Week Nine Flashcards
What are the differences between path of least resistance and leap frog?
The path of least resistance method involves only upgrading technologies the minimal amount necessary to continue operations.
The leapfrog method involves skipping several smaller infrastructure upgrades, and investing periodically in a substantial leap to a new version or technology.
What are the three most common reasons for upgrading infrastructure?
- Unable maintenance costs
- Unsupported software or hardware
- Hardware failure or mass incompatibility
Describe application management strategies
- Specialization: groups manage their own systems, leveraging different technologies, standards, and designs, based on elements. Problems often arise due to lack of governance and standards.
- Tinkerers: applications are generally COTS, with some minor modifications. Works well with non-differentiated organizations who operate largely by margin and volume.
- Central IT management: all IT managed from central location or horizontal group. Used when the organization is driven to a single goal or purpose.
Describe the strategic misalignment of business and IT.
Business systems are usually updated based upon business needs and infrastructure is usually updated on a time driven basis this creates a misalignment between business systems and infrastructure needed to support them.
Application portfolio management
Treats applications as financial portfolios that are leveraged to improve business operations. This ensures that high-performing portfolios as well as supporting portfolios (which do not earn as much but are necessary to keep the lights on) receive funding.
IT governance
IT governance consists of making decisions about procurement, change, and retirement of systems and infrastructure.