Week 9:Communication & Decision-Making: Flashcards
What is the importance of the Patient-provider Communication
The interaction is important so that the patient can be heard and not overlooked
The Doctor Patient Relationship Today
-Seen more business
-High rates of specializations
-Colleague dependent
-Technology depedent
2 Formats of Medical Encounters
- Hierarchical relationship
a. Interview→ dialogue between
b. Physical examination - Recommendation and treatment
-Sequential → A pattern
a. Provider -initial
b. patient responses
c. Provider comments
4 Parts of Doctor-Patient Communications
- What we know about doctor-patient communication
- Consequences of communications
- Improving doctor-patient communication
- The future doctor patient communication
4 Ways that Doctor-Patient Communication is Asymmetric
- Flow of information
Doctors restrict what that they tell the patient and how they tell the patient
Providers don’t usually tell the gravity of what their condition is - Structure of conversation
The provider controls the conversations
Controlling the content of communication
If you are the one asking the questions than you control the content and topics
Yes or no questions
Force choices questions
“Was it dark red or light red” - Deflecting Patient Concerns
Interrupting the patients talking
Failing to answer questions so directly
Mishler voice of medicine drowns out life world
Not exploring the social context of a patient
4.The medical interview is shaped by the social context
A health care provider has to be a detective
Their is social conditions that have context depending on different social for geographics
Different diagnosis depending in different areas
-Bureaucratic organizations
-Colleague dependency
-Managed care
-Steep slope of health care
-Providers’ cultural assumption
-Problems in communication exacerbated by
-barriers of race, SES, gender
-Amount of information patients receive
-Patient’s willingness to ask questions
-Patient’s inclusions in medical decisions
-making (consent vs. assent)
-Differences in races between the patient and doctor races
Consequences of Communication
- Patient satisfaction
- Malpractice and doctor-patient communication
-*70% is due to miscommunication between doctor and patient - Diagnosis and misdiagnosis
*40% of patients who unexpectedly returned after initial primary care visit had been misdiagnosed
*80% was tied to mis communication with doctor and patient
4.Adherence to medical advice
Improving Doctor-Patient Communication:
The Four Habits Model
- Investing in the beginning
- Elicit the patient’s perspective
- Demonstrate empathy
- Invest in the end
Improving Doctor-Patient Communication:
Tell-ask-tell method
Physician might tell you something and then the patient ask what they are concerned to
Giving the patient the opportunity to ask questions and concerns
Improving Doctor-Patient Communication: Teaching communication to Med Students
-Teach effective communication
-Reward effective communication
-Actually test on it and make the credits higher
-Having a lower credit count tells students it’s not as important
-Allows enough time for communication
The Future of Doctor-Patient Communication
Positive Trends
-More informed, assertive patients
-Changing physician attitudes
Improved medical education
Negative trends
-How will this affect the future of medicine
-Views on this are varied
Medical Decision Making
medical decision making is partly a
social process
Social factors enter into diagnosis and treatment decisions
Social Factors in Diagnosis and
Treatment Decisions
- Activism and the Medical Decision Rule
- Fads, Ideologies, and the “Surgical Signature”
- Organizational Influences
- Perceived patient characteristics
Two types of errors for medical decisions -Scheff
Type I error→ failing to diagnose and treat a patient who is really sick
Type II error → diagnosing and treating a well patient
Better to over-diagnose and over-treat than to under diagnose
Type II over type I
Rule of Halves
About half a time you are going to say someone is diagnosed with something when they might not even have that