Week Nine/Ten Flashcards
Political Studies
In the Austria study, municipalities that had been merely exposed to asylum-seekers saw a(n) ___________ in far-right support, while/and municipalities where asylum-seekers had meaningfully interacted with locals saw a(n) ____________ in far-right support in subsequent state elections
increase; decrease
In the Iraq study, in which a two-month-long soccer league randomly assigned Christians to play on Christian-only teams or on Christian-Muslim teams, those Christians in the Christian-Muslim teams showed greater openness to Muslims for
on-the-field outcomes only
In twin studies on the effect of the Syrian refugee crisis on attitudes toward migration in Greece, scholars found that:
Greek islands that were more exposed to refugees also saw an increase in votes for the far-right party
Individuals living on islands that received more refugees expressed more anti-migrant attitudes
In the Boston study of commuter riders’ attitudes toward immigration, what led to an increase in exclusionary immigration policy preferences
The introduction of pairs of Spanish-speakers on the train, Enos study (2014)
True or False, the Adida et al. (2018) paper shows that a perspective-taking exercise - in which people are asked to put themselves in the shoes of a refugee - increased the likelihood of writing a letter to the White House advocating for resettling more refugees, but this effect disappeared after one week
True of False, the Simonovits et al. (2018) choose-your-own-adventure game showed a prejudice-reducing effect not just on the Roma minority in Hungary, but also on refugees