Weeks 4, 5 and 6 Flashcards
The only polysaccharide in the human body is:
The only lymphatic organ with both afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels is…
a lymph node
Tonsils promote memory of pathogens by…
trapping pathogens to develop immune cells with memory
Lymph transport is…
Sporadic and slow
Buboes are inflamed and swollen…
lymph nodes
Which of these lymphatic organs has a cortex and medulla? (I) spleen (II) lymphatic organs (III) thymus?
II and III only
Memory cells are responsible for tissue graft rejection. True or false?
Excess fluid drains from the central nervous system into…
The cerebrospinal fluid
Lymphatic System returns fluids that leaked from blood vessels back to blood.
Why is clonal expansion so important?
to increase the number of specific cells.
Nutrient: food substance needed for growth,
maintenance, repair
− Most nutrients used as metabolic fuel
− Some used for cell structures and molecular
synthesis (eg. hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin etc)
− Is water a nutrient?
Three overall classes of nutrients
− Macronutrients – Carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, fibre
− Micronutrients (Essential) – Vitamins & Minerals
− other Essential Nutrients – some amino/fatty acids
Conversion value:
1 “Calorie” ≈ 4.2 Kj
Role of Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins
− basic units are simple sugars (ie glucose, fructose)
− Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides
• Dietary sources & types
– Starch (a polysaccharide/complex carbohydrate) -
primarily from plants, mainly grains and vegetables.
– Sugars (mono- and disaccharides) in fruits, sugarcane,
sugar beets, honey, and milk
– Insoluble fiber: cellulose in vegetables → roughage
– Soluble fiber: pectin in apples and citrus fruits reduces
blood cholesterol levels
Glucose (G) Maltose (G-G) Glycogen (G-G-G……-G)
Uses in body
– Glucose: fuel most used by cells to make ATP
− Neurons and RBCs rely almost entirely on
» Neurons die quickly without glucose
– Excess glucose is converted to glycogen or fat,
then stored
» Some cells use fat for energy (ie fatty acids)
Dietary requirements
– Recommended daily intake: 45–65% of total
• complex carbohydrates preferable (ie starch
from whole grains and vegetables)
– Simple carbohydrates should be limited
– High amounts of simple sugars can lead to obesity,
DM, as well as nutritional deficiencies
– Refined complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta)?
Glycemic Index
− measure of how food affects blood glucose levels
Dietary sources
– Triglycerides (3 chain fatty acid derivatives)
o most abundant form of lipids
o “Saturated fats” found in meat, dairy foods, tropical
oils, or hydrogenated oils (trans fats)
“Unsaturated fats” found in seeds, nuts, olive oil, and
most vegetable oils
o Liver can convert some fatty acids into others, but
essential fatty acids must be eaten (examples: linoleic
and linolenic acid found in most oils)
– Cholesterol found in egg yolk, meats, organ
meats, shellfish, and milk products
o Liver makes ~85% cholesterol
Uses in body
– Adipose tissue offers protection, insulation, fuel
– Phospholipids essential in myelin sheaths and all
cell membranes
– Cholesterol stabilizes membranes; precursor of bile
salts, steroid hormones
– Prostaglandins contraction of some smooth muscle,
BP control, inflammation
– Lipids help absorb fat-soluble vitamins
– Major fuel alternative for hepatocytes, skeletal muscle
and nervous tissue
American Heart Association recommendations
• Fats: 30% or less of total caloric intake
• Saturated fats: 10% or less of total fat intake
• Cholesterol: no more than 300 mg/day
(about 1-1/2 egg yolks)
– Goal is to keep cholesterol < 200 mg/dl
• Excess lipid in diet
• Increases risk* of cardiovascular disease
• Especially high intake of saturated/trans fats &
Proteins: Dietary sources
Animal products (eggs, milk, fish, most meats),
as well as soybeans, are complete proteins
− Contain all needed essential amino acids
• Legumes, nuts, and cereals contain incomplete
proteins (lack some essential amino acids)
– Legumes and cereal grains together contain all
essential amino acids
• Dietary needs reflect age, size, metabolic rate,
nitrogen balance
– Daily intake of 0.8 g per kg body weight
– High protein diet ????!!!!
Digested/absorbed as individual amino acids
− “Reconstructed” into a variety of proteins within body
• Uses in body
– Structural materials
• Examples: cell membranes, keratin (skin),
collagen and elastin (connective tissue)
and muscle proteins
– Functional molecules
• Example: enzymes, some hormones, antibodies,
Uses in body (cont.)
Three factors help determine whether amino acids are used to
synthesize proteins or burned as fuel:
1. All-or-none rule
• All amino acids needed must be present for protein synthesis
to occur; if all not present, then amino acids used for energy
2. Adequacy of caloric intake
• Protein is used as fuel if insufficient carbohydrate or fat is
3. Hormonal controls
• Anabolic hormones (GH, sex hormones) accelerate protein
synthesis and growth
• Adrenal glucocorticoids (released during stress) promote
protein breakdown and conversion of amino acids to glucose
Role of Vitamins and Minerals
• Organic compounds that are crucial in helping body use
• Many function as coenzymes (eg B12)
• Most must be ingested, except:
– Vitamin D (some made in skin)
– Some B vitamins and K synthesized by intestinal
– Beta-carotene (e.g., from carrots) converted in body to
vitamin A
• No one food group contains all vitamins
• Some vitamin deficiencies → serious problems
Two types of vitamins based on solubility
– Water-soluble vitamins BC
• B complex and C are absorbed with water
• B12 absorption requires intrinsic factor
• Not stored in the body
– Any not used within 1 hour are excreted
– Fat-soluble vitamins ADEK
• A, D, E, and K are absorbed with lipid digestion
• Stored in body, except for vitamin K
– Excessive consumption can cause health problems
Seven minerals are required in moderate
– Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium,
chlorine, & magnesium
• Others are required in trace amounts (Fe, Se)
• Involved in a range of body activities
− CVS, muscle, nerves, heme, antioxidants
• Uptake and excretion are balanced to prevent
toxic overload
Metabolism Metabolism: sum of all biochemical reactions in body to provide energy or to make new materials • Anabolism: synthesis of large molecules from small ones • synthesis of proteins from amino acids • Glucose → glycogen • Catabolism: breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones – often for energy • glucose → CO2 + H2O; proteins → amino acids • Both processes can occur at the same time within a cell Catabolic reactions @2013 Pearson Education, Ltd. Anabolic reactions Glycogen PROTEINS Proteins Triglycerides CARBOHYDRATES Glucose FATS Amino acids Glucose and other sugars Glycerol Fatty acids Pyruvic acid Acetyl CoA Infrequent NH3 H ATP ATP ATP CO2 O2 H2O Oxidative phosphorylation (in electron transportchain) Citric acid cycle Glycolysis Figure 24.3 Three stages of metabolism of energy-containing nutri
Energy release, energy capture and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) Chemical reactions and energy − Many chemical reactions need external energy to occur (cooking) − Other reactions give out internal energy - often as heat • Batteries store energy − Chemical reaction releases energy (electricity/heat) − Some batteries can be recharged – but require energy ADP + P ATP Requires energy Gives out energy • ATP stores energy in the body (phosphorylation)
Energy in the human body
Cellular respiration: Catabolic breakdown of food
fuels where energy is captured to form ATP in cells
− Cellular respiration traps chemical energy in ATP
− Energy can also be stored longer term in glycogen and
fats, which can be broken down later
• Phosphorylation:
− Primarily captures energy in ATP
− enzymes shift high-energy phosphate groups within
ATP to other molecules
− Phosphorylated molecules become activated to
perform cellular functions
Cellular Respiration and ATP production
Two mechanisms make ATP from captured energy liberated
during cellular respiration
1. Substrate-level phosphorylation
• Occurs during Glycolysis (cytosol)
• And during the Citric Acid Cycle (mitochondria)
2. Oxidative Phosphorylation (O2
• Very complex and occurs in mitochondia
• Produces most ATP thru a chemiosmotic process
• Electron energy harnessed from Glycolysis & Citric Acid Cycle
pumps H+
ions across inner mitchondrial membrane to “outside”
• As H+
ions flow back into mitochondria energy is harnessed by ATP
synthase - to produce ATP
Lipid Metabolism
Lipids are the most concentrated source of energy.
•Most products of fat digestion absorbed as
“chylomicrons” and transported in lymph.
• Enzymes (lipases) in capillary endothelium act on
chylomicrons releasing fatty acids and glycerol.
•Oxidation of ‘fatty acids’ and ‘glycerol’ occurs
• Three steps in Lipid Metabolism:
• Beta oxidation
• Lipolysis
• Lipogenesis
Lipolysis and Lipogenesis
• Lipolysis provides fatty acids and glycerol (especially
for liver, cardiac muscle and resting skeletal
• When carbohydrates are deficient, lipid oxidation is
incomplete and acetyl CoA accumulates… leading to
formation of ketone bodies
• Lipogenesis occurs when cellular ATP and glucose
levels are high
•In addition to their functions as energy substrate,
lipids are important for:
• Maintenance of the integrity of lung alveoli (surfactant)
• Solubilisation of non-polar substances in body fluids
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
Too much lipolysis may result in accumulation of ketone
• When ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, ketosis
results and large amounts of ketone bodies are excreted
in urine.
• Ketosis is a common consequence of starvation,
extreme dieting, and diabetes mellitus.
• Ketosis leads to metabolic acidosis… if untreated,
patient may become comatose or even die
Protein Metabolism
Amino acids are derived from dietary proteins or
they come from break down of existing proteins in
the body.
• Amino acids are recycled into new proteins or
other N-containing compounds.
• Proteins are not stored in body
– When dietary proteins are in excess, amino
acids are:
• Oxidized for energy or
• Converted to fat for storage
Degradation of Amino Acids
Goal is to produce molecules that can be used for
energy in citric acid cycle or converted to glucose
•Before amino acids can be oxidised or converted,
they must be deaminated (NH2 group is removed),
then they are converted into:
• Pyruvic acid or
• One of keto acid intermediates of citric acid cycle
• Three events of amino acid degradation:
• Transamination
• Oxidative deamination
• Keto acid modification
Protein Synthesis
Amino acids are most important anabolic nutrients.
• Form all proteins as well as bulk of functional molecules.
•Protein synthesis that occurs on ribosomes is
hormonally controlled (example: growth hormone,
thyroid hormone, sex hormones).
• Synthesis requires complete set of amino acids
• Essential amino acids must be acquired in diet.
•If essential amino acids are lacking in diet, body
protein is broken down to supply these, and negative
nitrogen balance results.
Metabolic States of the Body
Catabolic-Anabolic Steady State
• Dynamic state in which organic molecules (except
DNA) are continuously broken down and rebuilt.
• Body uses nutrient pools(stores of amino acids,
carbohydrates, and fats)
– Pools are interconvertible because pathways are
linked by common intermediates.
– Amount and direction of conversion are directed by
liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle.
Catabolic-Anabolic Steady State
Two major differences between carbohydrate/fat
pools and amino acid pool:
• Fats and carbohydrates are oxidized directly to produce
• Amino acids must first be converted to a citric acid cycle
keto acid
• Excess carbohydrate and fat can be stored as such.
Amino acids are not stored as proteins.
Absorptive State
Also called fed state, lasts for ~4 hours after eating,
when absorption of nutrients is occurring
•Anabolism exceeds catabolism
• Excess nutrients are stored as fats if not used
Absorptive State
Hormonal control of the absorptive state
• Absorptive state is controlled primarily by insulin
•Insulin secretion by beta cells of pancreas is stimulated
• Elevated blood levels of glucose and amino acids
• Intestinal GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide)
and parasympathetic stimulation
• When insulin binds to membrane receptors, it
facilitates diffusion of glucose into muscle and
adipose cells
• Brain and liver take up glucose without insulin
•Insulin binds to membrane receptors on its target
cells. This stimulates translocation of glucose
transporters to the plasma membrane, which
enhances facilitated diffusion of glucose into cells.
•Within minutes, the rate of glucose entry into cells
(particularly muscle and adipose cells) increases
about 20-fold.
•Brain and liver cells do not require insulin for
glucose uptake
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
Diabetes mellitus: inadequate insulin production or
abnormal insulin receptors
•Results in:
• Unavailability of glucose to most body cells
• Excessively high blood glucose levels
• Glucose loss in urine
• Fats and proteins are used for energy instead
•Can lead to metabolic acidosis, protein wasting, and
weight loss
Postabsorptive State
•Postabsorptive state is also called fasting state,
when GI tract is empty and energy sources are
supplied by breakdown of body’s reserves
•Catabolism of fat, glycogen, and proteins exceeds
•Goal is to maintain blood glucose between meals
• Making glucose available to blood
• Promote use of fats for energy
•Glucose sparing saves glucose for organs that need
it most, such as brain
Postabsorptive State
Sympathetic nervous system interacts with several
hormones to control events of postabsorptive state.
•Postabsorptive state is triggered by reduced insulin
release as blood glucose levels drop.
•Glucagon: hyperglycemic hormone is released in
response to declining blood glucose levels and rising
amino acid levels
•Glucagon promotes:
• Glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver
• Lipolysis in adipose tissue, causing fatty acids and glycerol
to be released
In Summary
Metabolic pathways are dynamic, interrelated
• Catabolic and anabolic pathways are at least partially
reversible in response to the availability of fuel
• The pathways intersect…
e.g., variation in the plasma concentration of glucose can
activate or inhibit pathways in lipid metabolism, and vice
• Metabolic intermediates can enter other pathways…
e.g., intermediates from glucose breakdown serve as
substrates for amino acid and fatty acid synthesis.
Cholesterol Metabolism
Cholesterol is not used as an energy source
•It is structural basis of bile salts, steroid hormones,
and vitamin D
•Major component of plasma membranes
• 15% of blood cholesterol is ingested, with rest made
in body, primarily by liver
• Lost from body when catabolized or secreted in bile
salts that are lost in faeces
Cholesterol Transport
Lipoproteins: transport water-insoluble cholesterol
and triglycerides through blood
• The higher the percentage of lipids, the lower the
• Types of transport lipoproteins
• HDLs (high-density lipoproteins): highest protein content
• LDLs (low-density lipoproteins): highest cholesterol
• VLDLs (very low-density lipoproteins): contents are more
than half triglycerides, with low density of proteins
• Chylomicrons: have lowest density and consist almost
entirely of triglycerides
Regulation of Blood Cholesterol Levels
Recommended cholesterol, HDL, and LDL levels
– Maximum total cholesterol: 200 mg/dl or less
• Levels > 200 mg/dl linked to atherosclerosis
– More important to measure form in which
cholesterol is transported in blood
– HDL is thought to protect against heart disease
because it takes cholesterol out of blood
• >60 is good, <40 not good
– LDL cholesterol deposits cholesterol in vessels
• 100 or less is good, 130 or above not good
Regulation of Blood Cholesterol Levels
• Liver produces cholesterol at a basal level regardless
of dietary cholesterol intake
• Restricting dietary cholesterol does not markedly reduce
blood cholesterol levels
•More important effect is relative amounts of
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
• Saturated fatty acids stimulate liver synthesis of
cholesterol and inhibit cholesterol excretion from body
• Unsaturated fatty acids enhance excretion of cholesterol
into bile salts
Regulation of Blood Cholesterol Levels
• Trans fats can occur when healthy oils are
chemically transformed into solids (example:
• Worse effect on cholesterol levels than saturated fats;
increase LDL and reduce HDL
•Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (found in coldwater fish) have lower proportions of saturated fats
and cholesterol
• Make platelets less sticky and help prevent spontaneous
• Have antiarrhythmic effects on heart
• Can lower blood pressure
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
Risk factors for assessment of cardiovascular disease:
•Previously high cholesterol and LDL:HDL ratios were
used as predictors of potential disease
• Found not to be as reliable
•Now LDL levels and other risk factors are believed
to be more accurate
• Treatment for high LDL levels
• Statins: cholesterol-lowering drugs
• Estimated >10 million Americans take statins
Energy Balance •Bond energy released from food must equal total energy output • Energy intake: • energy liberated during food oxidation (depends upon the type of food consumed) • Energy expenditure: • Lost as heat • Basal metabolic rate • Physical activity • Stored as fat or glycogen
Daily energy expenditure
•Daily energy expenditure may be expressed as a
ratio to resting metabolic rate- the “physical activity
level” (PAL)
• Sedentary people have a PAL around 1.4
• Highly active people have PAL up to 2.5
• Elite endurance athletes (e.g., Tour de France cyclists)
may maintain a PAL value of 3 to 4
•If energy intake equals energy output, then a
person’s weight is stable. If not equal, there will be
gain or loss of weight
•Obesity is a problem because of its complications…
• Obese people have higher risk of atherosclerosis, type 2
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, and
• The causes of the high incidence of obesity in the
general population are probably multiple.
•Obesity can be determined by the body mass index
•Other parameters used are:
• Estimated body fat; skinfold thickness; arm
circumference; waist circumference and waist/hip ratio
Regulation of Food Intake
•Areas of hypothalamus release peptides that
influence feeding behaviour
• Arcuate nucleus (ARC), lateral hypothalamic area (LHA),
ventromedial nucleus (VMN)
• Some ARC neurons release neuropeptide Y (NPY)
and agouti-related peptides that enhance appetite
•Other ARC neurons release pro-opiomelanocortin
(POMC) and cocaine-/amphetamine-regulated
transcript (CART), which suppress appetite
Regulation of Food Intake
• Feeding behaviour and hunger regulated by:
• Neural signals from digestive tract
• Blood borne signals related to body energy stores
• Hormones
• Psychological factors
•Operate through brain thermoreceptors,
chemoreceptors, and others
• Food intake is subject to both short- and long-term
Short-term regulation of food intake
•Neural signals from digestive tract
• High protein content of meal increases and prolongs
afferent vagal signals
• Distension sends signals along vagus nerve that suppress
hunger center
•Nutrient signals related to energy stores
• Increased nutrient levels in blood depress eating
• Gut hormones (e.g., insulin and CCK) depress hunger
• Glucagon and epinephrine stimulate hunger
• Ghrelin (Ghr) from stomach stimulates appetite; levels
peak prior to mealtime
Long-term regulation of food intake
• Leptin
• Hormone secreted by fat cells in response to
increased body fat mass
• Protects against weight loss in times of nutritional
• Acts on ARC neurons in hypothalamus. Suppresses
secretion of NPY (a potent appetite stimulant)
• Rising leptin level causes some weight loss but is no
“magic bullet” for obese patients
• Obese people have high leptin levels but seem to be
resistant to its action
In Summary…
• Liver is the metabolic powerhouse of the body
• Lipoprotein metabolism is important in maintaining
blood cholesterol levels
• Ratio and levels of various lipoproteins are important risk
factors for heart disease
• Energy intake and expenditure balance is important
to maintain healthy body weight and avoid
metabolic complications
Metabolic Rate
• Metabolic rate: total heat produced by
chemical reactions and mechanical work of
– Can be measured:
• Directly: calorimeter measures heat liberated
into water chamber
• Indirectly: respirometer measures oxygen
consumption (directly proportional to heat
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
• Reflects energy body needs to perform its
most essential activities
• Measured in postabsorptive state (12-hour
fast), reclining position, relaxed mentally and
physically, room temperature 20–25°C
• Recorded as kilocalories per square meter of
body surface per hour (kcal/m2/h)
– Example: 70 kg adult BMR = 66 kcal/h
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (cont.) • BMR is influenced by: – Age and gender: BMR decreases with age • Males have disproportionately higher BMR – Body temperature: BMR increases with temperature – Stress: BMR increases with stress – Thyroxine increases oxygen consumption, cellular respiration, and BMR
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
• Hyperthyroidism causes many
problems resulting from the high BMR
it produces
– Body catabolizes stored fats and tissue proteins
– Despite increased hunger and food intake,
person often loses weight
– Bones weaken, and muscles, including heart,
begin to atrophy
• Hypothyroidism results in slowed
metabolism, obesity, and diminished thought
Total Metabolic Rate (TMR)
• Total metabolic rate (TMR)
– Rate of kilocalorie consumption to fuel all
ongoing activities
– Increases with skeletal muscle activity and food
ingestion (food-induced thermogenesis)
• Greatest with protein and alcohol ingestion
Regulation of Body Temperature
• Body temperature reflects balance between
heat production and heat loss
• At rest, liver, heart, brain, kidneys, and
endocrine organs generate most heat
• During exercise, heat production from skeletal
muscles increases dramatically
Regulation of Body Temperature
• Normal body temperature= 37°C ± 0.5°C (98.6°F)
– Optimal enzyme activity at this temperature
• Increased temperature denatures proteins and
depresses neurons
– In children under 5, temperature of 41°C (106°F)
can lead to convulsions
– ~43°C (109°F) is the limit for life
• Tissues can tolerate low body temperatures
Core and Shell Temperature
• Core (organs within skull and thoracic and
abdominal cavities) has highest temperature
– Rectal temperature is best clinical indicator
• Core temperature is regulated and is fairly
– Blood is major agent of heat exchange between
core and shell
• Shell (skin) has lowest temperature
– Fluctuates between 20°C and 40°C
Mechanisms of Heat Exchange
• Four mechanisms of heat transfer occur
– Radiation: loss of heat by infrared rays
– Conduction: transfer of heat by direct contact
– Convection: transfer of heat to surrounding air
– Evaporation: heat loss due to evaporation of water
from body surfaces; heat absorbed by water during
evaporation is known as heat of vaporization
• Insensible heat loss accompanies insensible water
loss from lungs, oral mucosa, and skin
– Loss ~ 10% of basal heat production
• Sensible heat loss occurs when body temperature
rises and sweating increases water vaporization
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
•When sweating is heavy and prolonged, losses of
water and NaCl may cause painful muscle spasms
called heat cramps
• Solution is simple: drink fluids (what type of fluids?)
Role of the Hypothalamus
• Thermoregulatory centers: preoptic region of
hypothalamus is main integrating center for
– Two thermoregulatory centers
• Heat-loss center
• Heat-promoting center
Role of the Hypothalamus(cont.)
• Hypothalamus receives afferent input from:
– Peripheral thermoreceptors in shell (skin)
– Central thermoreceptors in core (some in
• Initiates appropriate heat-loss and heatpromoting activities
Heat-Promoting Mechanisms
• Constriction of cutaneous blood vessels
– Regulated by sympathetic nervous system
• Shivering
– Heat from skeletal muscle activity
• Increases in metabolic rate
– Chemical (nonshivering) thermogenesis: via
epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulated by cold
• Mechanism seen in infants
– Brown adipose tissue in infants and adults
• Enhanced release of thyroxine
– Seen only in infants
Heat-Promoting Mechanisms(cont.)
• Behavioral modifications (voluntary) measures
– Putting on more clothing
– Drinking hot fluids
– Changing posture (clasping arms across chest)
– Increasing physical activity (jumping up and
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
• Frostbite: extremely serious condition due
to exposure to very cold weather
• Blood flow to skin is restricted, causing skin
cells to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients
• Skin cells begin to die, leading to tissue damage
Heat-Loss Mechanisms • Heat-promoting center is inhibited • Dilation of cutaneous blood vessels • Enhanced sweating • Voluntary measures include: – Reducing activity and seeking a cooler environment – Wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
• Hyperthermia
– Elevated body temperature depresses
– Positive-feedback mechanism (heat stroke)
begins at core temperature of 41°C
• Increasing temperatures cause increased metabolic
rates, which cause increased body temperatures
– Skin becomes hot and dry
– Organs can be damaged
– Can be fatal if not corrected
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
• Heat exhaustion
– Also referred to as exertion-induced heat
– Heat-associated collapse after vigorous exercise
– Due to dehydration and low blood pressure
– Heat-loss mechanisms are still functional
– May progress to heat stroke if body is not
cooled and rehydrated promptly
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 24.8 • Hypothermia – Low body temperature from cold exposure • Vital signs decrease – Shivering stops at core temperature of 30–32°C – Can progress to coma and death by cardiac arrest at ~ 21°C
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance
• Spinal cord injury
• After cutting the spinal cord in the neck above the
sympathetic outflow from the cord, regulation of body
temperature becomes extremely poor because the
hypothalamus can no longer control either skin blood flow
or the degree of sweating anywhere in the body.
• In people with this condition, body temperature must be
regulated principally by the patient’s psychic response to
cold and hot sensations in the head region—that is, by
behavioral control of clothing and by moving into an
appropriate warm or cold environment.
• Controlled hyperthermia mostly due to infection,
but also cancer, allergies, or CNS injuries
• Is it beneficial?
• It could speed healing by increasing the metabolic rate
• It also appears to inhibit bacterial growth
• Macrophages release cytokines called pyrogens
that cause release of prostaglandins from
hypothalamus, resetting thermostat higher
– Triggers heat-producing mechanisms, and
temperature rises
Action of pyrogens
• Experiments in animals have shown that some
pyrogens, when injected into the hypothalamus, can act
directly and immediately on the hypothalamic
temperature-regulating center to increase its set-point.
• Other pyrogens function indirectly and may require
several hours of latency before causing their effects.
• This is true of many of the bacterial pyrogens, especially
the endotoxins from gram-negative bacteria.
• Cells of the immune system digest the bacterial products
and then release cytokines, most notably interleukin-1 (IL1). IL-1, on reaching the hypothalamus, almost
immediately activates the processes
Fever resolution • Natural body defenses or antibiotics reverse disease process • Cryogens (example: vasopressin) reset thermostat to lower (normal) level, activating heat-loss mechanisms, so temperature falls
In Summary…
• Thyroxine plays an important role in determining
•Body temperature reflects the balance between
heat production and heat loss
•Hypothalamus acts as the body’s thermostat
•When body cannot rid itself of surplus heat, body
temperature rises
• Fever results when hypothalamic thermostat setpoint is reset to a higher value.
Function of Kidneys
– Regulating total water volume and total solute
concentration in water
– Regulating ion concentrations in extracellular
fluid (ECF)
– Ensuring long-term acid-base balance
– Excreting metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs
– Producing erythropoietin (regulates blood
pressure and renin (regulates RBC
– Activating vitamin D
– Carrying out gluconeogenesis, if needed
25.1 Gross Anatomy of Kidneys
Location and External Anatomy
• Retroperitoneal, in the superior lumbar region
– Located between T12 and L5
• Right kidney is crowded by liver, so is lower
than left
• Adrenal (suprarenal) gland sits atop each kidney
• Convex lateral surface
• Concave medial surface with vertical renal
hilum leads to internal space, renal sinus
– Ureters, renal blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
enter and exit at hilum
Location and External Anatomy (cont.)
• Three layers of supportive tissue surround
– Renal fascia
• Anchoring outer layer of dense fibrous connective
– Perirenal fat capsule
• Fatty cushion
– Fibrous capsule
• Transparent capsule that prevents spread of
infection to kidney
Renal ptosis: condition in which one or both
kidneys drop to a lower position
Pyelitis – Infection of renal pelvis and calyces • Pyelonephritis – Infection or inflammation of entire kidney BLOOD AND NERVE SUPPLY – Will see it in the next slide – Nerve supply: via sympathetic fibers from renal plexus
Nephrons are the structural and functional units that form urine • > 1 million per kidney • Two main parts – Renal corpuscle – Renal tubule
Classes of Nephrons
• Two major groups of nephrons
– Cortical nephrons
• Make up 85% of nephrons
• Almost entirely in cortex
– Juxtamedullary nephrons
• Long nephron loops deeply invade medulla
• Ascending limbs have thick and thin segments
• Important in production of concentrated urine
Nephron Capillary Beds
• Renal tubules are associated with two capillary
– Glomerulus
– Peritubular capillaries
• Juxtamedullary nephrons are associated with
– Vasa recta
Juxtaglomerular Complex (JGC)
• Each nephron has one juxtaglomerular
complex (JGC)
• Involves modified portions of:
– Distal portion of ascending limb of nephron loop
– Afferent (sometimes efferent) arteriole
• Important in regulating rate of filtrate formation
and blood pressure
Juxtaglomerular Complex (JGC) (cont.)
• Three cell populations are seen in JGC:
1. Macula densa
2. Granular cells (juxtaglomerular, or JG cells)
3. Extraglomerular mesangial cells
Physiology of Kidney
• 180 L of fluid processed daily, but only 1.5 L of
urine is formed
• Kidneys filter body’s entire plasma volume 60
times each day
• Consume 20–25% of oxygen used by body at
• Filtrate (produced by glomerular filtration) is
basically blood plasma minus proteins
• Urine is produced from filtrate
– Urine
• <1% of original filtrate
• Contains metabolic wastes and unneeded substances
Physiology of Kidney
• Three processes are involved in urine formation
and adjustment of blood composition:
1. Glomerular filtration: produces cell- and
protein-free filtrate
2. Tubular reabsorption: selectively returns 99%
of substances from filtrate to blood in renal
tubules and collecting ducts
3. Tubular secretion: selectively moves
substances from blood to filtrate in renal tubules
and collecting ducts
Step 1: Glomerular Filtration
• Glomerular filtration is a passive process
– No metabolic energy required
• Hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes
through filtration membrane into glomerular
• No reabsorption into capillaries of glomerulus
The Filtration Membrane
• Porous membrane between blood and interior of
glomerular capsule
– Allows water and solutes smaller than plasma
proteins to pass
• Normally no cells can pass
• Contains three layers
1. Fenestrated endothelium of glomerular
2. Basement membrane: fused basal laminae of
two other layers
3. Foot processes of podocytes with filtration
slits; slit diaphragms repel macromolecules
The Filtration Membrane (cont.)
• Macromolecules “stuck” in filtration membrane
are engulfed by glomerular mesangial cells
• Allows molecules smaller than three nm to pass
– Water, glucose, amino acids, nitrogenous wastes
• Plasma proteins remain in blood to maintain
colloid osmotic pressure
– Prevents loss of all water to capsular space
– Proteins in filtrate indicate membrane problem
Pressures That Affect Filtration
• Outward pressures
– Forces that promote filtrate formation
• Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries
(HPgc) is essentially glomerular blood pressure
– Chief force pushing water, solutes out of blood
– Quite high: 55 mm Hg
» Compared to ~ 26 mm Hg seen in most capillary
– Reason is that efferent arteriole is a high-resistance
vessel with a diameter smaller than afferent arteriole
Pressures That Affect Filtration (cont.)
• Inward Pressures
– Forces inhibiting filtrate formation:
• Hydrostatic pressure in capsular space (HPcs):
filtrate pressure in capsule; 15 mm Hg
• Colloid osmotic pressure in capillaries (OPgc):
“pull” of proteins in blood; 30 mm Hg
– Net filtration pressure (NFP): sum of forces
• 55 mm Hg forcing out minus 45 mm Hg opposing =
net outward force of 10 mm Hg
• Pressure responsible for filtrate formation
• Main controllable factor determining glomerular
filtration rate (GFR)
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
• GFR = volume of filtrate formed per minute by
both kidneys (normal = 120–125 ml/min)
• GFR is directly proportional to:
– Net filtration pressure (NFP)
• Primary pressure is glomerular hydrostatic pressure
– Total surface area available for filtration
• Glomerular mesangial cells control by contracting
– Filtration membrane permeability
• Much more permeable than other capillaries
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration
• Constant GFR is important as it allows kidneys
to make filtrate and maintain extracellular
– Goal of local intrinsic controls (renal
autoregulation): maintain GFR in kidney
• GFR affects systemic blood pressure
– Increased GFR causes increased urine output,
which lowers blood pressure, and vice versa
– Goal of extrinsic controls: maintain systemic
blood pressure
• Nervous system and endocrine mechanisms are
main extrinsic controls
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration (cont.)
• Intrinsic controls: Renal autoregulation
– Maintains nearly constant GFR when MAP is in
range of 80–180 mm Hg
• Autoregulation ceases if out of that range
– Two types of renal autoregulation
1. Myogenic mechanism
2. Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration (cont.)
• Extrinsic controls: Neural and hormonal
– Purpose of extrinsic controls is to regulate GFR
to maintain systemic blood pressure
– Extrinsic controls will override renal intrinsic
controls if blood volume needs to be increased
– Sympathetic nervous system
• Under normal conditions at rest
– Renal blood vessels dilated
– Renal autoregulation mechanisms prevail
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration (cont.)
– Sympathetic nervous system (cont.)
• Under abnormal conditions, such as extremely low
ECF volume (low blood pressure)
– Norepinephrine is released by sympathetic nervous
system and epinephrine is released by adrenal
medulla, causing:
» Systemic vasoconstriction, which increases blood
» Constriction of afferent arterioles, which decreases
» Blood volume and pressure increases
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration (cont.)
– Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism
• Main mechanism for increasing blood pressure
• Three pathways to renin release by granular cells
1. Direct stimulation of granular cells by sympathetic
nervous system
2. Stimulation by activated macula densa cells when
filtrate NaCl concentration is low
3. Reduced stretch of granular cells
Regulation of Glomerular Filtration (cont.)
• Other factors affecting GFR
– Renal cells release a variety of chemicals
• Some chemicals act as paracrines that affect renal
arterioles, such as:
– Adenosine
– Prostaglandin E2
• Some cells make their own locally acting angiotensin
– Reinforces effects of hormonal angiotensin II
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.3
• Anuria: abnormally low urinary output (less than
50 ml/day)
• May indicate that glomerular blood pressure is
too low to cause filtration
• Renal failure and anuria can also result from
situations in which nephrons stop functioning
– Example: acute nephritis, transfusion reactions,
and crush injuries
Tubular reabsorption quickly reclaims most of
tubular contents and returns them to blood
• Selective transepithelial process
– Almost all organic nutrients are reabsorbed
– Water and ion reabsorption is hormonally
regulated and adjusted
• Includes active and passive tubular
• Substances can follow two routes:
1. Transcellular
2. Paracellular
Transcellular route
• Solute enters apical membrane of tubule cells
• Travels through cytosol of tubule cells
• Exits basolateral membrane of tubule cells
• Enters blood through endothelium of peritubular
2. Paracellular route
• Between tubule cells
– Limited by tight junctions, but leaky in proximal nephron
» Water, Ca2+
, Mg2+
, K+
, and some Na+ in the PCT
move via this route
Tubular Reabsorption of Sodium
• Sodium transport across the basolateral
– Na+ is most abundant cation in filtrate
– Transport of Na+ across basolateral membrane
of tubule cell is via primary active transport
– Na+-K+ ATPase pumps Na+ into interstitial space
– Na+ is then swept by bulk flow into peritubular
Tubular Reabsorption of Sodium (cont.)
• Transport across apical membrane
– Na+ enters tubule cell at apical surface via
secondary active transport (cotransport) or via
facilitated diffusion through channels
• Active pumping of Na+ at basolateral membrane
results in strong electrochemical gradient within
tubule cell
– Results in low intracellular Na+ levels that facilitates
Na+ diffusion
– K+ leaks out of cell into interstitial fluid, leaving a net
negative charge inside cell, which also acts to pull
Na+ inward
Tubular Reabsorption of Nutrients, Water,
and Ions
• Na+ reabsorption by primary active transport
provides energy and means for reabsorbing
almost every other substance
• Secondary active transport
– Electrochemical gradient created by pumps at
basolateral surface give “push” needed for
transport of other solutes
– Organic nutrients reabsorbed by secondary
active transport are cotransported with Na+
• Glucose, amino acids, some ions, vitamins
Tubular Reabsorption of Nutrients, Water,
and Ions (cont.)
• Passive tubular reabsorption of water
– Movement of Na+ and other solutes creates
osmotic gradient for water
– Water is reabsorbed by osmosis, aided by
water-filled pores called aquaporins
• Obligatory water reabsorption
– Aquaporins are always present in PCT
• Facultative water reabsorption
– Aquaporins are inserted in collecting ducts only
if ADH is present
Tubular Reabsorption of Nutrients, Water,
and Ions (cont.)
• Passive tubular reabsorption of solutes
– Solute concentration in filtrate increases as
water is reabsorbed
• Creates concentration gradients for solutes, which
drive their entry into tubule cell and peritubular
– Fat-soluble substances, some ions, and urea will
follow water into peritubular capillaries down
their concentration gradients
• For this reason, lipid-soluble drugs and environmental
pollutants are reabsorbed even though it is not
Function of Kidneys
– Regulating total water volume and total solute
concentration in water
– Regulating ion concentrations in extracellular
fluid (ECF)
– Ensuring long-term acid-base balance
– Excreting metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs
– Producing erythropoietin (regulates blood
pressure and renin (regulates RBC
– Activating vitamin D
– Carrying out gluconeogenesis, if needed
Transport Maximum
• Transcellular transport systems for various solutes are
specific and limited.
– Transport maximum (Tm) exists for almost every
reabsorbed substance that is reabsorbed using a
transport protein
• Expressed in mg/min
– When carriers for a solute are saturated, excess is
excreted in urine
• Example: hyperglycemia leads to high blood glucose
levels that exceed Tm, and glucose spills over into
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules
and Collecting Ducts
• Proximal convoluted tubule
– Site of most reabsorption
• All nutrients, such as glucose and amino acids,
are reabsorbed
• 65% of Na+ and water reabsorbed
• Many ions
• Almost all uric acid
• About half of urea (later secreted back into filtrate)
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules and Collecting Ducts (cont.) Nephron loop – Descending limb: H2O can leave, solutes cannot – Ascending limb: H2O cannot leave, solutes can • Thin segment is passive to Na+ movement • Thick segment has Na+-K+-2Cl– symporters and Na+-H+ antiporters that transport Na+ into cell – Some Na+ can pass into cell by paracellular route in this area of limb
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules
and Collecting Ducts (cont.)
• Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
– Reabsorption is hormonally regulated in these areas
– Antidiuretic hormone
• Causes principal cells of collecting ducts to insert aquaporins in
apical membranes, increasing water reabsorption
ADH levels water reabsorption
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules
and Collecting Ducts (cont.)
– Aldosterone
• Targets collecting ducts (principal cells) and
distal DCT
• Promotes synthesis of apical Na+ and K+ channels,
and basolateral Na+-K+ ATPases for Na+ reabsorption
(water follows)
• As a result, little Na+ leaves body
• Without aldosterone, daily loss of filtered Na+ would
be 2%, which is incompatible with life
• Functions:
– blood pressure and
– K+ levels
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules
and Collecting Ducts (cont.)
• Atrial natriuretic peptide
– Reduces blood Na+ blood volume
blood pressure
– Released by cardiac atrial cells if blood volume
or pressure elevated
• Parathyroid hormone
– Acts on DCT to increase Ca2+ reabsorption
Step 3: Tubular Secretion
• Tubular secretion is reabsorption in reverse
• Occurs almost completely in PCT
• Selected substances are moved from peritublar capillaries through
tubule cells out into filtrate
– K+, H+
, NH4
, creatinine, organic acids and bases
– Substances synthesized in tubule cells also are secreted (example:
• Tubular secretion importantance:
– Disposing of substances-drugs or metabolites,
– Eliminating undesirable substances- example: urea and
uric acid
– Ridding body of excess K+ (aldosterone effect)
– Controlling blood Ph-
Regulation of Urine Concentration and
• Kidneys make adjustment needed to maintain
body fluid osmotic concentration at around 300
– Osmolality: number of solute particles in 1 kg
of H2O
• 1 osmol = 1 mole of particle per kg H2O
• Body fluids have much smaller amounts, so
expressed in milliosmols (mOsm) = 0.001 osmol
Regulation of Urine Concentration and
• Kidneys produce only small amounts of urine if the body is
dehydrated, or dilute urine if overhydrated
• Accomplish this by using countercurrent mechanism
– Fluid flows in opposite directions in two adjacent
segments of same tube with hairpin turn
Countercurrent Multiplier
• Countercurrent multiplier involves the nephron loop and
depends on: Active transport of solutes out of ascending
– Constant difference of 200 mOsm always exists between two limbs
of nephron loop and between ascending limb and interstitial fluid
– Difference is “multiplied” along length of loop (from 300 to 1200
mOsm = difference of 900 mOsm)
Countercurrent Multiplier (cont.)
– Na+ and Cl– are actively reabsorbed in thick segment (some
passively reabsorbed in thin segment)
– H2O passes out of filtrate into hyperosmotic medullary interstitial fluid
– Causes remaining filtrate osmolality to increase to ~1200 mOsm
Countercurrent Exchanger
• Countercurrent exchanger utilizes vasa recta
• Vasa recta is highly permeable to water and solutes
• Countercurrent exchanger does not create medullary
gradient but preserves it-
• Preventing rapid removal of salt
• Removing reabsorbed water
As a result, volume of blood at end of vasa recta is greater than at
Formation of Dilute or Concentrated Urine
• Kidneys established medullary osmotic gradient, this can be
used to form dilute or concentrated urine
– Without gradient, would not be able to raise urine
concentration > 300 mOsm to conserve water
• Over hydration produces large volume of dilute urine
– ADH production decreases; urine ~100 mOsm
– If aldosterone present, additional ions can be removed,
causing water to dilute to ~50 mOsm
• Dehydration produces small volume of concentrated
– Maximal ADH is released; urine ~1200 mOsm
– Severe dehydration: 99% water reabsorbed
Urea Recycling and the Medullary Osmotic
• Urea helps form medullary gradient
1. Urea enters filtrate in ascending thin limb of nephron
loop by facilitated diffusion
2. Cortical collecting duct reabsorbs water, leaving urea
3. In deep medullary region, now highly concentrated urea
leaves collecting duct and enters interstitial fluid of
– Urea then moves back into ascending thin limb
– Contributes to high osmolality in medulla
• Chemicals that enhance urinary output
– ADH inhibitors, such as alcohol
– Na+ reabsorption inhibitors (and resultant H2O
reabsorption), such as caffeine or drugs for hypertension
or edema
– Loop diuretics inhibit medullary gradient formation
– Osmotic diuretics: substance not reabsorbed,
so water remains in urine; for example, in diabetic
patient, high glucose concentration pulls water from body
• Assessing renal function requires both blood and urine
– Example: renal function can be assessed by measuring
nitrogenous wastes in blood only
– To determine renal clearance, both blood and urine are
Renal Clearance
Renal clearance:
volume of plasma kidneys can clear of a particular substance
in a given time
• Renal clearance tests are used to determine GFR
– To help detect glomerular damage
– To follow progress of renal disease
• Renal clearance rate is calculated as:
C = UV/P
– C = renal clearance rate (ml/min)
– U = concentration (mg/ml) of substance in urine
– V = flow rate of urine formation (ml/min)
– P = concentration of same substance in plasma
Renal Clearance (cont.)
• Inulin, a plant polysaccharide, is standard used
– Freely filtered and neither reabsorbed nor secreted by
– Its renal clearance = GFR (~125 ml/min)
• If C < 125 ml/min, means substance reabsorbed
• If C = 0, substance was completely reabsorbed, or not
• If C = 125 ml/min, no net reabsorption or secretion
• If C > 125 ml/min, substance was secreted (most drug
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.4
• Chronic renal disease: defined as a GFR < 60 ml/min for 3
– Filtrate formation decreases, nitrogenous wastes
accumulate in blood, pH becomes acidic
– Seen in diabetes mellitus and hypertension
• Renal failure: defined as GFR < 15 ml/min
– Causes uremia: ionic and hormonal imbalances,
metabolic abnormalities, toxic molecule accumulation
– Symptoms: fatigue, anorexia, nausea, mental changes,
– Treatment: hemodialysis or transplant
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.4
• Renal failure: defined as GFR < 15 ml/min
– Causes uremia: ionic and hormonal imbalances,
metabolic abnormalities, toxic molecule
– Symptoms: fatigue, anorexia, nausea, mental
changes, cramps
– Treatment: hemodialysis or transplant
Urine • Chemical composition – 95% water and 5% solutes – Nitrogenous wastes • Urea (from amino acid breakdown): largest solute component • Uric acid (from nucleic acid metabolism) • Creatinine (metabolite of creatine phosphate) – Other normal solutes found in urine • Na+ , K+ , PO4 , and SO4 , Ca , Mg and HCO3 3– 2– 2+ 2+ –
• Ureters: slender tubes that convey urine from kidneys to bladder
• Enter base of bladder through posterior wall
– As bladder pressure increases, distal ends of ureters close,
preventing backflow of urine
• Three layers of ureter wall (from inside out)
1. Mucosa:
2. Muscularis: smooth muscle sheets
Propels urine into bladder: gravity alone is not enough; must also
be pushed by peristaltic wave action of smooth muscle
• Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervate ureters but play
insignificant role in peristalsis
3. Adventitia:
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.5 • Renal calculi: kidney stones in renal pelvis. Crystallized calcium, magnesium, or uric acid salts • Symptoms Large stones block ureter, causing pressure and pain • Causes – Chronic bacterial infection – Urine retention – Increased Ca2+ in blood – Increased pH of urine • Treatment—shock wave lithotripsy—noninvasive procedure involving shock waves to shatter calculi
• Muscular tube that drains urinary bladder
– Lining epithelium
• Consists of mostly pseudostratified columnar
epithelium, except:
– Transitional epithelium near bladder
– Stratified squamous epithelium near external
urethral orifice
• Sphincters
– Internal urethral sphincter
• Involuntary (smooth muscle) -Contracts to open
– External urethral sphincter
• Voluntary (skeletal) muscle
Urethra (cont.)
• Female urethra (3–4) cm
• External urethral orifice: anterior to vaginal opening;
posterior to clitoris
• Male urethra carries semen and urine
– Three named regions
• Prostatic urethra (2.5 cm)
• Intermediate part of the urethra (2 cm)
• Spongy urethra (15 cm): passes through penis;
opens via external urethral orifice
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.6
• Urinary tract infections can be caused by:
– Improper toilet habits, such as wiping back to front after defecation
• Short urethra of females can allow fecal bacteria to easily enter
• Most UTIs occur in sexually active women
• Urethritis: inflammation of urethra
• Cystitis: inflammation of bladder
• Pyelitis or pyelonephritis: inflammation of kidneys
• Symptoms: dysuria (painful urination), urinary urgency and frequency,
fever, and sometimes cloudy or blood-tinged urine
– Back pain when kidneys are involved
• Treatment: antibiotics can cure most urinary tract infections
• Micturition, also called urination or voiding
• Three simultaneous events must occur
1. Contraction of detrusor by ANS
2. Opening of internal urethral sphincter by ANS
3. Opening of external urethral sphincter by somatic
nervous system
• Reflexive urination (urination in infants)
– Distension of bladder activates stretch receptors
– Causes excitation of parasympathetic neurons in reflex
center in sacral region of spinal cord
– Leads to contraction of detrusor and opening
(contraction) of internal sphincter
– Inhibition of somatic pathways to external sphincter allow
its relaxation and opening
Micturition (cont.)
• Reflexive urination (urination in infants)
– Distension of bladder activates stretch receptors
– Causes excitation of parasympathetic neurons in
reflex center in sacral region of spinal cord
– Leads to contraction of detrusor and opening
(contraction) of internal sphincter
– Inhibition of somatic pathways to external
sphincter allow its relaxation and opening
Micturition (cont.)
• Pontine control centers mature between ages
2 and 3
– Pontine storage center inhibits micturition
• Inhibits parasympathetic pathways
• Excites sympathetic and somatic efferent pathways
– Pontine micturition center promotes micturition
• Excites parasympathetic pathways
• Inhibits sympathetic and somatic efferent pathways
Clinical – Homeostatic Imbalance 25.7 • Urinary retention – Bladder is unable to expel urine – Causes: • Common after general anesthesia • Hypertrophy of prostate – Treatment: catheterization
Three sets of embryonic kidneys form in
– Pronephros degenerates, but pronephric duct
– Mesonephros claims this duct and becomes
mesonephric duct
– Metanephros develops by week 5 and is what
develops into adult kidneys and ascends
Metanephros develops as ureteric buds that induce
mesoderm of urogenital ridge to form nephrons
– Distal ends of ureteric buds form renal pelves, calyces,
and collecting ducts
– Ureteric ducts: proximal ends that will become ureters
• Kidneys excrete urine into amniotic fluid by month 3
• Cloaca subdivides into rectum, anal canal, and urogenital
Three common congenital abnormalities
– Horseshoe kidney: 2 kidneys fuse across midline,
forming single U-shaped kidney; usually asymptomatic
– Hypospadias: urethral orifice located on ventral surface
of penis; corrected surgically at ~1 year
– Polycystic kidney disease: many fluid-filled cysts interfere
with function of kidneys
• Autosomal dominant: most common, less severe form
• Autosomal recessive: more severe form
• May be caused by defect in signaling proteins
Frequent micturition in infants is due to small bladders and
less-concentrated urine
• Incontinence normal in infants: control of voluntary urethral
sphincter develops with nervous system
• E. coli bacteria account for 80% of all urinary tract infections
• Untreated childhood streptococcal infections may cause
long-term renal damage
• Sexually transmitted diseases can also inflame urinary tract
Most elderly people have abnormal kidneys histologically
– Kidneys shrink, and nephrons decrease in size and
number; tubule cells become less efficient
– By age 80, GFR is half that of young adult
• Possibly from atherosclerosis of renal arteries
• Bladder shrinks, and loss of bladder tone can cause
nocturia (frequent trips to urinate at night) and incontinence