Wen Bing: Damp Warmth Flashcards
Damp-heat obstruct Wei qi
-Aversion to cold, little sweating, hiding fever and worsen in the afternoon, bandage head, heaviness sensation all over body, oppressed chest, no hunger, yellow complexion, no thirst, white greasy tongue coating, slow pulse
Obvious exterior damp: Huo Po Xia Ling Tang
(Huo Xiang, Hou Po, Jiang Ban Xia, Chi Fu Ling, Xing Ren, Yi Yi Ren, Bai Dou Kou, Zhu Ling, Dan Dou Chi, Ze Xie)
Obvious interior damp: San Ren Tang
Pathogen obstructed in Mo Yuan
-Alternated fever and chills, body pain, sweating, heavy limbs, vomiting, abdominal distention, thick greasy white tongue coating, slow pulse
Da Yuan Yin
(Bing Lang, Hou Po, Cao Guo, Zhi Mu, Shao Yao, Huang Qin, Gan Cao)
Lei Shi Xuan Tou Mo Yuan Fa
( Hou Po, Bing Lang, Cao Guo, Huang Qin, Huo Xiang, Ban Xia, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang)
Damp-heat obstructed in Middle Jiao
-Fever stays after sweating, thirst but drinks little water, distention in epigastria, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, yellow loose stools, concentrated urine, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery rapid pulse
Wang Shi Lian Po Yin-modification
Huang Lian, Hou Po, Shi Chang Pu, Ban Xia, Dan Dou Chi, Zhi Zi
Damp-heat with toxin
Fever, thirst, oppressed chest and abdominal distention, sore throat, concentrated urine, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery rapid pulse
Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan modification
(Hua Shi, Yin Chen Hao, Huang Qin, Shi Chang Pu, Chuan Bei Mu, Mu Tong, Huo Xiang, She Gan, Lian Qiao, Bo He, Bai Kou Ren)
Damp-heat transform to phlegm and covers PC
-Long last fever, milder in the morning, worsen in the evening, sometime sobriety, sometimes unconsciousness, sometimes delirium, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery rapid pulse
Chang Pu Yu Jin Tang
(Shi Chang Pu, Yu Jin, Zhi Zi, Lian Qiao, Mu Tong, Zhu Ye, Dan Pi, Zhu Li, Deng Xin, Zi Jin Pian)
+ Su He Xiang Wan, Zhi Bao Dan
Heat in Yangming, Damp in Taiyin
-High fever, sweating, thirst with desire to drink, red complexion, heavy breathing, heaviness sensation in body, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery rapid pulse
Bai Hu Jia Cang Zhu Tang
Bai Hu Tang + Cang Zhu
Dampness generate cold
-Fullness distention in abdomen, unfinished sensation after defecation, loose stools, poor apatite, white greasy tongue coating, slow pulse
Si Jia Jian Zheng Qi San
(Huo Xiang, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Hou Po, Cao Guo, Shan Zha, Shen Qu)
Wu Jia Jian Zheng Qi San
(Huo Xiang, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Hou Po, Da Fu Pi, Gu Ya, Cang Zhu)