WH FINAL Flashcards
Takeover of weak non-industrialized country by a stranger industrialized country.
Who were the aggressors of Imperialism?
Europe and USA
Who were the victims of Imperialism?
Africa, Asia, Latin and South America
What are the factors that led to imperialism? (6)
- *The need for natural resources to keep industry producing.
- The desire for new markets to sell their goods.
- Competition for world power.
- Racism (belief that European culture was better - came out of Social Darwinism)
- “Civilize the world” - belief that European responsibility to teach them European culture.
- Christianize the world; convert to Christianity.
What country was the dominant power during this time period?
Great Britain
Why did they say “the sun never set on Britain Empire”?
Because of how large it was.. largest in history.
What continent was called the “Dark Continent”? Why?
Africa; because it was so unknown by the Europeans.
Who was the first European to explore Africa?
David Livingstone.
What did Livingstone write about?
- Wrote a series of articles abt his travels for an American newspaper (source of income).
- Wrote about the people, natural beauty and vast resources of Africa.
Who did they send to find Livingstone after he had disappeared?
Reporter Henry Stanley.
What Belgian king became interested in the Congo area of Africa? What does he do in his time there?
King Leopold II; makes it into his own “private plantation” - exploits and enslaves the locals into harvesting rubber and ivory,
What book exposed the horrors of Imperialism? Who wrote it?
“Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
What book was an attempt to justify Imperialism? Who wrote it?
“White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling.
What did the discovery of Congo create?
“Scramble for Africa” among the European nations.
**What was the Berlin Conference?
European nations divided up Africa among themselves - Africans had no say in the matter.
What 2 countries got most of North Africa?
French and British.
What country had mostly West Africa?
The French
Who had Central Africa?
East Africa and South Africa?
Mostly British
**What 2 nations controlled the largest areas in Africa?
Britain and France
What 3 groups fight over South Africa?
Zulu (locals), Dutch, and British.
Who were the first group to settle in South Africa? Where in South Africa?
The Dutch; in Cape Town colony.
What were the Dutch’s 3 new colonies?
Transvaal, Orange Free State, Nadal.
What was discovered in the Dutch Colonies? What happens because of this discovery?
Gold and Diamonds; The Boar War (British and the Dutch go to war because the British want the Dutch Colonies - British win).
Who controlled the Union of South Africa until 1961?
What is Aparthaid?
“separarations”. Policy of racial segreation in South Africa - ended in 1994.
**Who is the Father of South Africa?
Nelson Mandella
What is Paternalism?
Policy in which Europeans governed weaker countries like their parents. Idea that weaker nations can’t rule themselves. **Took care of their needs but gave them no rights.
What is Assimilation?
A policy in which weaker nations are expected to give up their culture and adopt the European culture. **Forced to learn the European’s language, religion, dress and way of life.
What are the four forms of Imperialism?
- Colony (*Most common) - when a country/territory is governed internally by a foreign country.
- Protectorate/Puppet - when a country/territory appears to be governed by its own leaders but its actually under the power of an outside country.
- Sphere of Influence - a country/ terr. where the foreign power has exclusive trading rights.
- Economic Imperialism - a country/ terr. is controlled by a private business rather than by a country.
Why did most attempts to resist colon./imper. fail?
- Europeans had superior weapons.
- Intertribal warfare - would not unite against common foe.
- Superstitions
What was the Maji Maji Rebellion?
Failed attempt at resisting imperialism. Believed that magic water would protect them against German bullets.
What 2 countries were the only ones that successfully resisted European Imperialism?
Ethiopia (led by King Menelik II - defeated the Italians)
Liberia (protected by the USA, Europeans left them alone)
What are Geopolitics?
an interest in the taking of land for its strategic location or products.
Why was the Middle East a strategic location?
“crossroads of the world” connected European/Asia/Africa. *whoever got it would control much of the world’s trade.
What was the Crimean War?
fought to control the middle east (between the Russian and the ottomans - Britain and France joined the Ottomans - Russia was defeated)
Who was Florence Nightingale?
pronounced the first women’s nursing corps “Lady with the Lamp”.
What was discovered in Persia and Saudi Arabia?
Who was Mohammed Ali?
ruler of Egypt that decides to modernize country and build a canal. WHY? Trade.
What company is hired to build the canal? Who’s the engineer? Who eventually takes control?
A French company is hired to build the canal which will connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea (Suez Canal); Ferdinand de Lesseps is the engineer; The British pays the debt and takes control.
What does the Suez Canal become?
the “lifeline of the British empire” (major trade highway).
What 2 nations do Persia and Saudi Arabia lease the oil field rights to?
Britain and USA.
What was the Battle of Plassey?
The British East India company and the French East India company fought for control of India.
What were sepoys?
Indian soldiers that were part of the British company’s personal army.
What were the reasons there was a Sepoy Munity Indian uprising?
- Soldiers being forced to become Christians
- Treated as second class citizens.
**What were major results of the Sepoy Munity?
- The British government took control of most India.
- Protectorates (puppets)
What did India become? What were the colony’s profitable materials?
the “jewel in the crown” of great britain (most profitable colony); Opium and Cotton.
What is Raj?
Portion of India controlled by the British.
What is nationalism?
desire for self rule
What 2 religions were divided by the British?
Hindus and Muslims
Who is the Father of India who also unites the Indians?
Monadas Ghandi
“Pacific Rim”
Southeast Asia
Why was Southeast Asia a strategic location?
because they were on a trade route to China.
What were the plantation crops of Southeast Asia?
Sugar, cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, pineapple, and bananas.
What was French Indochina?
Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Controlled by the French.
What was Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)?
Rich in oil, tin and rubber. Controlled by the Dutch.
**What are the 2 busiest ports in Asia?
Singapore and Hong Kong
What was the “Big Prize”?
Why did the Chinese refused to trade with the Europeans at first?
They didn’t want anything Europe had to offer.
What did the British find that China was willing to trade for?
Opium and Silver.
What did the British exchange opium for?
Tea, silks, and porcelain.
What was the Opium Wars?
Chinese government appleads to the British to stop the trade and the British refused. Britain won.
What is the Open Door Policy?
USA gets China to open up trade w/ any country that wants to trade w/ it. China is divided (USA, Britain, Germany, Russia) - control trade. *Sphere of Influence.
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
attempt to drive out all Europeans (foreign devils) from China. Rebellion was crushed by the British.
Who first opens trade with Japan?
Commodore Matthew Perry of USA
What does Emperor Meiji do?
Transforms Japan into a modern, industrial, military power (model themselves after Europeans)
How does Japan avoid Imperialism?
By becoming the only imperialized country in Asia.
What was the Russo-Japanese War?
Russia and Japan wanted Manchuria and Korea. Japan wins.
Why is everyone shocked that Japan won the war?
Because of the belief that “whites” are the superior race - proven wrong.
Why were some Americans opposed to USA Imperialism?
USA was originally a colony under British rule.
Why did some people think we should colonize?
- Trade
- Open new markets
- USA wanted to become a World Power.
What was the Monroe Doctorine?
Said that all European powers could not imperialize the americas.
What resources did Alaska have that people didn’t know about?
Gold and Oil
Who was the last Hawaiian monarch?
Queen Liliuoilalani
What caused the Spanish-American War?
USS Maine Ship mysteriously exploding in Havana, Cuba. “Remember the Maine” - rally cry USA wins.
What 4 territories did the USA gain?
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillipines.
Why did USA keep the Philipines?
To trade it w/ Asia.
What 5 territories does the USA have today?
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S Virgin Islands.
**What were the positive impacts of Imperialism?
- Hospitals and Medicines: average life expectancy increased.
- Schools - literacy increased.
- Countries were modernized.
**What were the negative impacts of Imperialism?
- Forced labor/slavery.
- Millions died from famines.
- People forced to give up their cultures.
- Lost control of their own countries (land).
- Natural resources stripped.