Week Two Flashcards
Perceives the world from own point of view. Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others. Self-centered. An inability to separate his own perspective from that of others.
The tendency to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects. i.e. a child is exhibiting animism when he says his stuffed bear gets lonely if it’s not played with often enough.
Semiotic Function
The ability to create representations. It is based on the use of signs and symbols. Such as gesture, images, and objects notated in scripts share a “Semitic” importance equal to the spoken text.
Magical Thinking (Piaget)
The thinking or the belief that thinking about something will actually cause it to happen. i.e. thinking bad thoughts about Dad will cause something bad to happen to him.
The unavailability of a system. Lack of order or predictability, gradual decline into disorder.
A compound present in blood platels and serum which constricts blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter. It helps to regulated mood and social behavior, appetite and digestions, sleep, memory, sexual desires, and function. Low levels may cause depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping.
Combines masculine and female characteristics and preferences. Not clearly masculine or feminine i.e. unisex clothing.
Difference between Former and Latter
Former = first. Latter = second.
Former refers to the first of two things and the latter refers to the second of two things.
Conservation (Piaget)
The cognitive ability to be able to recognize that object properties remain the same when appearance is altered. Two glasses.
In the Concrete Operational Stage.
Characterized by a repeated involuntary or intentional passage of feces into places not appropriate for that purpose (i.e. the bed, floor, or clothing). Symptoms must be at least one time a month for 3 months and child be at least 4 years or developmental equivalent.
2 subtypes with constipation and overflow incontinence and without constipation and overflow incontinence.
Fine soft hair which covers the body often in newborns, may develop when malnourished such as Anorexia.
Very bad breath.
Is any substance that promotes the diuresis - an increase in the production of urine.
The invention of facts or stories to compensate for memory gaps.
It is an early sign or symptom that often indicates the onset of a disease before more diagnostically specific signs develop - from the Greek word running before.
i.e. fever for 3 days is a prodrome characteristic of measles before the rash breaks out.