Weight and Balance Flashcards
If an aircraft is loaded so that the aft C.G. limit is exceeded, what undesirable flight characteristic is likely to result?
The aircraft will be tail-heavy and may be unable to recover from a stall or spin.
If all the records for an aircraft are missing, how would you determine the empty weight and empty weight C.G.?
The aircraft would have to be weighed, and new weight and balance records would have to be prepared.
Define “tare weight” and describe how it is handled when weighing an aircraft.
Tare weight is the weight of anything on the scales that is not part of the aircraft. It must be subtracted from the scale weight reading to determine the net weight of the airplane.
If a piece of equipment such as a radio is added to an aircraft, how can you determine the effect on weight and balance without re-weighing the aircraft?
If the weight and balance records are up to date, a new weight and C.G. location can be determined by computation.
Why is control of the weight and balance of an aircraft important?
To provide maximum safety.
What is the datum of an aircraft and what is its function?
The datum is an imaginary vertical plane at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the airplane. It is the reference point from which all horizontal measurements are taken.
How do you determine the moment of an item of equipment?
The weight of an item is multiplied by its arm, which is the distance between the item and the datum.
What are two ways of measuring the arm of an item of equipment?
Measure the distance between the item and the datum, or use data supplied by the manufacturer.
What should be done to obtain a positive (plus) moment aft of the datum?
Add weight.
What should be done to obtain a negative (minus) moment aft of the datum?
Remove weight.
What should be done to obtain a positive (plus) moment forward of the datum?
Remove weight.
What should be done to obtain a negative (minus) moment forward of the datum?
Add weight.
How does the category of an aircraft affect its loaded weight?
Aircraft certificated in more than one category, such as Normal and Aerobatic, may have two different maximum gross weights and different useful loads.
As you prepare an aircraft for weighing, you determine that there is equipment aboard that is not permanently installed and recorded on the equipment list. What should you do with this equipment?
All equipment not permanently installed in the aircraft or included on the equipment list should be removed from the aircraft.
Define the term “residual fuel.”
Any fuel that remains in the tanks, lines, and engines, after the system has been drained.
Define the term “residual oil.”
Any oil that remains in the tanks, lines, and engines, after the system has been drained.
How would you account for fuel when weighing an aircraft to determine weight and balance?
Either drain the fuel system until only unusable fuel remains, or fill the tanks full and subtract out the weight of the useable fuel.
Where are leveling instructions found, and describe one method of leveling an aircraft?
Leveling instructions are found in the TCDS. An aircraft may be leveled by using a spirit level at specified points, or an aircraft may be leveled by using a plumb bob from designated point along with a leveling scale or protractor.
Define the term “Mean Aerodynamic Chord” or MAC.
Mean Aerodynamic Chord is the chord drawn through the center of the wing area.
Describe the two most common ways of showing the C.G. location and/or C.G. range.
In inches from the datum or in percent of the MAC.
What is the purpose of an aircraft loading graph?
It is a method for determining how to distribute the load so as to keep the C.G. with-in allowable limits.
What is a ballast, and why would you use it in an airplane?
Ballast is weight added to an airplane to bring its C.G. into the allowable or desired range.
Installation of several new radios in the nose of an aircraft causes the forward C.G. limit to be exceeded. How can you correct this problem without removing the new equipment?
Ballast may be installed in the tail to move the C.G. aft.
How does the C.G. range of a helicopter compare to that of a fixed-wing airplane?
Helicopters typically have a much smaller C.G. range.
What should be done concerning fuel when performing weight and balance?
Drain the fuel until empty.
Why is accurate up-to-date empty weight center of gravity data so important?
All other weight and balance calculations are based on Empty Weight Center of Gravity.
List items found in the TCDS that is of concern to aircrafts weight and balance.
C.G. ranges, Max weight. Leveling means, number of seats, baggage capacity, fuel type, datum, engine HP, amount of fuel, amount of oil.
Describe a plumb bob and its use?
A sharp pointed cylinder or cone shaped heavy metal object, used to determine a spot that is 90 degrees to the point the plumb bob is hanging from.
How can you determine the effect of a new item of equipment on the aircrafts weight and balance without weighing the aircraft?
The effect can be determined by basic computation if the weight and balance records are up-to-date.
What is recommended markings for permanent ballast?
“Permanent Ballast” Do Not Remove (In Red Paint).
Before a helicopter is weighed it must be leveled in what direction?
Longitudinally and laterally.