Western Civilizations Midterm ID's and Essays Flashcards
late 1770's French protestants Calvinists Louis 14th persecuted them were forced to convert
State’s General
late 1770’s
France’s Parliament
Didn’t meet for 165 years
was suppose to be advisory to king
Jaques Turgot
late 1770’s
Chief minister to Louis 16th
comes up with vingtieme: 5% tax for all land
Wanted to cut Queen’s spending (Antoinette)
fired by Louis 16th
France’s last hope of reform
flat tax proposed by Turgot so France would no long be broke 5% tax on all land King denied it many times Last hope for France
1776 Swiss bankers appointed as minister to Louis 16th after Turgot determines Turgot was right leaves after king enters american rev. also not friends with Marie Antoinette
3 Estates
late 1770's Clergy: 300 reps Nobility: 300 reps Rest: 600 reps called by Louis 16th as part of states general
Constituent Assembly
late 1770’s
Merging of all 3 estates
take tennis court oath
will not leave until France has a constitution
eventually make a constitution for France
constitution includes limited monarchy, and rights for all french citizens
Also called National Assembly
late 1770's Military prison attacked by the workers of France looking for guns victory of working class many killed
Muniment room
A room where feudal lords keep i-owe-yous
peasants burn these
lords can no longer prove they owe work
all part of being paranoid the monarchy was starving them out
Rouget de Lisle
1790's young officer from the south composed marching song it is now France's national anthem La Marseillaise
Sans- Culottes
late 1700’s early 1800’s
literally means without pants
workers the held Louis 16th captive
stormed royal palace with arms because of Louis’ alignment with Austria
helped establish a republican government in place of monarchy
The national convention elected in 1792 was suppose to establish France's first democratic republic stop invasion of Austria kill king write new constitution
one of the groups of deputies that vied for leadership of the convention in France
relative moderates
middle class professionals
wanted weak national state but strong regions
not committed to republic
were arguing with Jacobins were kicked out by Jacobins
1790's one of the groups of deputies that vied for leadership of the convention in France radicals national spokesmen for sans- culottes arguing with Girondins purged the Girondins from power
1790's French Lawyer leader of the sans- culottes reign of terror leader drove moderates out of legislature advocated for terror ( the systematic repression of internal enemies)
late 1700’s
was kicked out early because of outspokenness
declared outlaw by constitution
A committee in France made up of 5 men
French revolutionary government from 1795-1799
men were chosen by the upper house of the legislature
tried to avoid concentration of authority
separation of powers in new system
late 1700’s early 1800’s
people who are educated that helped Napoleon run France
Frances was in 83 little parts and they helped run each part
Early 1800's A place where Napoleon's army was victorious in Germany 39 states now instead of hundreds reformed Germany, new freedoms nationalism arises in Germany
foreign secretary of Austria
host of Congress of Vienna
developed congress/ metternich system
believed Louis should have cracked down on reforms
no one wants him in Austria because he rejected all petitions
fired by king
Congress of Vienna
leaders meet to rewrite Europe’s map
make sure Napoleon’s reign doesn’t happen again
foreign secretary of UK
at Congress of Vienna
believed Louis 16th should have given a little and made concessions
Alexander 1st
Russian Czar
at Congress of Vienna
Fredrick William 4th
king of Prussia
at Congress of Vienna
appointed liberals to make a constitution
said no to Frankfurt Assembly’s Constitution
Abdicates to William 1st
Lord Tallerrand
from France
worked for Louis 16th and Napoleon
at Congress of Vienna
Congress System
developed by metternich
said put map into stone
said powers at be should meet every year i order to nip all revolutions in the bud
believed in cracking down
T. R. Mathus
wrote first essay on population
first practitioner of political economy
said population was getting to big and exponential growth needed to stop
Dr. Jenner
helped to eradicate smallpox
developed world’s first vaccine
used on cattle first
makes birth rate go up anymore
Robert Blackwell
stock breeder
breed animals for meat, dairy., wool, etc.
changed people’s diets
made birth rate and fertility go up
Thomas Telford and James Macadam
early 1800's road builders telford= business macadam= engineer improve roads dramatically people can now get around cities and transportation improves
domestic system
early modern period practices farmer grows middle man weaver sold done at people's houses
early 1800's a precursor to unions working class trying to fight back doesn't work because bourgeoisie have all the power combinations act passed to stop it attack machines
early 1800’s
came from name Ned Ludd
may or may not have been a person
when workers attacked machines they said Nedd ludd put them up to it
breaking machines became punishable by death
Robert Owen
coined the word Socialism
wanted to take people out of factories to form small industrial communities outside of cities
built a couple in Scotland
Manchester massacre
started in St. Peter’s field
meeting held by Henry Hunt there ( revolutionary)
soldiers march in and killed and injure people
absolute disaster
towns with charters
rotten borrows are towns with charters that no one lives in
Great Reform Act 1832
1832 (obviously)
gives upper regions of middle class men the right to vote
Parliament now has to answer to the Bourgeoisie
unrepresented cities, now better represented
lowered property qualifications
more men have right to vote
New Poor Law
Old poor law took care of people through parishes
everyone would be taxed in order to help the poor
growth in pop put a strain on this, so did industrial rev.
Bourgeoisie don’t want to pay, so they do away with old poor law
people now have to go to terrible poor houses
Municipal Corporations Act
1835 towns could only do what charters allowed some cities did not have charters charters granted to many cities could now hire firemen, policies, etc.
Civil Licensing of Marriage
marriage use to have to be in church of England
people who were not Anglican had to get married twice
now just one marriage
documented in court
White Terror
early 1800's aristocratic sons demanded land back after French rev. plunder political murders go through people's homes hire goons
the king’s nephew
was assassinated in white terror
1820's Charles 10th chief minister said he had nightly visions of the Virgin Mary she advised him on politics said strong aristocracy
Indemnity fund
1 billion franks that was suppose to be raised by tax payers
was suppose to pay off the aristocratic sons
lost property in French rev.
all property goes to oldest son
wanted to keep land intact
use to be divided up among children
Polignac wanted this
newspaper man Wrote history of Napoleon appointed prime minister of France ended french rev. by starving out paris killed many Parisians revolting against 3rd republic
Louis Philippe
early to mid 1800’s
July monarchy
becomes France’s king
cousin of Charles
chamber of deputies invites him to be king
wanted domestic peace at home and to promote industrial rev
ends up alienating everyone
eventually abdicates thrown because protestors shot by patrol troops
Louis Napoleon Bonapart
mid 1800’s
nephew of Napoleon
opponents of Louis Philippe rally around him
loses to Prussians
won election for president of France, wants to be in power, stays for 10 years
called for plebiscite, people wanted him in power
Declared France 2nd Empire, he is Emperor
lots of public works projects
educational reform, freedom of press, yearly debate on speech from the throne
Gives Ollivier power when he dies
Makes France a republic
Provisional government
formed after Louis Philippe abdicated
consisted of Lamatine (poet), Arago (astronomer), Louis Blanc (socialist), and Albere (button maker)
write constitution to make france republic
socially conservative, france is going to be a middle class republic
mid 1800’s
Italian nationalist
advocated for Rome, believed Rome should absorb all of Italy
Leads opposition of pope
allies with Garibaldi
controlled Rome for a brief period
Rome eventually given back to pope thanks to France
mid 1800’s
1st president of Venice
wants to fight for freedom against Austrians
the pope says no so, everyone turns against pope
Frankfurt Assembly
mid 1800’s
1st national parliament in Germany’s history
job is to write constitution for a unified germany
decide germany will be a federal union, with emperor, 2 house legislature, freedom of speech, etc.
Fredrick William 4th turns it down
whole thing is an epic fail
means rebirth
was one of Mazzini’s practices
wanted to unite Italy and convince people they were Italian
mid 1800's sailor, soldier, ally of Mazzini first went to venice to help Manin out organizes defense of Rome set out to take control of Rome again had to surrender to Cavour
Camilio Cavour
mid 1800’s
wanted to extend Piedmont to control Italy
Brought economic reform to Piedmont including national bank, tax and tariffs, trains and steamships
Piedmont became model for all other Italians
Turned to Louis Napoleon as ally
Everything in Italy eventually becomes Piedmont
Garibaldi surrenders
vote for one certain question
allowed everything in Italy to be absorbed into Piedmont
also used to gauge Louis’ Napoleon’s popularity in France
mid 1800’s
tried to kill Louis Napoleon
rolled grenades at imperial carriage
was executed
Auto Von Bismarck
mid 1800’s
Pomeranian land owner, diplomat
Minister of Prussia
has same views as William 1st to expand army
breaks law when chamber of deputies says no and takes taxes to extend army
fights wars against Denmark, Prussia, and France (wins all three)
makes Prussia all of Germany and becomes Chancellor with almost complete power
1864 War against Denmark
Shlechbuig and Holstein are wanted by Bismarck
War is very short
Austria is angry and condemns this with help of the German confederation
Bismarck now goes t war with Austria
1866 Austrian Prussian War
7 weeks war
Austrians humiliated
Austrians lose many men and Prussians lose very few
Austria has to permanently separate from Germany
Austrians also have to give Venetia to Italy
Franko Prussian War
Crisis with Spain, Bismarck interferes to piss French off
appoints Leopold as King of Spain
Prussians outnumber French 2 to 1
Almost no one dies, French surrounded
Gambetta and a few troops keep fighting for France
Ultimately France loses, has to pay 5 bil. Franks, gives up Alsace and Lorraine, William 1st emperor of Germany
EMS dispatch
William 1st tries to cool things down with French
Bismark changes wording and publishes document
Looks like Prussia is snubbing French
Riots break out
France declares war on Prussia
1870's During Franco Priussian war, leader of those who would not give up fought for France Makes Bismarck squeeze Paris even harder eventually surrenders in 1871
culture war
Bismarck hated Catholics and fought them
bishops deprived of powers, catholic schools monitored, civil marriage mandatory
Catholic church pushes back
Bismarck stops eventually
Catholic political party is formed
Social democratic political parties
Bernstein is head of one
try to meld together Darwinism and Marxism
wanted gradual reform
Head of social democratic political party
tried to merge Marxism and Darwinism
people from this party get elected to Parliament
push for social legislature, workers comp, etc.
Bismarck makes some concessions including a retirement age of 65
Louis 16th
1870's French King during rev. inherited broke France hired Turgot, Necker, and Calonne Calls estates general into session they go against him and form constitution? tennis court oath Killed by National convention
William 1st
becomes king of Prussia after Fredrick William 4th
wants to double the size of army
dissolved chamber of deputies after plans were dismissed
Bismarck is his ally
helps stop political stalemate
Appointed by Louis Napoleon as Prime Minister of France
was leader of opposition to Louis Napoleon
wanted France to be a republic
power passes to him when Louis dies
Paris Commune
revolution after the writing of the constitution forming 3rd rep.
doesn’t have what sans-culottes want in it
supporters known as communar
paris starved out by thiers, many killed
revolution stops
The Great Exhibition
mid 1800’s
sponsored by British gov.
World’s fair
wanted to show off Industrial Rev.
Joseph Paxton
designed the Crystal Palace for the World’s Fair
building like no other during the time
London in Hyde Park
Eventually destroyed by fire
Limited Liability Legislation
mid 1800’s in England
liability limited to what you put in
encourages people to invest
Book of Household Management
written by Mrs. Isabella Beeton mid 1800's helped newly middle class know proper etiquette