Weeks 1 & 2 Flashcards
Sound waves create a physiological response in which the brain interprets the sound waves & correlates those with a meaning. ~Passive Response~
How would supportive communication improve operational efficiency in an organization?
Innovation & sharing of ideas would increase.
Three principles of verbal communication
- It is important to recognize variations in how spoken language is used across cultures.
- Words do not mean the same thing to all people.
- All languages have value.
People typically identify groups of people who share which three of these cultural similarities?
- Value system
- Language
- Political ideology
Nonverbal communication is not categorized by:
sending a message via email
What does paraphrasing a message back to a speaker do?
Uses your own words to summarize the content and feeling.
Sandwiched criticism is when criticism is placed between two positive statements. Why might this be a poor approach?
Sandwich criticism can cause confusion and send a mixed message
If highly technical terminology is used in communication and is not understood by the audience, what form of noise is this?
Semantic Noise
What statement hinders the principles of cross-cultural communication?
A person does not use prior knowledge of cultural differences.
How do we minimize communication breakdowns in meetings?
Recognize your personal perceptions during the communication process.
Which three statements promote effective verbal communication?
- Recognize how yo communicate nonverbally.
- Verify all nonverbal messages.
- Consider the messages you’re communicating nonverbally.
Which types of communication can escalate destructive communication?
Defensive Communication
Informational Listening
The earliest form of listening for a human occurs when we do not yet understand the actual words.
What statement best describes the communication barrier of internal noise?
Our opinions and biases that influence our message
Cultural differences can be based on which of the following?
- Sexual Orientation
- Religious Customs
- Age
Which approach would delay the process of cross-culture communication?
Which type of communication works to resolve conflicts and builds relationships?
Which statement contributes to communication barriers?
Pretending that you understand the language breakdown during the communication process.
Which is not a defensive behavior response?
Which three help to overcome perceptions?
- Developing better listening skills.
- Asking questions for a better understanding.
- Distinguishing fact from opinion.
Hai feels resentment that Andrea is late to work often. He says to her, “Why can’t you be on time if I can? I know we both have kids we take to school, but I still make it here on time.”
Defensiveness Communication
When asked about an error found in a patient’s record, Mary replies, “It’s not my fault!”
Semantic Noise
Eadberht, an older person from the United Kingdom, has difficulty understanding some of the language that Eskil, a young Swedish-American, uses in their emails.
Olivia has difficulty communicating with her manager, Dave, when he begins meetings without asking about her family. She tells him that in her culture, you never start work without first connecting about social & family issues.
How can technology be a barrier to communication?
Personal connection & a sense of relationship can be lost.
Which of these may be a factor in effective communication if the speaker does not follow the locals language’s word order/ “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”
Syntactic rules
Halo Effect
Assumptions based on limited information
Attribution Error
Linking causes of events to personalities or external situations.
When discussing a project with Bob, you say, “ The project plan presented last week has a couple of issues that need to be addressed. “Your statement to Bob is an example of what type of voice?
Empathic Listening
Emotional listening style the hearer seeks to provide support and to put themselves in the place of the sender to experience the issue.
Which of these factors should you consider in cross-cultural communication?
Which type of communication creates a climate for the open exchange of ideas & thoughts?
Which type of communication reinforces conformity rather than critical thinking?
What is power gradient?
Where there is a perceived difference in the importance of one role over another.
Perception is not based on”
information that is presented.
Which two statements are true about nonverbal communication?
- Trust is increased when nonverbal and verbal communication compliment each other.
- Nonverbal messages communicate much about relationship.