Well Child Exam 1 Flashcards
Benefits of a medical home
mutual decision making, relationship free to discuss issues and expectations that issues are addressed, commitment, respect, trust
Promotes holistic care of the child and family by partnering with a primary pediatric health care provider
Role of the family with Adolescent Parents
The parent still requires nurturing, parent is still growing and developing, they want to return to school, reengage with friends/ activities
Lack of resources: transportation to health care appointments
live with parents/grandparents and share the responsibility of the child
question individual roles of (father= ask about individual needs and expectations), differences, and mutual goals
Role of the family with Adolescent Parents Supporting and encouraging environment
focus on parenting strengths in front of family members during visits and providing anticipatory guidelines= confidence and competence
Parenting classes, peer support programs, home visitation programs, community support services, role models, mentors, schools with on-site child care
Foster care may lead to
family reunification, permanent severance of parental custody, thereby creating the possibility of adoption by another family or a cycle of moving in and out of foster care until the child reaches adulthood
The child may be placed in kinship care with caregivers who are relatives, with nonrelative foster families, in treatment or therapeutic foster care home or group or congregate care home
Special needs in Foster care
most have been abused or neglected, not experienced a stable, nurturing environment during their early life
Experienced unrecognized fetal harm from prenatal alcohol exposure or other. teratogenic substances- toxic stress
slightly more than half of children return to their parent or principal caregiver, SUPPORT
What is different in kinship foster outside of state foster
they are not guaranteed special protection, monitoring, no training or financial support
Placement during the years of active brain development
risk of developing special health care concerns from abuse and neglect from foster care placement and impermanence of foster situation
Placement during infancy
environment is devoid of age-appropriate stimulation, nurturing, and communication or an environment of trauma affects cognitive and communication skills, alters relationships
placement during young childhood
experience profound and long-lasting consequences on all aspects of their development (poor attachment, under-stimulation, developmental delay, poor physical development & antisocial behavior)
Placement 6m - 3 yr
subsequent emotional disturbances in the child because of young child’s limited capacity and understanding the constraints of time and place
depends on nature of the attachment relationships before and after separation from biological parents and child’s response to stress
during first year needs quality trauma-informed care, may not lead to deleterious effect on social or emotional functioning
Trauma or toxic stressors
adaptive responses in kids
can employ healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms
Developmental issues important to consider in young children
the effect of traumas such as abuse, neglect, and inadequate or multiple foster placements on brain development
The nature of the attachment relationships before and after separation from the biological parents
the young child limited compacity for understanding the constraints of time and place that accompany the foster care experience
The child response to stress
Likely unmet medical needs in foster care
immunizations, poor medical hx, undiagnosed infections or illnesses, undiagnosed development delays
who is an important resource?
foster care agency caseworker
what is the HCP role in foster care?
comprehensively assess, treat, and advocate
acknowledge emotional rewards and challenges of foster parenting and addressing the multiple needs and concerns of foster family
need for episodic or recurrent hospitalizations, specialized procedures and treatments
helping families identify natural support and communitys resources
peer and community netoworks;