Weeks 11 - 12 Flashcards
Develop full understanding of the terms and concepts in the terminology tracker from weeks 11-12
White Privilege
Privilege possessed by white people that places them with advantage over people of color in a society of racial inequality and injustice, based on the colour of their skin
White Fragility
This term refers to the reaction of white people of defensiveness, anger, fear, dismissal, and silence when exposed to conversations about racial inequality and privilege. This is connected with guilt and precents white people from seeing, challenging, and understanding racism.
To treat another individual or group as ‘different’ and labelled as not belonging in the dominant group in society.
Assessing and judging the qualities of other people’s cultures based on the beliefs and customs of your own, therefore placing your own culture as the one that is the ‘right’ one, and other’s as inferior.
Casual racism
Racism that is subtle and exists in everyday conversation or humour usually based on prejudice and bias and can be unintentional, but still harmful.
Micro aggression
A comment or action that undermines a person based on their race, ethnicity, and culture. This can be intentional and unintentional, and is often indirect, and unnoticed by those who commit it.
Discrimination and prejudice against those with darker skin, often within groups of the same ethnicity and race.
Colorblind racism
The idea that if we treat all individuals equally that racism shouldn’t exist, ignoring the history of racism and discrimination, societal structures, and white privilege that oppress people of colour.
The view that everyone can be assessed by their actions as an individual, and ignores white privilege, accumulation of wealth, social and historical context, structural impact. This supports the view of meritocracy that each person’s position in life is by their own achievements or inadequacies.
The perception that everyone is human and the same, that race doesn’t matter. This denies racial power, therefore asserts the absence of struggle for people of colour. Those who believe in universalism feels entitled to racial comfort, and cross-cultural trust.
Considering how people or things are connected to each other
Being Relational
Being engaged and respectful with others while living and working. Recognising the meanings imbedded in interactions and practices of others and respecting the lived experiences of others.
Intercultural conflict (and contexts of)
Intercultural conflict refers to the expressed struggle caused by perceived incompatibility between cultures. Contexts of intercultural conflict are interpersonal, organisational, community, and international.
A study in philosophy of being, becoming, existing and reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations.
Constitutive Abstraction / Ontological Formations
Each culture has a different place in these frames: Organisation and authority, production, communication, and exchange, these are analysed as a way of learning about how people relate to the world and each other.