Wes Study Cards Flashcards
V1 placement
4th intercostal, right sternal border
12 lead placement
V1- 4th intercostal, right sternal border
V2- 4th intercostal left sternal border
V3- between V2&V4
V4- 5th intercostal, left midclavicular line
V5- lateral to V4 left anterior axillary line
V6-lateral to V5 left midaxillary line
V2 placement
4h intercostal, left sternal border
V3 placement
Between V2&V4
V4 placement
5th intercostal , left midclavicular line
V5 placement
Lateral to V4, left anterior axillary line
V6 placement
Lateral to V5, left midaxillary line
Normal axis
0-90 degrees
I up
II up
III up
Physiological left axis
0- -40 degrees
I up
II up or iso
III down
Pathological left axis
-40 to -90 I up II down III down Anterior hemiblock
Right axis
90- 180 I down II up III up Posterior hemiblock
Extreme right axis
Greater then 180 I down II down III down Ventricular in origin
Septal wall
Facing V1, V2
No reciprocal
Facing V3,V4
No reciprocal
Facing I, aVL, V5, V6