wek 4- endo 1 Flashcards
• Hypothalamus basic fxn:
o secrete hormones to ant pituitary thru portal vessels to control thyroid, adrenals, gonads, growth
o direct neural connection to post pituitary, storage for ADH and oxytocin
• 1st, 2nd, 3rd endocrine dos:
o 1: originates in peripheral endocrine gland
o 2: dt ↑ or ↓stim by pituitary
o 3: dt ↑ or ↓stim by HTH
• Hyper- and hypo-fxn of HTH:
o Hyper: ↑ stim by pituitary; hyperplasia/neoplasia of gland; ectopic hormone production (hormone-secreting neoplasia); exogenous hormone administration; auto-Abs (eg Grave’s dz)
o Hypo: ↓ stim by pituitary; AI, tumor, toxins, CA, vascular dos w/in gland; Genetic; Hormone resistance
• Endocrine cc hx:
o Ssx mb insidious and nonspecific! 1+ glands mb involved, broad ssx: metabolism, growth, energy, sexual fxn
o HPI, ROS: HA, heat/cold intolerance, response to exercise, Changes in menses, erectile fxn, skin, vision, weight
o FHx endo dos, CA, AI
• Endo cc PE, labs, image:
o PE: vitals, growth charts in kids, HEENT, genitalia exams, neuro/MSE
o Lab: peripheral & regulating hormone. Effects on circadian rhythms. Serum, urine, salivary samples. Dynamic testing (stimulation or suppression tests)
o Imaging: MRI or CT often needed, US, scans
• Pituitary dos:
o Anterior: empty sella, hypofxn (apoplexy, infarction/Sheehan syndrome, dwarfism), hyperfxn (hyperprolactinemia, acrmegaly & gigantism), adenoma, other masses
o Posterior: Central DI (or neurogenic), hyperfxn (SIADH)
• Empty Sella, 2 types
o radiographic finding; enlarged sella turcica not entirely filled w pituitary tissue
o 1st: defect diaphragm sella allows ↑CSF pressure to ↑ sella, compress and flatten pituitary (congenital or 2nd to injury); mb hormone def
o 2nd: mass (mb adenoma) enlarges the sella. →Hypopituitarism, or infarction. Pit tumor may secrete GH, prolactin, ACTH →hyperpituitarism
• Empty sella epidem, ssx, image:
o F > M, obese, HTN, post-injury (surgery, head trauma, ischemia after childbirth)
o SSX: mb asx, HA, visual field defects. ↑ or ↓hormonal secretion
o Imaging: x-ray skull and MRI brain. mass > 1cm requires hormonal testing for ↑ or ↓secretion
• Hypofunction of Ant Pit, causes
o Partial or total loss of anterior lobe fxn
o Causes: pit tumors (adenomas, CA), infiltrative lesions, cranio-pharyngiomas, sarcoidosis, arterial aneurysms, thromboses, postpartum shock (Sheehan’s), TBI, ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage; HTH dos {mass, lung or breast CA mets, iatrogenic (radiation tx), infx like TB meningitis}
• AP hypofxn ssx:
o depends on hormones affected
o GH def: ↓ serum glucose, mb asx in adult; In kids: → ↓ growth, maturation
o ↓ GN (LH and FSH) → ↓ sex fxn; F: amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, ↓ libido, infertility. M: erectile dysfxn, testicular atrophy, ↓ libido, infertility
o TSH def: facial puffiness, bradycardia, cold intolerance. Newborn: cretinism
o ACTH def (Addison’s): fatigue, hypotension, intolerance to stress
• AP hypofxn work-up:
o Labs: Hormones: 8am serum cortisol: > 3mcg/dl but lt 18 → measure ACTH (↓in hypopit); ↓cortisol & ↑ACTH = adrenal insuff
o ↓TSH, fT4
o GNs: M: ↓ T, LH. F: premenopausal w a/oligomenorrhea: Check FSH, LH, E2
o GH: ↓ IGF-1
o Provocative tests: GHRH, CRH, TRH, GnRH given together IV. Measure glucose, cortisol, GH, TSH, prolactin, LH, FSH, ACTH at intervals > 3 hrs
o Imag: CT or MRI
o DDX: anorexia nervosa, alcoholic liver dz, myotonia dystrophica, polyglandular AI dz
• Pituitary apoplexy, ssx, PE, comp, dx, px:
o =Sudden hemorrhage of pit adenoma → edema and hypofxn
o SSX: sudden onset severe HA, stiff neck, visual field defects (bitemporal hemianopsia dt pressure on optic chiasm, diplopia dt pressure on occulomotor nerves)
o PE: ↓BP; HEENT, visual fields by confrontation
o Comp: really big → coma, death, esp ACTH, cortisol def → hypotension. Less severe: sudden hypopit sxs
o Dx: MRI; mb blood in CSF
o Px: spontanteously resolve or w surgical decompression
• Pituitary Infarction, or Sheehan syndrome, path
o Aka: postpartum hypopituitarism or postpartum pituitary necrosis, dt hemorrhage & hypovolemic shock
o Path: 1) Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of lactotroph cells during pg → enlarged ant pit, w/o ↑blood supply
o 2) defect in ant pit ↓P portal venous system (post pit usu not affected dt direct arterial supply)
• Sheehan ssx, work-up:
o SSX: mb asx; Severe (life-threatening): lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, inability to lactate. Less severe: failure to lactate, menses doesn’t resume, ↓ sexual hair
o Workup: full hx, PE
o Lab: serum hormones: May affect 1+ (→ panhypopituitarism); ↓ prolactin
o Imag: x-ray sella turcica (empty sella syndrome or tumor present); uss CT or MRI
• Pituitary dwarfism (short stature)
o ↓ GH from pit or HTH dz. (may → ↓GH only or in panhypopit)
o Causes: Idiopathic, emotional deprivation, hereditary
o PE: plot body measurements Growth charts: ↓, w norm proportions = hallmark; ↓Height velocity; Puberty mb normal if def is GH, abn if panhypopit
o Lab/Dx: ↓ IGF-1 & GH (but st borderline norm)
o Imag: x-ray hands for bone age (delayed)
o DDX: usu genetic or dt physiological delay rather than GH def (familial, Constitutional Delay in Growth and Puberty CDGP, idiopathic short stature ISS)
o Pathologic: Undernutrition, Crohn’s, Celiac, Juvenile RA, CF, chronic kidney dz, skeletal dysplasias, hypothyroid, precocious puberty, Cushing’s
• Hyperfunctioning Anterior Pituitary
o Adenomas over-secrete hormones (or commonly none): PRL, GH, ACTH
o SSX depend on hormones: usu 1 affected, rest are ↓. Mb ↑intracranial P sxs if a mass (check for papilledema)