete
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini
My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective
Kōanga takitahi, ngahuru puta noa.
In spring, only one comes to plant, in autumn (at harvest time), the masses are seen.
Mā ihupiro ko momoho
Success is the product of industry
Kaua rawa e kīi
Never say never