Wells Flashcards
Is the well located so that there is no danger of pollution or flooding from unsanitary surroundings such as septic tanks, sewage plants, livestock/animal pens, UST’s, etc.?
Groundwater sources shall be located so that there will be no danger of pollution from flooding or from unsanitary surroundings, such as privies, sewage, sewage treatment plants, livestock and animal pens, solid waste disposal sites or underground petroleum and chemical storage tanks and liquid transmission pipelines, or abandoned and improperly sealed wells.
Significant Deficiency (EPA)
If a new well (or newly discovered PWS), has the well been properly constructed and tested?
The construction, disinfection, protection, and testing of a well to be used as a public water supply source must meet the following conditions.
New systems - A12.d2
Existing groundwater systems - B8, B18.c1, B18.c2
Is the well cased 18” above ground level?
The casing material used in the construction of wells for public use shall be new carbon steel, high-strength low-alloy steel, stainless steel or plastic. The material shall conform to AWWA standards. The casing shall extend a minimum of 18 inches above the elevation of the finished floor of the pump room or natural ground surface and a minimum of one inch above the sealing block or pump motor foundation block when provided. The casing shall extend at least to the depth of the shallowest water formation to be developed and deeper, if necessary, in order to eliminate all undesirable water-bearing strata. Well construction materials containing more than 0.25% lead are prohibited.
Electrical wiring installed in conduit?
Electrical wiring. All water system electrical wiring must be securely installed in compliance with a local or national electrical code.
If there are air release devices are they properly installed?
If an air release device is provided on the discharge piping, it shall be installed in such a manner as to preclude the possibility of submergence or possible entrance of contaminants. In this respect, all openings to the atmosphere shall be covered with 16-mesh or finer, corrosion-resistant screening material or an acceptable equivalent.
Does the well have a proper concrete sealing block? Is it in good condition?
In all cases, a concrete sealing block extending at least three feet from the well casing in all directions, with a minimum thickness of six inches and sloped to drain away at not less than 0.25 inches per foot shall be provided around the wellhead.
Is the well site fine graded so that surface water will drain away?
The well site shall be fine graded so that the site is free from depressions, reverse grades, or areas too rough for proper ground maintenance so as to ensure that surface water will drain away from the well. In all cases, arrangements shall be made to convey well pump drainage, packing gland leakage, and floor drainage away from the wellhead. Suitable drain pipes located at the outer edge of the concrete floor shall be provided to collect this water and prevent its ponding or collecting around the wellhead. This wastewater shall be disposed of in a manner that will not cause any nuisance from mosquito breeding or stagnation. Drains shall not be directly connected to storm or sanitary sewers.
Is the wellhead properly sealed by a gasket or sealing compound to minimize the possibility of contamination? Is the seal in good condition?
Wellheads and pump bases shall be sealed by a gasket or sealing compound and properly vented to prevent the possibility of contaminating the well water. A well casing vent shall be provided with an opening that is covered with 16-mesh or finer corrosion-resistant screen, facing downward, elevated and located so as to minimize the drawing of contaminants into the well. Wellheads and well vents shall be at least two feet above the highest known watermark or 100-year flood elevation, if available, or adequately protected from possible flood damage by levees.
If the well is equipped with a blow-off line, does it terminate in a downward direction? Is it protected from flooding?
If a well blow-off line is provided, its discharge shall terminate in a downward direction and at a point which will not be submerged by flood waters.
Is the well equipped with a raw water sampling tap on the discharge line?
A suitable sampling cock shall be provided on the discharge pipe of each well pump prior to any treatment.
Is a well meter provided on the well discharge line?
Flow-measuring devices shall be provided for each well to measure production yields and provide for the accumulation of water production data. These devices shall be located to facilitate daily reading.
Is the well enclosed in a lockable, ventilated building or an intruder-resistant fence?
All completed well units shall be protected by intruder-resistant fences, the gates of which are provided with locks or shall be enclosed in locked, ventilated well houses to exclude possible contamination or damage to the facilities by trespassers. The gates or wellhouses shall be locked during periods of darkness and when the plant is unattended.
Are all openings (casing vents, etc.) covered with 16-mesh or finer, corrosion resistant screening?
If an air release device is provided on the discharge piping, it shall be installed in such a manner as to preclude the possibility of submergence or possible entrance of contaminants. In this respect, all openings to the atmosphere shall be covered with 16-mesh or finer, corrosion-resistant screening material or an acceptable equivalent.
Is the well-site accessible by an all-weather road?
An all-weather access road shall be provided to each well site.
Disinfection injected on the well discharge line prior to storage?
All groundwater must be disinfected prior to distribution and in a manner consistent with the requirements of §290.110 of this title. The point of application must be ahead of the water storage tank(s) if storage is provided prior to distribution. Permission to use alternate disinfectant application points must be obtained in writing from the executive director.