WFB Words: A Flashcards
abattoir -n
aberrant -n
A person whose behavior departs substantially from the standards for behavior in his group.
aberration -n
Deviation from the truth or a moral standard, from the natural state, or from a normal type.
ab initio -adv, Latin
From the beginning.
abjure -v
To disclaim formally or disclaim upon oath.
ablutions -n
The washing of one’s body or part of it.
abominate -v
To loathe; detest.
abortifacient -n
A drug or any agent that induces abortion.
abrogate -v
To rescind; abolish by official action.
absolutized -v
Made absolute; converted to an absolute.
abstruse -adj
Difficult to understand, penetrate the meaning of.
accelerability -n
The capacity to speed up; potential for quickening.
accession -n
Something added, as to a collection or formal group.
accretion -n
Something that has been added that doesn’t necessarily belong.
acerbic -adj
Sharply or bitingly ironic.
acidulous -adj
Biting, caustic, harsh.
acumen -n
Acuteness of mind; keenness of perception; discernment or discrimination.
adamantine -adj
Unyielding, inflexible.
adducing -v
Bringing forward as an example, reason, proof, for consideration in a discussion, analysis, or contention; offering, presenting, citing.
ad hominem -adj, Latin
Marked by an attack on a person’s character rather than by answer to his contention.
adjudication -n
A formal ruling by a tribunal.
ad libitum -adv, Latin
In accordance with one’s wishes; ad lib.
ad rem -adj, Latin
Pertinent to the matter or person at issue; directed at the specific thing.