Weimar Germany Flashcards
What are the constitutional reforms and the appointment of Prince Max of Baden in 1918 known as?
The Revolution from Above
What event started the Revolution from Below?
Kiel Mutiny, 29th October 1918
What did Ebert sign to get the support of the army?
Ebert-Groener Pact
What article allowed rule by decree in an emergency?
Article 48
Who could vote in Weimar Germany?
Anyone over 20
What happened in October 1929?
Wall Street Crash
Which Chancellor (known as the hunger chancellor) had to get Hindenburg to pass laws with article 48?
In 1932 how many laws were passed by the Reichstag and how many by article 48?
5 laws by Reichstag and 66 laws by article 48.
Who replaced Brüning in May 1931?
Von Papen
Who replaced Von Papen in December 1932?
Von Schleicher
Who ran against Hindenburg for the presidency in 1932 and lost by 19.4 million votes to 13.4 million?
Which party won the most seats in July 1932?
What was the von Papen deal?
Von Papen convinced Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor with him as vice chancellor believing that he could use Hitler as a puppet.
What did the Treaty of Versailles mean for Germany?
Germany lost 13% of her land and all her colonies. Anschluss with Austria was forbidden. They had to demilitarise the Rhineland. The army was limited to 100,000 troops. They had to pay 132,000 million
marks in reparations. Article 231 - war guilt clause.
Who took part in the Kapp Putsch in March 1920?
What left-wing revolt took place in 1919?
The Spartacus Revolt
Why was there hyperinflation in 1923?
After the invasion of the Ruhr the government had to print more money to pay striking workers.
What agreement was reached with the leader of trade unions, industrialists and the government who offered legislation on working hours and adequate union representation?
the Stinnes Leigen Agreement
Out of 705 protestors involved in the Kapp Putsch how many were punished?
How many people were punished for the 354 right wing assassinations?
How were those involved in the 22 left wing political murders?
17 were sentenced to severe punishments and 10 to death.
How did the government restore order after regional communist governments were set up in Bavaria and Saxony?
Reichsexekution - where the army and freikorps overthrew the governments and replaced them with a temporary civillian government.
What percentage of the population were receiving federal welfare payments by 1924?
What was government debt in 1918?
150 billion marks
What did Germany announce in 1922?
that they couldn’t pay the next instalment of reparations.
What did French and Belgian troops do in 1923?
They invaded the Ruhr to get goods equivalent to missing reparation payments.
Who introduced many policies which stabilised the economy?
Gustav Stresemann
What was banned when the Rentenmark was introduced in December 1923?
Notgeld - emergency money.
What was the Rentenmark based on?
Land/property value rather than gold reserves.
What did the Dawes Plan agree?
The USA would loan Germany, 800 million marks and the reparations were reduced and the deadline to pay them was extended.
What replaced the Dawes Plan in 1929?
The Young Plan
By the mid-1920s, how many cartels were there?
2,500 cartels
Due to the US policy of isolationism what did many countries do?
Put tariffs on foreign goods. Tariffs on German goods were initially very high.
When was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
When was the Locarno Pact signed?
When did Germany join the League of Nations?
What was agricultural production in the 1920s compared to pre-1914?
74% of pre-1914 levels
What lead to a fall in industrial production?
Unemployment after the Wall Street Crash meant that people didn’t have money to spend on buying goods so deman went down.
By 1932, how many people were unemployed? How much had real wages fallen by?
Over 6 million people and real wages fell by 14%.
When was the unemployment insurance law introduced?
What law introduced in 1924 set up municipal social welfare offices to provide poor relief?
Reich Social Welfare Law
What was seldom in place in factories by 1924 although legally required?
8 hour working day
Why did employers prefer to employ women?
Their wages were lower.
How many lodgers were there in Berlin in 1925?
130,500 lodgers
Education was regionally controlled - what law was the Weimar government unable to pass to change this?
Federal Education Law
In 1928, what percentage of uni students came from working class backgrounds?
What did students join at university which sometimes excluded people based on race or social class?
Which article of the constitution established equal rights for men and women?
Article 109
How many women were elected to the Reichstag between 1919-32?
In 1925 what percentage of the workforce was female?
When did the school day finish?
What characterised the Weimar ‘new woman’?
She wore make-up, dyed her hair, smoked and drank. They would wait longer before getting married and would go out unchaperoned.
What were new artistic movements in Weimar Germany?
Bauhaus and Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity).
Who made up the art elite culture - supported by the wealthy?
The most experimental artists, intellectuals and writers who gave modernism and expressionism a darker twist.
What were examples of government subsidised culture?
Theatres, orchestras, museums and libraries were subsidised to wider access to them.
What was the government organised film consortium which made most German films including Metropolis?
Which article of the constitution asserted the right of ethnic groups to use their own language?
Who was assassinated after his appointment to the cabinet? What did the government do in response?
Rathenau, some anti-Semitic organisations were banned.
When was the League of German Defence and Defiance banned?
Which group did some Lander make laws against, including demanding that they carry ID cards?