Weimar Democracy 1914 to 1929 Flashcards
Using statistics, what was the economic impact of WW1 in Germany?
Germany lost 75% of its iron ore, 68% of its zinc ore, and 25% of its coal production.
Manufacturing output was down 30% in 1919 compared to 1914
144 billion mark debt in 1919
Describe what happened during the hyperinflation crisis, including when and why it happened.
The French invaded the Ruhr in 1923 as Germany hadn’t paid their reparations (couldn’t afford it)
Germany responded with passive resistance (which they also couldn’t afford)
They printed more money but prices rose exponentially
What were the consequences of the hyperinflation crisis?
Production decreased and businesses collapsed as people worked less for ‘more’ money (which wasn’t really work anything)
Many became unemployed, and those with pensions or savings suffered
People with debt somewhat benefitted
Describe what happened during the Wall Street Crash, including when and why it happened.
World trade collapsed in 1929, causing America to request loans back which Germany couldn’t afford
What were the consequences of the Wall Street Crash?
Heavy increase in unemployment, with 6 million officially unemployed after it hit.
When were the Golden Years and what were the two plans which helped boost Germany’s economy?
1924 to 1929
Dawes Plan (1924)
Young Plan (1929)
When and what was the Dawes Plan?
In 1924, the US granted Germany loans to help rebuild their economy and pay off reparations, which also boosted employment
When and what was the Young Plan?
1929, it gave Germany longer to pay less reparations to help boost employment, and production
When and what was the Ebert-Groener Pact?
1919, ensured the army supported the government
When and what was the Stinnes-Legien Pact?
1919, improved relations between the government and Trade Unions
Describe what happened during the Spartacist Rising, including when it was and why it failed.
In 1919, Liebknecht and Luxemburg led the communist rising and tried to create a revolutionary government by sending armed communists to public places.
It failed to win support from the working-class and they were incapable of launching a unified attack on the Weimar Republic.
Ebert ordered the Freikorps to crush the rising, with Liebknecht and Luxemburg being killed.
Describe what happened during the Kapp Putsch, including when it was and why it failed.
In 1920, far-right Luttwitz and Kapp tried to overthrow the government by marching 5,000 Freikorps troops into Berlin.
Kapp declared the Weimar Republic was overthrown but the army didn’t support either side.
The SPD called a general strike which was supported by communists (but not Ebert)
They left after 4 days as they failed to exert any real authority as the government didn’t follow the orders and the army didn’t support them.
Describe what happened during the Munich Putsch including when it was and why it failed.
Hitler and Ludendorff led 3,000 men into Munich in 1923, hoping for mass support which they didn’t get.
They were both arrested, although not for very long as Hitler turned it into a propaganda victory.
Describe Germany’s political voting system, including the positives and drawbacks of the system.
Proportional representation. % of the votes = % of the seats.
+ A fair and democratic system
- Extremely difficult to get a majority, meaning there was instability
Describe what Article 48 was and why it was problematic.
Granted the president the power to act without consulting the Reichstag in an emergency.
An ‘emergency’ was not defined so the president could use it whenever they wanted.
When and what were the Locarno Treaties?
1925, it brought more peace around Europe as countries respected Germany’s borders and they were treated as an equal partner.
How many cartels did Germany have by 1925 and what did they do?
They had 3,000 cartels by 1925 which helped to improve industrial growth and profits.