Weimar Republic Flashcards
When was the armistice signed by Imperial Germany?
11th November, 1918 at 5:00am
Who was called ‘wartime dictator’ during WWI in Germany?
General Eric Lundendorff
What happened in the ‘German Revolution’?
The German sailors in Wilhelmshaven rebelled and refused to obey orders in fear of their officers’ intention to order a suicide attack against the Royal Navy. This discontent spread through Germany and civilians began to join the sailors in protest for a fairer socialist system of government, more freedom of speech and civil liberties. Resultant of this was Germany was declared a Republic and Kaiser Wilhelm II went into voluntary exile.
When was Germany declared Republic?
9th November 1918
What was proportional representation?
The % of votes gained by a political party in an election directly correlated with the percentage of seats they gained in parliament.
E.g. if a party received 30% of votes all votes in elections they would occupy 30% of the seats in the Reichstag.
What was the ‘stabbed in the back myth’?
This myth was used as a scapegoat for Imperial Germany. The change of government before the signing of the armistice shifted the blame onto the newly formed Weimar Republic for betraying Germany. As many Germans blinded by Imperial Germany’s propaganda believed that the German army could have gone on to defeat the allies and win the war if the armistice had not been signed. However this was far from the truth.
Who were believed to be the ‘November Criminals’?
The ‘November Criminals’ was the term used by right-wing Germans to call those who had signed the armistice in 1918.
What were the conditions of the ‘Treaty of Versailles’?
- Pay reparations of 132 billion marks
- Demilitarization of Germany - The German armed forces were reduced and Germany was banned from having an air force and rearmament.
- They had to accept the blame for starting war in the ‘War Guilt Clause’
What were the crucial faults within the structure of the Weimar Republic that lead to its downfall?
- ‘Proportional Representation’ - Led to short-lived broad coalitions that could not work together due to the extreme ideas of the small parties causing conflict.
- ‘Article 48’ - due to the indecisive government Weimar counteracted this by having article 48 which gave the president power to overrule the Reichstag. This meant the president could pass laws without consulting the Reichstag and could even dissolve the Reichstag.
What were the main three reasons why Ludendorff pressed for a more democratic form of govt?
(1) Demands by American President Woodrow Wilson - wanted Germany to make steps toward a more democratic form of govt before peace negotiations.
(2) To undermine the growing revolutionary extreme parties - Ludendorff feared people would be subject to a breakout of mass disturbance by the right wing extremist inspired by the successful communist revolution in Russia.
(3) Scapegoat for Imperial Germany - changing system before armistice provided a scapegoat for Germany’s defeat, shifted the blame onto the new leadership. This became the origin of the stabbed-in-the-back myth.
‘People would vote for the national president (Head of State) every ……….’ Fill in the blank.
7 years
What was the problem with ‘proportional representation’?
This method of voting led to a lot of small parties (many with extremist views) in the Reichstag who then had to form coalition governments. These coalitions did not work as the extremist views of the small parties made it unlikely of them agreeing on key issues of govt. This meant no new laws were passed and little got done.
What was was the fundamental issue for the Weimar Republic due to ‘old Imperialism’?
‘Old Imperialism’ was the strong support for right-wing politics that continued even after the Weimar constitution implemented vast amounts of democratic rights and civil liberties into German law. This support mainly came from government officials apart of the Weimar govt itself. Support for far-right politics was even present in the judiciary. There was also the ‘Reichswehr’ which was made up of the old imperial army officers who were sympathetic to right-wing groups. Thus the right wing party was embedded deep within Weimar govt. This meant Weimar lacked support within its own government.
Who were the main 2 left wing parties?
- KPD (Communist Party of Germany)
- Spartacists
Who were the main 2 right wing parties?
- DNVP (German National Peoples Party)
- Friekorps