Weimar Republic 1918-1933 Flashcards
What is Dolchstoss?
Dolchstoss or the ‘stab in the back’ myth was the German idea that the Government had been betrayed by the Allies.
When was the Kiel Mutiny?
9th November 1918
What happened at the Kiel Mutiny?
At Germany’s main port, Kiel, sailors mutinied which sparked a revolution. As a result, the Kaiser was abdicated and Germany set up a new democratic government
Who was the first president of the Weimar republic?
President Ebert
What term did some Germans use to refer to the Weimar Government for the surrendering of WW1?
November Criminals
What were the two weaknesses of the constitution?
- Article 48 : the president could pass laws and suspend the constitution without the Reichstag’s consent.
- Proportional Representation : Parties gain seats based on number of votes, meaning small parties were guaranteed to get into the Reichstag. This became harder to make decision as there were so many parties and points of views.
Treaty of Versailles :
Give one fact for each of TRAWL
Territory : Germany lost 13% of land e.g Alsace-Lorraine to France.
Reparations : Forced to pay £6.6 billion for damages. Amount decided in 1921.
Army : Army reduced to 100,000 men. Were not allowed armoured vehicles, aircraft or submarines.
War Guilt : Article 231 said Germany had to take the blame for the war. War-Guilt Clause
League of Nations : Organisation who aimed to settle international disputes peacefully. Germany was not allowed to join.
Munich Putsch
Led by Adolf Hitler. 8th November 1923.
He wanted power and to overthrow government. Violent political uprising. Stormed a meeting at the Beer Hall. Ended in failure with 14 Nazis dead and Hitler in prison.
Kapp Putsch
Led by Wolfgang Kapp. March 1920. Wanted to create a new right-wing government. Freikorps marched to Berlin to overthrow, but German workers staged a general strike. Kapp forced to give up.
Spartacist Uprising
Led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. January 1919. Wanted to take over Berlin. Took control of important building and 50,000 workers went on strike. Ebert asked Freikorps to stop the revolt. Over 100 workers killed as Freikorps used violence and caused political split.
Why did the occupation of the Ruhr occur?
Who and When?
French and Belgian troops invaded Ruhr in 1922 because Germany didn’t pay their reparations. They occupied the region in order to take money that they were owed, and had access to their iron and coal reserves. Caused a huge strike.
What caused hyperinflation?
Strikes in the Ruhr ordered by the Government meant they still had to pay workers. This led to printing more money.
What was hyperinflation?
Prices increased and the value of money decreased.
In 1918, an egg cost 1/4 of a mark.
In 1923, it cost 80 million marks.
Currency became worthless. Hardest hit was to the middle class.
What was the temporary currency introduced called?
Renten Mark
Who introduced the mark?
What else did he do?
Chancellor Gustav Stresemann. He halted hyperinflation and ended the strike in the Ruhr. Eased tensions between Germany and other countries. Made decisions easier with the ‘great coalition’ (pro democracy group who agreed to work together).
The Dawes Plan
- Secured France and Belgiums withdraw from the Ruhr.
- Agreed more realistic payment dates for reparations. USA lent £40 million to help pay off other debts.
The Young Plan
Allies agreed to reduce reparations to a quarter of the original amount and given 59 years to pay them.
The Locarno Pact
October 1925.
Germany, France and Belgium agreed to respect joint borders.
League of Nations
Allowed Germany to join and was reestablished as an international power.
The Kellogg-Briand Pact
Signed by Germany alongside 65 other countries to promise NOT to use violence when settling disputes.
What was the Wall Street Crash?
A massive stock market crash in the USA which started a global economic depression. The Dawes Plan fell through as USA didn’t have enough money to loan Germany and wanted loans repaid.