Week One - The Australian Legal System Flashcards
Why do we have laws?
- Social cohesion (meaning to cooperate and live in harmony)
- Resolve disputes - conflict resolution
- Protect people from harm
- Protect individual rights
- Reflect social values and attributes
Difference between legal and non-legal rules
Legal rules are laws created by institutes within the legal system whereas non-legal rules are rules established within a group but are not laws, they are generally enforced in the community
What is law?
Laws enable people to live togethr by recognising our rights and providing a means to resolve conflict
What do laws provide?
- set out peoples rights as members of society
- Establish peoples responsibilities to otheer members of the community
- Provide a range of dispute settlement institutions
- Enforcement occurs through the legal system
Where do laws within Australia come from?
- Statute law (laws created by parliament)
- Delegated legisaltion (laws made within the authority of parliament)
- Common law (laws made through the courts)
What is the Australian legal system?
It is a serious of different institutions and organisations developed by our society to make, administer, adjudicate and enforce the law
What does the Australian legal system include?
- The constitution (both Federal and State)
- The Commonwealth and State Parliament
- The courts and tribunal system
- Investigate and enforcement bodies (i.e. the police)
- Correction facilities
- Independent legal services and the legal profession
What does Aboriginal Lore cover?
- Question on test
- Property
- Laws around special events like marriage, coming of age and death
- Sacred knowledge
- Leadership and etiquette
What is parliamentary sovereignty?
This means that parliament is the ultimate law-making power
What does the Australian Parliamentary System?
The parliament in Australia pass written laws in the form of acts, legislation & statute
What can parliaments do?
They can make, change or repeal (cancel) previous legislation as well as override common law
What limits the power of the parliament
Parliaments are only limited by the Constitutions
Commonwealth & state law
Australia has a federal system of government the power to make laws is shared between a central parliament & state & territory parliaments
Federal law or Commonwealth law
Is legislation created by the Federal Parliament and applies throughout Australia in all states & territories
State law
Is any legislation created by any state parliament and applies only within the state in which it was created
Where is local council located within the law making hierarchy
It is at the lowest level
How is the local council recognised by the Victorian Constitution act 1975?Federation
Is a distinct & essential tier of government
What does the local council represent?
This level of government is closest to the people and gives people a say in matters which directly affect their local area. It provides a vehicle for the expression of local democracy.
What are the main functions of parliament
Provide a place for the elected representatives to form government
Debate issues to enact and repeal laws
Establish committees that can investigate issues of concern & scrutinise the actions of the government of the day
A federation is a joining together of states for a common purpose.
What does federal parliament have the power to do?
It has the power to make laws about matters that affect the whole country
Federation - Australia united
The British parliament passed the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution act 1900.
The Commonwealth of Australia was declared on Jan 1st 1901
The Colonies gave up powers to new central government, but retained individual identities and certain legislative authority.
What power does each state parliament have?
State parliaments can exercise powers relating to certain issues
When was the commonwealth of Australia declared?
It was declared on the 1st of January 1901