Well women exam Flashcards
FH high risk factors that may warrant early screening
breast, ovarian, uterine/endometrial, colorectal cancers
thyroid disease
familial hyperlipidemia
Ages 13-18 screening
recommended that initial OB/GYN appt occurs during these years
- ask about menstrual history
- FH
Ages 13-18 PE
-Tanner staging
-Pelvic exam–only when indicated by history (vaginal d/c, –menstrual disorder, pelvic pain)
abd exam
Ages 13-18 labs
- Chlamydia & gonorrhea (if sexually active)–can do urine test instead of pelvic exam
- HIV (if sexually active)
Ages 13-18 eval & counseling
- sexuality: address high risk behaviors, contraception, and STD prevention aka condoms*
- fitness & nutrition
- psychosocial: suicide, depression, Sexual abuse*
- tobacco, alcohol, drugs*
Ages 13-18 immunizations
- Tdap (diptheria, tetanus, & pertusis) booster 11-18 yrs*
- hep B if not already given
- HPV* can be given between ages of 9-45, gardasil 9 covers the most genotypes
- influenza annually
- MMR if not given already
- varicella 1 series for those without previous immunity
Ages 19-39 screening
- ask FH
- tobacco, alcohol, other drugs
- sexual practices–vaginal, oral, anal, orientation & partners
Ages 19-39 PE
-breast exam every 1-3 yrs beginning at age 20*
-pelvic: 19-20 yrs when indicated by medical history
ages 21 & older should get one
Ages 19-39 labs
Cervical cytology:
–ages 21-29 every 3 yrs cytology alone
–ages 30 & older every 3 yrs cytology alone OR co-test every 5 yrs
Chlamydia & gonorrhea testing:
–if 25 or younger & sexually active
–26+ who are at high risk should be screened routinely
Ages 19-39 eval & counseling
- sexuality & reproductive planning: reproductive health plan, preconception & genetic counseling, STDs & barrier protection
- psychosocial: intimate partner violence & rape prevention
- health risk: breast self-awareness
- tobacco, alcohol, & drugs
Ages 19-39 immunizations
- Tdap booster every 10 yrs*
- HPV for those not immunized*
- influenze vaccine annually
- MMR is not already given
- varicella if not already given
Ages 40-64 screeening
- FH
- tobacco, alcohol, drugs
- pelvic prolapse
- menopausal symptoms
Ages 40-64 PE
- breasts: yearly clinical exam*
- pelvic
Ages 40-64 labs
Cervical cytology:* --screen every 3 yrs with cytology alone OR --co-test every 5 years Colorectal cancer screening:* --begins ages 45-50 (AA recommended at 45) --colonoscopy every 10 yrs HIV* Lipid profile assessment:* --every 5 yrs beginning at 45 Mammography:* --yearly after 40 TSH: --every 5 yrs beginning at 50 Diabetes: --every 3 yrs beginning at 45
Ages 40-64 eval & counseling
- sexuality & reproductive: genetic testing, STD prevention (condoms)
- psychosocial eval: IPV (intimate partner violence), advance directives
- tobacco, alcohol, drugs
- breast self-awareness