western civ Flashcards
to learn
Civilization began in the Fertile Crescent
Civilization arose at different times and in different places but with no religious
The west as a geographical region never changes its border or members
The flooding of the Nile made for a successful reign of an Egyptian king
The making of the west depended on cultural, political & economic interaction among diverse groups
Metallurgy did not affect the change in the stone age
Contact with the Near East brought back writing, art & metallurgy to Greece
Greek women could participate in government
Only the rich Greeks fought in the Persian War.
Sophists were thought to undermine traditional social teaching
Romans believed that the key to success lay in preserving the ways of the past
A client always referred to his patron as “my friend”
A patron could also be a client of someone else
Wealthy romans could acquire clients among foreigners
It was solely the roman mother’s duty to teach children values
Roman fathers possessed legal ownership of all property acquired by his defendants
Roman fathers possessed the power of life and death over members of his family and household
Roman morality dealt with how to get to heaven
Romans wanted a monarchy
Romans simply adopted whole and entire the culture of the Greeks and Etruscans
Rome was committed to win wars no matter the material cost or loss of life
Failure to keep one’s obligation offended the gods
Elite romans wanted to learn Egyptian
Rome had a professional male priesthood
Charlemagne liked and used the title of emperor from the day he was crowned
By the 13th century people began to speak of kings in terms of territory rather than people
The degree UNAM SANCTUM stated that even kings must obey the pope
The Great Famine (1315-22) was partly caused because of the cooling of the European climate
France did not recover well from the hundred years war
The Renaissance began in France
Europe did not become a major player in world history until the 15th century.
Protestants did not believe in the necessity of good works for salvation
Protestant accepted 7 sacraments
William 1 wanted to assimilate the Anglo-Saxons into England