Week One (beginning 10/01/21) Weekly Testing Booklet Flashcards
acabar de
finish / to have just (past principle)
acabo de comer
I have just eaten (literally this minute)
yo acababa de comer
I had just eaten (at that time)
acabado/ acabada
el acabamiento
acabar con
to put an end to
acabar en
to end in
acabar por
to end by, to ….. finally
Bien esta lo que bien acaba
alls well that ends well
to be enough
no basta con
it isnt enough
me basta con
for me its enough
darse cuenta de
realise , to be aware, to take into account
to give in
dar un abrazo
to embrace
dar voces y dar gritos
to shout
dar un paseo
to take a walk
dar una vuelta
to go for a short walk
dar un consejo
to give a piece of advice
dar a concer
to annouce
darse prisa
to hurry
dar de comer/ beber
to give something to eat/drink
dar a
to face, to look out/ on to
dar cara a
to face up to
dejar de + infe
to stop, to fail to
to abandon, neglect - oneself
dejar atras
to leave behind
Let it, Leave it!
to let, to permit, to allow, to leave
to throw, pitch, cast, fling, hurl
echar de menos a una persona
to miss a person
echar una carta al correo
to mail, post a letter
to lie down, rest, stretch out (oneself)
to reject
El ejercicio hace al maestro
Practice makes perfect
No dejes para manana lo que peudues hacer hoy
Dont put off (leave) until tomorrow what you can do today.
hace poco
a little while ago
hace un ano
a year ago
hace una hora
an hour agao
hacer caso de
to pay attention to
hacer la maleta
to pack ones suitcase
hacer un viaje
to take a trip
to become/ to be made
hacer una broma
to play a joke
hacer una pregunta
to ask a question
hacerle falta
to need
Vamonos! se hace tarde
Lets leave, its getting late
hace viento
its windy
hace frio
its cold
hace calor
its warm
hace buen tiempo
the weather is good
hace fresco hoy
its cool today
hace mal tiempo
the weather is bad
you did
it did, he she
i did
hace (n) falta
you need - its is necessary
hacen falta
they need
to start / to beginn
to start
to owe/ must/ ought
el deber
duty / obligation
los deberes
la tarjeta de debito
debit card
la deuda
caunto le debo
how much do i owe you?
en que estacion debo bajar
at what station do i need to get off?
es muy tarde, deberia regresar a casa
its very late I ought to return home
to decide
i decide
i will decide
i decided
la decsiion
to make up ones mind, to be determined
decidir a + inf
to persuade
to be
estar vivo(a)
to be alive
el estado
state, condition
esta bein
all right, okay
estar a sus anchas
to be comfortable
estar aburrido(aburrida)
to be bored
estar al dia
to be up to date
estar bein
to be well
estar conforme con
to be in agreement with
estar de boga
to be in fashion
estar de beunas
to be lucky
star de mas
to be unnecessary
estar de vuelta
to be back
estar listo (lista)
to be ready
estar mal
to be ill
estar por
to be in favour of
no estar para bromas
not to be in the mood for jokes