WEEK3 Flashcards
WEEK3.2. (True/False)
Law determines what situations privacy will be afforded legal protection but does not determine what privacy is.
but only what situations of privacy will be afforded legal protection”
WEEK3.3. Which researcher is credited with providing the first significant work on the problem of consumer privacy and data protection? A. Alan Westin B. Julie E. Cohen C. Anita Hill D. Anita Allen
What is Publica and Private Spheres
– Public: Realm of life experienced in the open, in the community, and in the world of politics
– Private: Realm of life where one retreats to isolation or to one’s family
What is Privacy?
– Privacy is the right to be let alone
– Privacy is whatever an individual wants to be private
-Privacy is what society recognizes as reasonable for one to expect to be private
-Privacy is concealing certain facts about oneself
-Privacy is a form of limited access to the self
-Privacy is having control over one’s personal information
-Privacy is the application and enforcement of “Fair Information Practices”
-Privacy is an individual’s interest in becoming, being, and remaining a person
– Privacy is having control over a realm of intimacy
– Privacy is the ability to be anonymous
Alan Westin
What is a significant work/research?
Author of the book Privacy and freedom.
Did Research in the 1960s (1967 to be exact).
-First significant work on the problem of CONSUMER PRIVACY & DATA PROTECTION
According to Alam Westin, What is privacy?
The claim of individuals…to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated.
– Privacy as Control Over Information : a number of theorists conceive
privacy as a form of control over personal information
– Privacy as Limited Access to the Self : another group of theorists view privacy as a form of limited access to self
– Privacy as Intimacy : a number of theorists argue that intimacy appropriately defines what information or matters are private
Julie E.Cohen–Law Professor at Georgetown Law School
– Advisory Board member of Electronic Privacy Information Center
What is the object of his research?
According to him What is privacy?
Object that explores relationship between PRIVACY and AUTONOMY.
- Privacy and Respect for Persons – the purpose of privacy is promoting the development of autonomous individuals and, more broadly, civil society
- Privacy as an Individual Right and as a Social Value – privacy is a common value and is a public value not just to the individual but is a common value to the democratic political system
Daniel J. Solove, Law Professor at the GWU Law School
According to him, What is Privacy?
Authored Conceptualizing Privacy that argues privacy can not be reduced to a unified conception as attempts to isolate a common denominator of privacy often end up too narrow or too broad
Daniel J. Solove identifies four groupings of activity that create privacy problems in Revising the Prosser Taxonomy, what are they?
- Surveillance
- Information Processing
- Information Dissemination
- Invasion into people’s private affairs
According to Dabiel J Solove, what is the concept of Reductionists ?
theorists who assert privacy can be reduced to other concepts and rights (e.g. cluster of right to liberty, property rights, and right not to be injured)
—————————theorists who assert privacy can be reduced to other concepts and rights (e.g. cluster of right to liberty, property rights, and right not to be injured)
Elaborate how privacy depends on the CONTEXT (according to Daniel)
the meaning of privacy depends upon context, that there is no common denominator to all things we refer to as privacy.
Anita L. Allen, Law Professor and Vice Provostat University of Pennsylvania Law School
Authored Coercing Privacy that argues when the law should force people to be private
Should privacy be an Inalienable Right (according to Anita L. Allen)?
people regularly surrender their privacy; but privacy should be seen as an inalienable right that people cannot give away
Privacy and Publicity (according to Anita L. Allen)
privacy is contextual as the desire for publicity and desire for privacy can coexist (According to Anita)