Week 9 - Lab Values - Chloride Flashcards
What are normal values for Chloride?
95 - 108 mEq/L
What are the characteristics and functions of chloride?
- most abundant anion outside the cell ECF
- has an affinity to Na+ and K+
- mai ntains a balance between ICF and ECF
- combines with Na+
- combines with hydrogen in the stomach in stomach to make HCl
- assists with nerve transmission, muscle contraction and relaxation –> binds with mag and calcium
What values are considered hypochloremia?
anything below 95 mEq/L
What are the possible causes of hypochloremia?
GI losses (vomiting/diarrhea)
Excessive sweating
medications (diuretics, excessive ingestion of antacids)
What are the symptoms of hypochloremia?
Na+, K+,levels may be ↓ (bind to Cl)
Hypotension (dehydration,hypovolemia)
disorientation and confusion, d/t Na K loss
muscle cramps and twitching d/t Na K loss
Nursing implications for hypochloremia?
Assess VS, neurological, and CMS
Safety measures (risk for falls)
monitor na+ and k+ levels - IV fluids - most all of IV fluids have Cl in them
What values are considered hyperchloremia?
Anything above 108 mEq/L
What are the possible causes of hyperchloremia?
↓ excretion or retention by kidneys
hypernatremia (↑ Na = ↑ Cl)
What are the symptoms of hyperchloremia?
hypotension and tachycardia, elevated temp, restlessness, lethargy, confusion, ↑ Na+ and K+ levels
What are the nursing implications of hyperchloremia?
monitor Na+, K+ labs, assess VS (hypovolemic), neurological and CMS assessments