wh test 4 Flashcards
“man is born free but everywhere in chains” People are born good but society corrupts them
belived all ppl born equal and govnt should protect ppls rights
ppl selfish greedy and needed govnt to impose order. social contract
sep. of powers. checks and balances
turning points/battles
concord/lexignton and saretoga
common sense
thomas paine- attacked king george and Helped gain popular support for declaring independence
decleration of independence
thomas jefferson- colonies declare their independence from Great Britain
1st estate
clergy- 1% of population- no taxes- 10% of land
2nd estate
nobility- 2% of population
3rd estate
everybody else
tennis court oath
3rd estate wouldn’t disband until 3rd constitution is signed by the king. the national assembly was born from this oath
decleration of rights of man
borrows from the American Declaration of Independence. “Liberty, equality, fraternity” and that all men are born equal and remain equal under the law
After the monarchy is overthrown, which faction takes over
republic takes over, ppl have the power
counterrevolution caused the
reign of terror
Continental System
no trade w great britan
congress of vienna
Prince Klemens Von Metternich of Austria was in charge. weaken france so it couldnt rise to power again
karl max
radical socialism
robert owens
socialism, social democracy
“the liberator” freed northern parts of south america from spain
jode de san martin
freed southern parts of south america from spain
3 part proposal. 1st king of mexico. combined elites to take power. declared mexico to be independent.
made 1st public call for mexican Independence. executed by spanish. known as father of mexican independence.
after hidalgo, he became the leader of the revolutionary movement. wanted all people born in mexico, whether indian, mixed or creole, to be called Americans. He wanted mexico to be an independent republic with guaranteed freedoms. He was a strong military leader, took control of parts of Mexico for independence movement. He was captured, found guilty of treason, executed by spanish authorities.
is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logical conclusion
uses a set of specific observations to reach an overarching conclusion
rene decartes
reason key. doubted until proven
scientific method
1st telescope
german mathematician, brahes assistant
supernova, distant exploding star suddenly visible on earth
son pedro
crowned emperor