Weeks 8-10 Flashcards
Goffman used Grounded Theory and participant observation in…
an American Psychiatric Facility, based off of curiosity
What do door keys symbolize?
power and access
back stage performance
presentation to internal audience (in the internal environment)
front stage performances
- Highly visible
- Presentation to an external audience
- symbolism
- actions of an individual
- conscious of being observed
Sign Systems
Mark when predetermined signs (actions) occur (number count)
Category Systems
Time-line (minute-by-minute) which category fits (over-all flow)
Ethnography is NOT the same as…
Ethnomethodology `
- Study of interactive actions of individuals as a topic in of themselves
- Not an objective study of social structure (why individuals have certain associations)
difference between Ethnographic & Ethnomethodological
1 is the concept while the other is the act/what you do
Phenomenological sociology
The study of society as within the minds of its members
e.g. mosque, temple or church members
Learning Model Theory
Behaviour is learned from others by impression and suggestion (Tarde)
Differential Association
The impact of learning how to interact and communicate (Sutherland)
Differential Identification
Association is at the heart of deviance (Glaser)
Differential Reinforcement Theory
Interpretative interaction process by which the individual defines social reality (Akers & Burgess)
Morality (in social theory)
an idea of the norm
reduce to database (statistical)
Gaze/the gazer
has the power to look/observe at something. The observed is an object (
Mutual Gaze
Power in self-recognition as sender and evidence that it is being received as intended
Object-as-subject state. The “we” position
Object-self (e.g. a child in a parents eyes is not a mutual relationship)