Weeks 8-9 Ruth Ingram Flashcards
What is speech?
Translating an idea into a sentence structure and producing the appropriate word.
What are three steps that most speech models would agree on?
- Selecting a word based on the meaning one wants to convey.
- Retrieving and specifying the grammatical properties of the word.
- Retrieving the phonological patterns needed to articulate the word.
What is lexicalisation?
Selecting a word based on the meaning one wants to convey from the network of options.
(See spreading activation model).
What is the lemma?
The world level information that specifies the syntactic components of a word.
(It’s modality independent - whether you’re writing or speaking it’s the same).
What is the lexeme?
The phonological code that drives articulation.
What are the three steps of speech theories and their associated term: lexicalisation, lemma and lexeme?
- Selecting a word based on the meaning one wants to convey.
= Lexicalisation - Retrieving and specifying the grammatical properties of the word.
= Lemma - Retrieving the phonological patterns needed to articulate the word.
= Lexeme
Explain the speech errors that occur when you have issues with lexicalisation.
Freudian slips:
The substitution of one word for another that is sometimes thought to reflect the hidden intentions of the speaker.
Name the 3 speech errors that occur when you have issues with the lexeme.
Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
What are Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon (ToT)?
Knowing conceptually what you want to say but being unable to retrieve the corresponding spoken form.
What are spoonerisms?
The initial consonants are swapped between words.
What are malapropisms?
Saying a word with a similar phonological form to the intended word.
(Sounds similar but incorrect words)
Outline Levelt’s model of word retrieval.
Word retrieval happens in 2 discrete, sequential stages.
E.g., Lexeme retrieval does not begin until lemma selection is complete.
What is some evidence from natural speech to support Levelt’s model?
Correct lemma selection even for homophones.
We rarely use homophones in the wrong way, suggesting that the lemma comes first.
What is a homophone?
One of two or more words, such as night and knight, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling.
What is some evidence from speech errors to support Levelt’s model?
ToT Phenomenon:
Lexicalisation and retrieval of lemma without retrieval of lexeme (Stage 1 happened without stage 2)
Give two examples of evidence that suggest issues with Levelt’s model.
Mixed errors:
- Speech errors where the intended word and produced word are similar semantically and phonologically.
ToT Phenomenon:
- How does it occur when you know which phoneme the word starts with but not the word?
(Should be impossible if the lemma has to come first)
Outline Dell’s model of word retrieval.
It includes three stages:
- Lexicalisation (Semantic)
- Lemma (Syntax, lexical, word level)
- Lexeme (phonological, phonemes)
There is interactivity between these layers.
Multiple kinds of information (semantic, lexical, phonological) are active simultaneously with selection of the ‘winning’ word retrieved arising via a competitive process.
Give an example of what ‘competitive process’ means in Dell’s model of speech production.
Give the model some input (e.g., picture of dog)
Triggers activation of nodes at different levels.
How ‘active’ nodes become is based on the ‘weighting’ of their connections.
Activation spreads based on weighting until a pattern of nodes exceeds a threshold.
The word represented by the ‘winning’ pattern will be retrieved.
(Slide 11 of Speaking Brain 2 if confused)
How does interactivity in Dell’s model explain mixed errors?
Activation simultaneously at the semantic and phonological layers:
The produced word is both phonologically and semantically similar (“oyster” for “lobster”)
How does interactivity in Dell’s model explain parts of the ToT phenomenon?
Activation at the phonological layer but a word hasn’t “won” the competition yet.
Explains ToT whilst knowing it starts with a certain phoneme.
What is Logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA)?
Speech characterised by word-finding impairment and phonological speech errors (phonemic paraplegias).
Semantic memory is normal.
(effects writing & speaking abilities) - check living with LPA YT vid
How could Dell’s model explain Logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA)?
Could simulate this pattern of impairment with issues with the phonological-lexical layer, with intact semantic-lexical layer.
What is LPA associated with? - disease and location of atrophy.
Alzheimer’s disease
Atrophy in the left posterior temporal cortex.
What is the SLAM model of speech production?
Semantic -> Lexical -> Auditory -> Motor
Process is as follows:
Temporal lobes -> Auditory cortex -> inferior parietal cortex -> Frontal cortex
Based on evidence of dual stream model of speech.
Name the two streams in the Dual stream model of speech and explain them.
Dorsal stream for speech production (motor):
- Auditory information is passed through the parietal lobe to the inferior frontal gyrus and motor cortex.
Ventral stream for speech comprehensions (semantics):
- Auditory information is passed through temporal cortex to temporal pole for comprehension (semantic knowledge).
What does “stream” refer to in the dual stream model of speech?
A collection of brain areas working together.
Outline the timing of activation in brain regions (3) in the dorsal stream of the dual stream model during speech repitition.
Superior Temporal Gyrus first.
- When the patient first hears what they are being asked to repeat.
Brocas area.
- Process between hearing and repeating it.
Motor cortex.
- Articulation of speech they are being asked to repeat
What did Walker & Hickok propose in their SLAM model about speech production?
That it involves the ventral stream in reverse THEN the dorsal stream:
Semantic -> Lexical -> Auditory -> Motor.
Temporal lobes -> Auditory cortex -> Inferior parietal cortex -> frontal cortex.
Describe Fridriksson et al. (2018) patient evidence for the SLAM model.
(hint - philadelphia naming test)
- 159 individuals with post-stroke aphasia.
- Behavioural test batter: variety of language tasks.
- (E.g., picture naming or matching a picture to a heard word - recognition)
- MRI of grey and white matter.
- Lesion-symptom mapping created a connectome (see bottom) in speech recognition, word recognition and Philadelphia naming test which was akin to the SLAM model.
(connectome = complete map of neural connections in a nervous system).
What is syntax?
The rules that specify how words can be combined into sentences.
What is parsing?
Assigning a syntactic structure to words.
Outline Paul Brocas patient ‘Tan’ study and findings.
Broca was a researcher interested in localising brain functions to brain areas.
Observed an individual (Tan) who could only produce single words not sentences (just the word ‘tan’)
Upon autopsy, saw that there was damage to left frontal lobe region.
Broca presumed this region was critical for production sentences.
This region became labelled Broca’s area.
What is the cardinal symptom of Broca’s aphasia?
Agrammatism (loss of grammar) in speech production.
Results in speech which is characterised by the absence of function words and verbs.
It’s often assessed through the cookie theft test.
Describe the Friederici et al. (2006) study into the neural correlates of Broca’s area.
- fMRI of 13 healthy participants.
- Task: judge validity of sentences with increasing grammatical complexity
- Broca’s area (BA44) had greater activity with comprehension of sentences with increasing syntactic complexity.
What are the two debated answers to what feature drives parsing?
- Based only on syntactic properties (syntax separate from semantics)
- Influenced by semantic properties of words.
(semantics integrated with syntactic processing)
What is a garden path sentence?
A sentence in which the early part biases a syntactic interpretation that turns out to be incorrect.
What is the N400 ERP component?
Responds to semantic anomalies regardless of sentence context.
(“I take coffee with milk and dog”)
When do we see the P600 ERP component?
for Syntactic anomalies regardless of semantic content.
(“The boiled watering can smoking the telephone in the cat”)
Which area is there atrophy in Logopenic aphasia and what does it cause?
Left Posterior Temporal Cortex.
Wording finding impairment due to impairment due to impaired phonological working memory.
Sentence comprehension deficits affected by sentence length not syntactic complexity.
Describe the Makuuchi et al., (2009) fMRI study revealing the neural correlates of working memory and syntax.
- 18 healthy participants
- fMRI
- Tasks: Read sentences (and some comprehension questions)
- Variables:
- Structure: embedding/no embedding (SYNTAX)
- Distance: number of words between main subject and verb 4 or 8 (WORKING MEMORY)
- Left pars opercularis (BA44) activity increased with structural complexity (Syntax)
- Left inferior frontal sulcus (BA45) activity increased with working memory demands.
(Slide 33 of Speaking Brain 2)
What are the two Brodmann’s areas that Brocas area is comprised of? What are their roles?
BA44 (posterior):
- Processing hierarchical structures and sequencing.
- E.g., sentence level constructions and feedforward predictions.
BA45 (anterior):
- Working memory and semantic control.
- E.g., Judging semantic-ness such as concreteness or synonym judgements.
What is articulation?
The formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.
What is syllabification?
The process of segmenting phonological information into syllables across adjacent morphemes and adjacent words.
Describe the Peeva et al. (2010) study into the neural correlates of articulation.
fMRI repetition suppression test
- 18 healthy participants.
- fMRI-RS (repetition suppression)
- Task: read aloud bi-syllabic pseudo-words.
RESULTS: Neural Correlates
- Phoneme level: Supplementary motor area, Pallidum (Globus Pallidus: basal ganglia), posterior superior temporal gyrus.
- Syllable level: ventral premotor cortex.
What is apraxia of speech and where does damage occur to cause this?
Difficulty shaping the vocal tract leading to altered speech production.
- Semantics, syntax
- Word retrieval
- Muscle tone of articulators.
Damage to Insula - suggested cause.
What is dysarthria and where does damage occur to cause this?
Impairment in muscular contractions of articulators leading to altered speech production.
- Semantics, syntax
- Word retrieval.
Damage to the cerebellum and basal ganglia
Describe the Desmurget et al., (2009) into the neural correlates of articulation.
Awake Brain Surgery
- 7 participants undergoing awake brain surgery for tumours.
- 57 sites stimulated with electrodes.
- Electromyographic (EMG) recording from contralateral hemibody.
- Stimulating:
- Left inferior parietal areas lead to participants to believe they had moved their lips to talk.
- Premotor region triggered mouth movements that participants were not conscious of.
What are executive functions?
Executive functions are control processes that enable an individual to optimise performance, requiring coordination of basic cognitive processes
Executive functions are domain-general control processes with neural correlates in PFC
What did Brodmann do?
Brodmann mapped the human cortex based on CELLULAR STRUTURE and identified 52 BROADMANN AREAS
What are the principles of problem solving tests?
- Participants are given an end point (aka a goal) and a starting point
- Participants must generate a solution of their own (generating a solution is also known as TASK-SETTING)
Give an example of a problem solving test
Eg: Tower tests such as the TOWER OF LONDON (ToL) test
Describe the Ruocco et al. (2014) Problem Solving study
(hint - ToL)
- 38 healthy participants
- Task: Scarborough adaptation of ToL (Ps had to solve the task with only 2 moves)
- Measured Trait Deliberation (aka the tendency to think carefully before acting)
- Used functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- Findings: Increased activation in the Left Dorsolateral PFC when solving problems
(even higher activation in individuals with HIGH TRAIT DELIBERATION)
What is the role of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex?
ACC -> Overcoming habitual responses
What is the role of the Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral PFCs ?
Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral PFCs -> Problem solving
What is a habitual response?
A habitual response is one that we engage in AUTOMATICALLY
(It is also an aspect of executive function)
What other concepts is the habitual response related to?
The habitual response is related to:
- Response inhibition (aka reducing the likelihood of a particular thought / action)
- Impulsivity (a behavioural tendency to make immediate responses / seek immediate rewards)
What tests are used for habitual responses?
- Stroop test
- Go / No-Go test
Describe the Stroop test
Color names are presented to participants in a different colour than the one they describe (word “blue” written in red)
Reading the word is habitual, so generates an incorrect response which must be inhibited
Incorrect response competes with the less habitual task of naming the ink colour
Describe the Alexander et al. (2017) stroop test study
- 38 healthy controls
- 42 Ps with FRONTAL lesions
- Ps were given a STROOP TASK and scanned with fMRI to relate LESION LOCATION to REACTION TIMES (slow reaction time = less able to inibit a habitual response)
- Slower reaction time and decreased correct responses associated w lesions in:
Describe the Go / No-Go test
Told to make a response (press button) for certain stimuli (‘Go’) but inhibit responding (‘No-go’) to other stimuli (ther are more trials with GO than No-go stimuli).
Ps usually start to respond habitually (press button habitually) because the ‘Go’ stimuli are much more frequent => In Go/No-go, habitual responding is due to frequency of different stimui
Errors on ‘No-go’ trials:
* Measure of response inhibition
* Behavioural marker of impulsivity
Describe the Picton et al., (2007) go/no-go task study.
- 38 healthy controls
- 42 patients with FRONTAL LOBE lesions
- Ps were given a Go / No-Go task (Go: A / No-Go: B, C, D)
- Reaction times and errors were measured (false alarms -> impulisivity)
- More false alarms associated with lesions in the SUPERIOR MEDIAL FRONTAL LOBE:
1. DORSOMEDIAL PFC -> problem solving
2. ANTERIOR CINGULATE CORTEX (ACC) -> not sure yet of function
3. PRE-SUPPLEMENTART CORTEX (pre-SMA) -> motor responses
How are response time and accuracy affected after making an error?
Humans and non-human primates are slower and more accurate after making an error – error detection + compensation
- Trial: Correct + 1 = quick and reasonably accurate
- Trial: Error + 1 = slower and more accurate
What evidence is there for the role of the ANTERIOR CINGULATE CORTEX (ACC) in error detection?
- ACC lesions in monkeys Error + 1 is not slower or more accurate (Rushworth et al., 2003)
- EEG evidence of a response in the ACC to errors (Gehring et al., 1993)
While there is a general agreement that the ACC is part of an error prevention network it is still unsure how.
What is error-related negativity?
Error-related negativity = an event-related potential component in EEG detected when an error is made (Gehring et al., 1993)
- After an error, relatively
large negative deflection in
EEG signal - “appears to have its origins
in the ACC”
*More precisely, the brain region
responsible for the change
in behaviour is the LATERAL PFC (Kerns et al., 2004)
What 2 theories have been proposed for the role of the ACC?
- Strategic control processes to reduce response conflict in top-down manner
- Evaluative processes just to detect response conflict (different neural correlates for control)
*it could also be both but there is still debate in the field
Describe the Carter et al. (2000) study
hint: modified stroop test
* fMRI of 12 healthy controls
- Modified Stroop test ->
- C = congruent [GREEN with green ink]
- I = incongruent [GREEN with red ink]
* ACC activity:
* Not modulated by trial type during high strategic control trials regardless of response conflict (I/c, I/i)
* Greatest for high conflict trials in the low strategic control condition (C/i)
**Evaluation of response conflict not control processes
*this research suggests that the ACC seems to be doing the evaluation response conflict rather than the Top Down processing, however there is still debate
What are 2 subdivisions of the ACC and what are they involved in?
- Dorsal region implicated in executive functions
- Ventral region implicated in emotional processing
What does Rushworth et al. (2007) argue about the function of the ACC?
Rushworth et al. (2007) argue that the function of the ACC is to *assess the value of responses
Orbitofrontal / Ventromedial PFC-> Task-switching
What is a schema?
Schema: a structured body of prior knowledge that captures common patterns across related experiences
What is task-switching?
Task-switching: discarding a previous schema and establishing a new one (also known as ‘set-shifting’)
What concept is task-switching related to?
hint: similar to it but not the same
Task-switching is related to the concept of perseveration: failure to
shift away from a previous response (not the same thing but related!)
What are the 2 tests used for task-switching?
- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)
- Iowa Gambling Task
Describe the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Task: match card to 1 of 4 reference cards whose symbols vary in: Shape,
Number, Colour.
But subjects are not told according to which variation to sort them -> they have to figure out the rule which is then switched during the experiment to test their task-switching abilities
there is a clear increase in response time when the rule is changed
Describe the difference in RTs between No-switch and switch trials in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
- minimal change in RT between No switch and No-switch trials
- Big difference in reaction times between No-switch and Switch
trials -> the Switch Cost
[ Related to activity/integrity of the (left) dorsolateral PFC (Aron et al., 2004; Li et al., 2012) ]
What is the Switch Cost and when can we predict it to be higher?
The Switch Cost = a slowing of response time due to **discarding a previous schema and setting up a new one
*The Switch Cost is greater when
discarding a complex schema to set
up a simple one !
Describe the Meuter & Allport (1999) task-switching study
hint: bilinguals, switch cost
- 16 Bilinguals:
Task: Numeral naming in their first and second languages
- Measured response latency when
switching L2 -> L1 or L1 -> L2 - Results:
- All ps. showed slower naming in L2 overall (harder task than naming in L1)
* Bilinguals are slower at switching
from L2 (hard) to L1 (easy)
- The Switch Cost is greater when discarding a complex schema to set up a simple one
-> Related to the (left) dorsolateral PFC
Describe the Iowa Gambling Task
- Subjects given a “loan” of e.g., $2000
- Each round, choose a card from 1 of 4 decks
- Receive either a gain or a loss
- Decks have different returns over the entire task:
- A+B = start good, become bad – need to switch AWAY from them
- C+D = start okay, become good – need to switch TO them
Describe the Iowa Gambling Task - neural correlates study
hint: Individuals with ventromedial PFC lesions
- Ps with ventromedial PFC lesions
- Measured net choice of advantageous decks
- (young) healthy controls learn
to switch from ‘Bad’ decks to
‘Good’ decks - Individuals with ventromedial
PFC lesions: - **Fail to switch from ‘Bad’ decks
to ‘Good’ decks over time - Show intact performance on
other tests of executive
function (Stroop, WCST)
What are Hot / Cold executive function control processes?
- ‘Hot’ – stimuli related to reward (food, money)
- ‘Cold’ – purely cognitive stimuli (sensory dimensions)
* Each of them is associated with related executive functions:
- Reversal learning:
* Learning that a previously rewarded stimulus or response is no
longer rewarded
* By default: **‘hot’ control process - Task-switching (also known as set shifting):
* Discarding a previous schema and establishing a new one
* By default: **‘cold’ control process
Describe the Dias et al., (1996) (adapted) Wisconsin Card Sorting Task study
hint: marmoset monkeys
- Reward responding to a certain item in one dimension (circle Shape), regardless of the other dimension (Lines)
- Monkeys had lesions in either:
- Orbitofrontal/ventromedial prefrontal cortex
- Lateral prefrontal cortex
- Monkeys recieved post-lesion training either:
Reversal learning: - See the same stimuli (shapes and lines)
- Now only rewarded for different Shape
- Must reverse learning that circle is rewarded
Dimension (set) shift:
* See all new Shapes and Lines
* Now only rewarded for certain Line (ignore Shape)
* Must **learn a new rule – task-switch
1. Orbitofrontal lesion-> Intact task-switching and Impaired reversal learning
- Lateral prefrontal lesion-> Impaired task switching and Intact reversal learning
!!! Suggests dissociable neural correlates for control of responses to reward-related (‘Hot’) vs. purely cognitive (‘Cold’) stimuli !!!
- ‘Hot’ stimuli - orbitofrontal/ventromedial cortex (which has connections with posterior affective areas)
- ‘Cold’ stimuli – lateral frontal cortex
(which has connections with posterior sensory/motor areas)
Describe the Iowa Gambling Task in the context of reversal learning
- Individuals with
ventromedial PFC lesions perform fine on other tests of
executive function (Stroop,
-> Maybe because ‘Cold’ cognitive processes are not affected by ventromedial PFC lesions? - Ps with ventromedial PFC lesions fail to switch from ‘Bad’ decks
to ‘Good’ decks over time
->Could be a failure of reversal learning - Early in the game: Decks A+B
are rewarded because Decks
C+D have smaller gains - Late in the game: Decks C+D
are rewarded
!!! *When early-game gains are equivalent for ‘Bad’ and ‘Good’ decks, patients with ventromedial PFC perform as controls (Maia & McClelland, 2004)
What role does the Polar PFC have?
Polar PFC -> multi-tasking
What is multi-tasking and what does it require?
- Multi-tasking = carrying out several tasks in succession;
- It requires both task-switching and
maintaining future goals while current goals are
being dealt with - In task-switching one goal is substituted for another
** In multi-tasking several goals are maintained at the same time
Describe the Volle et al., (2011) multi-tasking study
* 45 individuals with lesions (25 ‘frontal’)
* Used fMRI Prospective memory (PM) paradigm and Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM)
* Lesions in the right polar prefrontal region => Deficit in time-based prospective memory tasks for both words and pictures
* Deficit in using prospective memory for estimating long time durations and/or in the self-retrieval of one’s intention to act –
**important for multi-tasking!
Describe the order of executive systems as outlined by Koechlin & Summerfield (2007):
Koechlin & Summerfield (2007): hierarchically ordered executive system: posterior-> anterior gradient for simpl-> complex tasks
1. Polar PFC: Maintaining current episodic control and a pending context (other task goals – complex multi-tasking)
2. Anterior lateral PFC: Using episodic control to switch to a different context (rule set)
3. Posterior lateral PFC Learned contextual information (rule set) guides response
4. Premotor cortex: Simple stimulus-response mappings
(front to back of the brain -> 1. most complex to 4. simplest)
What is the role of the Lateral PFC?
Lateral PFC:
* Problem-solving
* Task-switching
* ‘Cold’ cognitive control processes
What is the role of the Orbital PFC?
Orbital PFC:
- Task-switching
- Reversal learning
- ‘Hot’ cognitive control processes
How do executive functions differ from other cognitive processes (such as memory / language / perception) ?
hint: what are they NOT tied to?
Unlike memory, language or perception, executive functions are not tied to a **specific cognitive domain