Week 9: Mergers and Acquisitions Flashcards
What is a merger?
A transaction that combines two firms into one new firm. Both companies stocks are surrendered and a new stock is issued.
What is an acquisition?
When firm firm purchases another. The buyers stock continues to be traded.
What is the buyer and the seller refered to as?
Buyer: Acquirer
Seller: Target
Characteristics of mergers and acqusitions?
Merges come in waves, positively related to share price indices. Acqusitions are initiated by higher performing firms
Types of M&A
1) Horizontal/ strategic merger- When the target and acquirer are in the same industry.
2) Vertical merger - Two firms within the same industry supply chain merge. E.g. a pub and a brewrey.
3) Conglomerate/ diversifying merger- Involves companies in unrelated lines of business.
What are the advantages and disadvantages horizontal/strategic merger?
- Synergises operations. One factory instead of 2.
- Makes acquirer undiversified
Many cause monopoly problems for the industry
- Integrarting challanges may reduce efficiency
Pros and Cons of vertical merger:
- Increase efficency/ save costs
- Greater control of the supply chain
- can create anti-competitivness
Pros and cons of conglomerate?
Diversifying investment risk
Difficult to manage
What drives firms to merge?
1) Economic perspective- Monopoly power, Economies of scale, transaction costs in markets.
2) Strategic perspective- Complemantary resources, surplus funds
3) Managerial perspective- Conflict of interest, overconfident manager.
Explain market power
If firm A and B join together, consumers will be forced to buy from them even if they increase their price.
What is a killer acquisition?
When a firm buys another with the sole purpose of discontinuing it to reduce competition.
Why is overconfidence bad?
It can lead to bad deals.
Explain the cadbury’s case
Kraft food bought cadburys. They agreed to increase share price and dividends. However it led to one of their factories closing down and loss of 400 jobs.
Therefore, shareholders benefited financially, but other stakeholders like employees have been harmed through loss of jobs.
What are some of the remedies for the losers of M&A?
2011 changes to takeover code:
- Bidders need to state their intentions after the takeover.
- Staff representitives can give views on takeover.
What are deliberate: paid for deals?
When the CEO gets paid to complete a M&A transaction. These may be done quickly, but poorly planned leading to failure.
Explain the sainsbury’s- Asda meger
This merger was blocked by competition watchdog as it will disadvantage many shoppers. This is because this will reduce competition, allowing them to increase prices as customers will have no choice but to buy it.
How can suppliers will or lose?
Win: If the business becomes more efficient, they will need more products. Growing the pie.
Loose: They will have higher barganing power, thus demand lower prices.
What is a national interest test?
this is process used to ensure that mergers decisions align with a country’s broader national goals. This is important to ensure social cohesion, national security, economic stability and growth.
What are the critiques of National Security Intrest bill?
- It gives governments very broad powers to review and potentially cancel business deals.