Western Civ. Final Flashcards
Dr. David Livingston
1860's-1870's "living saint" had mission in Tanzania Presbyterian spent time didn't come home 1870m found alive headlines read "HE LIVES!"
1869 Ruler of Egypt subject of turkish empire lets french build Suez canal gambled and lost lots of money, eventually loses control of canal to British and French
lead nationalist revolt against khedive
wins revolt, khedive abdicates to son who is puppet of British
allows British and French to take over Egypt
mid 17th century
dutch farmers settle in Cape town
leave to go into interior of Africa because British seize Cape Town
Allows British to discover gold and diamonds in Cape Town
Cecil Rhodes
late 19th century
travelled to Africa for health reasons (TB)
had monopoly on diamond production
richest man in the world
wanted to build railroad from Cape Town to Cairo
basically starts Boer war
3 Emperor’s League
1873 Germany, Austria, and Russia Bismarck wants to make alliance with Austria and Germany to defend against France doesn't work then tries Dual alliance
Dual Alliance
One alliance between Germany and Austria and one alliance between Germany and Russia
pressure is put on Russia to agree
alliance works
Triple Alliance
1882 Added Italy to Dual Alliance in order to piss French off France now isolated and poses no threat to Germany allows Bismarck to protect his creation
late 1800’s early 1900’s
Ruler of Germany
William 2nd
29 years old, inexperienced
wants to ally with England say he will annoy them into and alliance
fires Bismarck
wont sign Reinsurance Treaty with Russia
Russia goes and allies with french, Bismarck’s plan falls apart
Double Entente
Alliance between France and Russia
British also join within decade
Germany will have to fight a two front war
Triple Entente
France, Russia, and Britain
Europe now in 2 sides triple alliance and triple entente
being to plan for world war 1
Early 20th century head of German war plans has to fight war on 2 fronts fights two one front wars France is main priority has to defeat French to win the war
early 20th century
term that means have no dog in the fight
British interferes in 1st Balkin war between Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro
fight over boundaries
capital of Bosnia
place of assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and Isabella
Assassins are Serbian
Austria invades Serbia who is allied with Russia
World War 1 breaks out
Germans fail to get into Paris at this location
both sides dig trenches
beginning of trench warfare
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of WW1 between Entente powers and Germany
Germany has to sign and pay $32 bil., lost all colonies, army, navy, airforce, war guild clause (All Germany’s Fault)
league of nations formed after
1919 at treaty of versailles host, french politician wanted revenge against germany wants them to pay $133 bil. argues with Wilson
David Lloyd George
1919 at treaty of versailles prime minister of England promised to punish Germany hard on Clemenceau's side against Wilson he is swing vote
at treaty of versailles
President of USA
wants league of nations
wants Germany not to be punished harshly
opposite from Clemenceau
doesn’t get league of nations approved by US senate, still formed without US
manages to get Germany’s sentence reduced
at treaty of versailles
Italian Prime minister
Italian people think he is humiliated
early 1800’s
ruler of Russia
Alexander 1 (1801-1825)
rules unrestrained, no parliament, autocrat
The Decemberist Revolt
Russian military officers calling for constitution in Russia
against Nicholas 1
Nicholas 1 puts Decemberists in jail
cracks down on travel, freedom of speech, and free press
War in Crimea
cause is who gets to control sites in Holy Land
Sites had been controlled by Turkey
Russia wanted rights exclusively Nicholas 1
France and Britain ally with Turkey
British and French win
late 1800's early 1900's finance minister of Russia creates planned economy with Tsar same industrial practices as England/horrible conditions workers blame Tsar Nicholas 2 and revolt
Social Revolutionary Party
1901 Russian political party SR's opposed to industrial revolution against Tsar Nicholas 2 Opposed to Western world
Constitutional Democrats
Russian political party
middle class party making money off of industrial rev.
want constitution, limited monarchy, and parliament
Want to be like Western world
Nicholas 2 doesn’t like them b/c constitution
Russian Social Democratic Party
1898 Russian political party leader was Gregory Pielchanov Communist party Where power rested in Russia 11 mil. members most powerful is General Secretary
Gregory Pielchanov
late 1800's Marxist leader of the Russian Social Democratic Party was thrown out of country contacted Marx and asked for advice helped by Lenin
Helps Pielchanov
son of Bureaucrat, lived in exile in Switzerland for a while
publish “What is to be Done?”
gives answer to Russia and form small political party
says not to give into appeasement
peace, bread, land
encourages troops to leave WW1
Seizes power in Russia at St. Petersburg
Sign peace treaty with Germany
Revolution against him in Russia, manages to keep power, but has to decide who to succeed him, Stalin or Trotsky
early 1900’s
provisional government
promised parliament from Tsar Alexander 3
buys Tsar supporters and time
people still oppose Tsar food shortages lead to revolt of cadets
Epic fail, Tsar ends up abdicating thrown
Russian Soviets
1917 a strike committee formed in Russia workers and soldiers council takes over St. Petersburg make Tsar Alexander 3 abdicate Russia became de-facto republic pyramid system, villages, territories, regions, supreme
early to mid 1900's Lenin's right hand man Captured St. Petersburg for Lenin in charge of Red Army struggle between him and Stalin for power after Lenin Stalin wins
Russian Secret Police
early to mid 1900’s
internal and external affairs worked for communist party
arrested counter revolutionaries
Russian Military
early to mid 1900’s
Had power in Russia
initially was army
controlled by communist party
born poor, real name is Dzugazhvili, inarticulate but good at desk work
becomes leader in 1930’s
wants command economy and workers paradise, collective farms, destruction of capitalism
Party purges, totalitarian state
20th century word
two aspects: politics/culture and economy
Stalin used this, everything had to be communist party and communism, so did Mussolini, and Hitler
Party purges occur as result of this
no true freedoms, groups, private enterprise, etc.
lower middle class, editor of Avanti (leading socialist newspaper)
in favor or going to world war 1 with British and French
expelled from socialist party b/c pro war
said it was Rome’s fault Italy was humiliated at treaty of Versailles
Became prime minister, est. dictatorship, spent lots on infrastructure
Enforced savings (Italy)
early 1900’s
happens because of wartime economy
people forced to save money because of lack of consumer goods during war
after war people want to spend their money
rush of inflation and wages unequal to inflation, causes conflict
early 1900's action groups formed by Mussolini means bundle of sticks in Italian stronger together than apart appeals to soldiers allows Mussolini to come into power
Weimar Republic
constitution proclaimed in Germany
2 house legislature, universal suffrage, civil liberties
started by Kaiser but full of people not loyal to him
Versailles Treaty blamed on them
early 1900’s
1st Chancellor of Germany
sign treaty of Versailles
not blamed on him by people but blamed on Weimar Republic
early 1900’s
head of Christian Social Party in Germany
influenced Hitler greatly
served in war, started beer Hall Putch
Anti-semite, people liked this
eventually asked to be Chancellor of Germany
Enabling act lets him do whatever he wants
euthanasia and Sterilization of people with disabilities and the Jews
Invades Czech Republic, Sudetenland, and Rhineland starting WW2
commits suicide in 1945, Germany falls
The Enabling Act
Hitler asks for this
gives chancellor unlimited power for 4 years to do what is necessary against a national revolution
totalitarian government eventually
Nazi is only legal party (totalitarianism)
Rudolf Hess
taught national socialism is applied biology
figure in Nazi Regime before Hitler
One people, one state, one ruler
wanted to exterminate non-Arians and get Germans back in Germany
Racial Hygiene
mid 1900's cleanse Arian race of bad elements wanted active agents in medical profession sterilization and euthanasia judged to be "life unworthy"
Sydney Fay
mid 1900’s
American who taught at Ohio State
wrote books on origins of 1st world war
argued treaty of Versailles too harsh on Germany
said every country that participated was responsible
Neville Chamberlain
new prime minister of England
negotiates with Hitler for settlement in Munich
lets Germany have the Sudetenland
thinks peace has been reached with Germany
mid 1900's becomes Prime minister after Chamberlain strong critic of appeasement policy organizes Britain for war DTF (down to fight)
El Alamen
mid 1900’s
Germans invade Africa/ Egypt, trying to get to Middle East for oil
they are stopped by Egyptian army and have to retreat
really a turning point for Germany, begin loosing war
1946 gave speech in Russia denouncing West as enemies Western response given by churchill Iron Curtain started Molotov cocktail
1945 Nazi's removed from office after war some put on trial French and British consider all involved Nazis Soviets and US a little more lenient
want no Germans with weapons after the war
all institutions of German Army eliminated
1945 war industries removed in Germany not much to be demolished what was considered military industry? Ex: could they still have automobile manufacturers?
happens after war
Britain, France, US, and Soviets trying to get people of Germany out of Nazi ideology
effort to re-unify Germany
Federal Republic of Germany
mid 1900's West Germany France, Britain, and US Bonn is capital lead by Adenhanen and then Brandt was rebuilt faster because of help from US
German Democratic Republic
1945 East German, Soviets Capital is Berlin lead by Ulbricht was rebuilt much slower than West Germany tried to kinda copy West Germany
1948 Right wing 1st Chancellor of West German during war huge opponent of Nazis was arrested and put in Nazi jail
1969 Left wing 3rd Chancellor of West Germany leader of Anti-Nazi underground in war blew up bridges and factories of Nazi's Hitler's most wanted man
mid 1900’s
1st chancellor of Eastern Germany
no association with Nazis during war
de Gaulle
mid 1900’s
President of France’s 4th republic
in war he spent time in England and only went back for the battle of Normandy
completely withdrawn form Nazis so chosen as leader of France
European Recovery Program
Lead by secretary of state General Marshall
also known as Marshall plan
US sends money $17 bil. to Western European countries
helps their economies
they end up spending money in US or Canada
Co-operation of industry not competition
General Marshall
mid 1900’s
secretary of state, came up with Marshall Plan
helps Western Europe recover with US money
main goal is for Europeans to use aid wisely
co-operation in industry rather than competition
successfully helps Europe
copied by Eastern Europe with Council of Economic Assistance (end up failing)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
includes France, Britain, US, Canada, Italy, and Belgium
alliance between all of them
any attack on a country in NATO is an attack on all
Guarantees American support in Europe
makes it where Western European countries will no longer go to war
East’s version is Warsaw Pact
European Economic Community (EEC)
Signed in Rome, know as common market, EU
get Western European countries to trade as a single market
universal weights/measures, metric system
Euro currency created and adopted by some countries in EU
problem is there is universal currency but no universal economic policy
General secretary of Russia after Stalin
Stalin’s protege
Puts down people’s demonstrations about dislike for lack of rebuilding of East Germany
Sends troops to kill protestors in Hungary, Czech Republic, and East Germany
looks bad on TV
Puts missiles in Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis
falls from power after CMC
Imre Nagy
Stalin’s general secretary in Hungary
wanted to dismantle collective agriculture, wanted multiple political parties, and wanted Russian troops to go home
Khruschev sends tanks to kill protestors
1st crisis put on national television
Brezhnev and Kosygin
mid to late 1900’s
replaced Khruschev
Brezhnev is most important figure
mid to late 1900's general secretary of Czech Republic tries to learn lesson from Nagy wants to end collective agriculture, wants free expression,, allow other political parties again Khruschev sends in troops
SALT 1 and 2
1972 and 1980 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Between America and Russia 1st with Nixon 2nd with Carter Saves Russia money on weapons allowing them to rebuild their economy
Pope John Paul 2
Polish man
behind Iron Curtain but anti-communist
urges Polish to fight against communism and remain faithful to Catholic church
leads to formation of Solidarity party in Poland
Solidarity Party
1980 leader is Walesa illegal, but everyone in Poland joins is eventually repressed by Polish gov. comes back in 1987 and not put down by Gorbachev new age of liberalism in Russia
1985 comes into power as General Secretary of Russia
doesn’t send troops in to stop revolution in Poland
wants West to help him with technology in Russia
wants modernization through openness and restructuring
tries cultural change before economic change
issues freedoms of speech, press, other political parties, etc.
ultimately fails
1985 1st part of Gorbachev's plan "openness" allows free press, assembly, political parties, etc. Cultural part of modernization
2nd part of Gorbachev’s plan
means dramatic rush of inflation in order to make Russian currency relevant
knows people of Russia will endure pain because of this
pain will be worth it for Russia’s economy
economic part of modernization
late 1990’s to present
member of KGB that is eventually put in charge of Russia
Russian patriot who believes in Russian values
close to Russian Orthodox church
claims not communist but lets be honest…
basically opposite of Knruschev