Week 9-Fatigue of Tubular Structures Flashcards
What type of connections work best under fatigue?
Bolted connections
What causes fatigue?
Fluctuating loads/stresses which cause a microstructural change in material
What type of loading is considered when carrying out fatigue checks on a structure?
Live and unfactored loads
What type of loading is NOT considered when carrying out fatigue checks on a structure?
Dead loads (self weight included) Factored loads
Where do fatigue cracks begin on a welded HSS member?
At the toe of the weld connecting the web and chord
How can fatigue failure be mitigated?
With regular inspections of the structure to observe cracks and fix them
List 5 ways to improve fatigue resistance (fatigue life extension) of welded HSSs?
1- By weld improve techniques which reduces stress concentration factors (SCF)
2-Using HSS with equal width branch and chord members
3-Concrete filled chords
4-Cast steel nodes
5-Stiffened connections
With what 3 methods can you determine fatigue resistance in welded HSSs?
1- the Hot Spot Stress approach (geometric stress)
2-the Detail Category approach (normal stress)
3-Fracture mechanics
In reality, what type of amplitude loading exists to cause fatigue?
Variable amplitude loading
What is the difference between constant amplitude loading and variable amplitude loading?
Constant amplitude loading is produced by ref same type of load eg the same type of lorry going over a bridge every day, every week every year (unrealistic)
Variable amplitude loading is produced by different types of load eg (more realistic) several cars, lorries and trucks going over a bridge constantly
Which approach to determining the fatigue resistance of HSSs is more accurate?
The Hot Spot Stress approach
What is the failure criteria for members which have failed under fatigue?
Crack depth
In Round welded HSSs (CHS), where are the critical crack locations?
The crown and saddle
In Square and Rectangular welded HSSs where are the critical crack locations?
The corner radius
List 3 current High Frequency Hammer Peening of weld toe methods in use?
1-High Frequency Impact Treatment (HiFIT)
2-Pneumatic Impact Treatment (PIT)
3-Ultrasonic Impact Treatment (UIT)
How do you avoid fatigue in bolted connections?
Use bolts in shear
Which weld performs better in fatigue?
Fillet weld or groove weld?
Groove welds