Wellness Flashcards
Cumulative Risk
Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk
All the traits that are biologically passed on from your parents
The ability to adapt effectively and overcome difficulty, disappointment, or crisis
A good balance of all components of wellness, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
The ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that help guide the way you live
Lifestyle Factors
Personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
Beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
Refusal skills
Communication strategies that help you say no when you are urged to engage in unsafe behaviors
Taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse
A small area in center of brain. Plays an important role in hormone production and helps to stimulate processes in the body such as: sleep cycles, body temperature, thirst, and appetite
Circadian Rythm
Physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour day-night cycle
Biological clock
A person’s internal timing devices. It produces circadian rythms and regulates their timing
A common sleep disorder that affects your ability to sleep
A hormone in your body that plays a role in sleep. The production and release of melatonin increases when it’s dark out and decreases when it is light out.
Environmental Wellness
Occupying pleasent, stimulating environments that support well-being. It promotes interaction with nature and also creating an enjoyable personal environment
Occupational Wellness
The ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure in a way that promotes health, a sense of personal satisfaction and is (for most people) financially rewarding
Social Wellness
The ability to interact successfully with people and one’s personal environment
Financial Wellness
Having financial security and financial freedom of choice, in the present and in the future
Spiritual Wellness
Having a sense of meaning and direction in life that enables you to grow, learn, and meet new challenges
Intellectual Wellness
Recognizing one’s creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
Mental/Emotional Wellness
When one realizes one’s own abilities can cope with the normal stresses of life, self-regulate during stressful times, can work productively and fruitfully
Physical Wellness
Promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning
Optimal health, a way of life, making responsible decisions and lifestyle choices.
internal circadian rhythm of a person that influences the 24- hour cycle of sleep and activity (aka your “sleep personality,” or when you like to go to sleep)
Jet lag
a disruption of a person’s circadian rhythms from long-distance travel, causing extreme tiredness and other physical effects
High blood pressure
Angina Pectoris
Pain or tightness in the chest
Heart attack
Not enough oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles
Cardiac Arrest
Failure of electrical system in the heart, causing it to suddenly stop beating
Congestive heart failure
slow gradual weakening of the heart
Block of blood flow to the brain
uncontrolled cell growth
The spread of cancer cells beyond their original site
mild, not cancerous
Sun protective factor
Joint inflammation as joints wear out with age and injury.
Rheumatoid arthritis
a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs of other body systems are attacked