Weimar Republic Flashcards
Essays - collapse
Body 2
Failure of revolution allowed survival of conservative elites
Ebert-Groener pact no right wing army coup
- survival of elites
- no radical socioeconomic changes
Essays - collapse
Body 3
Depression hit, Weimar collapsed on itself
Ceased as early as March 1930
Brünings deflationary policies intensified effects
Conservative elites in army, business and around Hindenburg manoeuvred to destroy the republic
Growing acceptance of Hitler
Essays - support
Richard Evans
As Germany plunged deeper into the depression, growing number of citizens began to see the Nazi party as a possible way out
Essays - support
William Carr
The signature of the treaty cast a long shadow over the political life during the 1920s
Essays - support Richard Evans (political system)
The political system looked extremely fragile… The republic was far from achieving stability
Essays - collapse
Body 1
Burdened with defeat, armistice and treaty of Versailles
Republicans blamed for stabbing in back
November criminals
Great propaganda for the right wing