Week Six Flashcards

Plan of Tang capital Chang’an, Shaanxi province, 7th-10th century

“Royal charger”, stone relief from the Zhao Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong, 630s, Xi’an, Shaanxi province

Yan Liben (c. 600-673), “Thirteen Emperors.” Tang, 7th century, handscroll, ink and color on silk.

Anonymous, “Court ladies,” wall painting. Tomb of Princess Yongtai, Tang, early 8th century, Xi’an, Shaanxi province

Anonymous, “Emperor Minghuang’s Journey to Shu),” late Tang, 9th century, short handscroll, ink and color on silk

Han Gan (c. 720-780), “Night Shining White Horse,” mid-Tang, 8th century, short handsroll, ink and color on silk

Zhou Fang (act. c. 680-710), “Ladies with Flowers in their Hair.” mid-Tang, late 8th-early 9th century; ink and color on silk.

Zhou Fang (act. c. 680-710), “Ladies with Flowers in their Hair.” mid-Tang, late 8th-early 9th century; ink and color on silk.

Wu Daozi (active c. 710-760), “A Flying Devil,” ink rubbing, copy aft4er a 8th century painting, Tang.

Lu Hong (active early 8th century), “Ten Views from a Thatched Hut,” section of a handscroll painting, ink on paper, mid-Tang, early 8th century.

Gilt silver bowl, with patterns of animal and arabesques, mid-Tang, 8th century.

Camel, Three-color lead-glazed pottery sculpture, Tang dynasty.