Week 9 English Vocabulary Flashcards
resounding resound or echoing, as sounds
reverberant, sonorant, vibrant
faint, quiet
The character and world design are breathtaking, and despite featuring no dialogue throughout its 85-minute runtime, it provides one of the most emotionally ____ stories put to film this year.
expressing or involving subtle distinctions
subtle, delicate, intricate
obvious, coarse, crude
“The politician’s speech offered a ____ perspective on the complex issue.”
tending to stick together, united, or well-integrated where parts from a unified whole
united, connected, close-knit
fragmented, divided, disjointed
The team presented a ____ argument, with each member contributing relevant points that supported the overall thesis.
tending to evoke or call forth a strong emotional response
reminiscent, suggestive, redolent
bland, uninspiring, dull
The old photograph was ____ of her childhood in the countryside.
to place two things side-by-side, especially to highlight their contrast or differences
contrast, compare, set against
separate, isolate, distance
The documentary ____ the luxurious lifestyles of the wealthy with the harsh realities of poverty in the same city.