wertyuio Flashcards
Denny feels lethargic and frustrated of late. He is a moderate smoker and one who has never been into exercising. When he visits the doctor, he is asked to list all he can about his diet, sleep, and exercise habits. Which approach best explains the doctor’s approach to dealing with Denny’s problems?
the health behaviour approach
______ meditation Notes the experiences and emotions that arise in one’s mind.
what is secondary appraisal?
Evaluating the resources available to cope with stress.
Stress-related cortisol release causes ____dendrites to shrink, which can interfere with memory.
_____ is released in response to stress and helps mobilize the body’s energy resources.
In contrast to the Dark Ages, during ___________ the Christian Church allowed people to focus not only on their soul and eternal life, but also to see earthly beauty and human art as manifestations of God’s power
the Renaissance
The _____________ school sought to ______________.
Humanist; restore power to the individual
Rogers emphasized _________, while Maslow emphasized _________.
unconditional positive regard; the hierarchy of needs
What did pre-civilized people think
about mind?
No distinction between living and non-living, Material and non-material
what is animism?
Nature is alive, Vital spirits in things, Magic
what is the naturalistic view?
Physical principles can explain all life
what did the Biological/Medical view discover about the brain?
Left-right brain-body link
what view did pythagoras contribute to psychological thought?
Mathematical view
which ancient greek developed humanism?
plato believed in ____, while aristotle believed in _____ _______
mathematics/reason, natural explanations/experience
who developed the hierarchy of souls?
name the order between ancient and modern times.
christianity, dark ages, crusades, renaissance, revolution in science
what -ism is “i think; therefore i am”?
who is responsible for evolution by natural selection?
charles darwin
what views did charles darwin contribute to?
functional, comparative, developmental
who developed eugenics?
what is trephination?
used for mental illness, the drilling of the skull performed with primitive tools and techniques
who used hypnosis as a contribution to psychology?
anton mesmer
what distinguised Distinguished Manic Depressive Psychosis (Bipolar) and Dementia?
Emil Kraepelin
who developed the lobotomy practice?
egas moniz
who Destroyed the brain areas of pigeons and observed behaviour (ablation)?
Pierre Flourens
fritsch, hitzig, ect. used _____ ________ in psychology
electrical stimulation
who developed the two point threshold, psychophysics?
ernst weber
what is the goal is Wundt’s voluntarism?
To understand consciousness as experienced
what did carl jung study?
Extraversion-Introversion, Archetypes
who were main contributors to behaviourism?
ivan pavlov and john b. watson
who studied rats in behaviourism?
b. f. skinner
who’s theory involved cognitive maps?
edward tolman
whose psychology has the philosophy ‘The whole is more than the sum of the parts’?
who contributed to the study of obedience to authority?
stanley milgrim
who invented the hierarchy of needs?
who are the two people most involved in humanistic psychology?
Carl rogers and abraham maslow
who is associated with Unconditional positive regard
and Group therapy?
carl rogers
what have we learned about development?
a child is not a miniature adult
Functionalism builds on concepts proposed by
________ and is associated with the psychologist
Darwin; James
The school of psychology that emphasized that
perception goes beyond the parts that our senses
detect and makes us ‘see’ wholes that are not really
there is known as _____________.
Plato is to _____________ as Aristotle is to
Descartes; Locke
what did Fritsch and Hitzig do?
Electrically stimulated the brains of dogs.
Although Gall and Spurzheim’s approach was
incorrect, their work was important because it….
gave credence to the idea of localization of
brain function.
what is a stressor?
An event that triggers a stress response
what are the 3 aspects of stress?
what are the two classes of stress of a stimulus?
systemic and processive
what class of stress is a bear sighting?
what class of stress is money troubles?
what is primary appraisal?
assessment of meaning of event
what is secondary appraisal?
self-assessment of available resources
what are the three major ways to cope?
problem focused, emotion focused, seeking social support
what are the two “best” ways of coping?
social support, problem focused
what is problem focused coping?
Planning active coping and problem-solving, suppressing, exercising restraint
what is emotion focused coping?
acceptance, denial, escape-avoidance, wishful thinking
what is social support coping?
help and guidance, emotional support
It is important to stick to one coping skill that works for you, true or false?
false, It is important to have a range of coping skills
coping style differs by culture, true or false?
what are some techniques for managing stress?
Cognitive approaches, Self-instructional training, Relaxation training, Meditation/mindfulness, Managing healthy lifestyle
what decade was the switch from focusing on illness management/treatment to focusing on illness prevention?
what are the goals of health psychology?
increase health, Promoting behaviours and decreasing health, Compromising behaviours
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination are stages of what coping model?
transtheoretical model
what is the goal of motivational interviewing?
to lead people to their own conclusions and motivation for behaviour change
what struggle can use cognitive-behavioural interventions combined with increasing health-promoting behaviour to cope?
weight loss
what is cognitive behavioural therapy?
identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior.
high _____ and _____ costs are associated with substance abuse
economic, social