Week 9 - Applied Personality Psychology Flashcards
What is the personality by organisation/job fit?
where some individuals fit some jobs better than others
Some personalities perform better across a wider range of jobs compared to other personalities
What 2 out of the Big 5 traits can predict job performance, satisfaction, commitment and lower absenteeism?
Conscientiousness & emotional stability
Why is conscientiousness so important? (5)
- They spend more spend more time on the task, compared to daydreaming
- Acquires more job knowledge from spending time on task
- Go beyond role requirements of the workplace
- Set goals autonomously and be persistent
- Avoid counterproductive behaviour
What trait shows the strongest relationship to work performance?
better at some jobs and also better across many jobs compared to people lower on conscientiousness, controlled for education, age, gender
What traits are the best for positive relationship outcomes?
Agreeableness and extraversion
(Low neuroticism, higher conscientiousness and higher emotional stability are also good)
What traits are more likely to be rejected in peer relationships?
- low extroversion
- low conscientiousness
- high neuroticism are more likely to be rejected
What traits are more likely to be strained in young adults to parent relationships?
- low conscientiousness
- high neuroticism
What traits are more likely to be strained in young adults to parent relationships?
higher neuroticism and lower agreeableness result in poorer relationship with multiple partners, better with higher extraversion and conscientiousness
How did Karen Horney regard rejection anxiety and sensitivity?
Horney argued that people high in rejection anxiety and sensitivity tend to express anger and rage to “what is felt to be a rejection / anticipation of a rejection” / and this results in hostility from the other person, confirming their beliefs - leads to a vicious cycle
Rejection anxiety/sensitivity is considered to be…
cognitive-affective disposition, eg. stemming from Mischel’s theories)
How did Geraldine Downey regard rejection anxiety and sensitivity?
rejection sensitivity is a disposition to “anxiously expect, readily perceive and overreact to rejection”
Why was rejection anxiety/sensitivity considered to form a vicious cycle?
- Tend to perceive situations as a more threatening as rejection higher than most people, and focus on clues to try to confirm their rejection
- Blames their partner, be hostile and controlling
- Leading to partner feeling angry and unhappy and express rejection, but this rejection is actually stemming from the person’s behaviour
(dynamically functioning system that occurs in specific situations related to interpersonal context - refers to a person’s disposition to be more likely to interpret certain situations as signalling rejection, even if they are ambiguous or not clear)
What are the 5 simplified steps of rejection sensitivity? (think of Mischel’s cognitive-affective processes)
- Mediating mechanism (situation)
- Encoded in a particular way
- Produces feelings and behaviours
- Produces behavioural script that interacts with situation
- Behaviour Makes partner more likely to show rejection after the reaction
What does the Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire ask?
Asks people to indicate level of anxiety in different situations related to friend and partners, eg. “you ask a friend to ask a friend a favour, you ask your partner to move in with you”
- Ask how anxious you be to help you out
- Asks the likelihood of the friend/partner to help you
No gender difference, if you are anxious about whether they will help you, it provides an index about total and cross situational rejection sensitivity
What did Downman and Feldman 1996 find with rejection sensitivity in 80 heterosexual couples?
80 heterosexual couples, males completed the rejection sensitivity questionnaire (RSQ) and females reports of males jealous behaviour and dissatisfaction
Males rejection sensitivity tends to result in males jealous BEHAVIOUR which leads to females dissatisfaction
Females rejection sensitivity leads to expression of HOSTILITY and lack of support which leads to males dissatisfaction
Hance et al., 2018: How is Females reports of online dating activity, rejection sensitivity and true self connected?
Females HIGHER on rejection (IV) sensitivity were MORE likely to use online dating (DV) MEDIATED by wanting to reveal more about themselves online than in person (true self measure)
true self MEDIATES the relationship between high rejection sensitivity and online dating activity
What 3 traits are characteristic of Trump’s personality?
How are personality traits connected with political participation and orientation?
Personality can predispose people to certain political attitudes, ideologies and vote for certain leaders, mainly applicable for Western societies
- disagreeableness people to be more conservative
- extroversion = ambiguous relationship to political orientation
- conscientiousness and neuroticism = weak relationship to be more conservative
What trait is most greatly linked to political orientation?
Low OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE = strongly related to conservatism
What is authoritarianism linked to and why was it first studied?
Authoritarianism is strongly related to political orientation, voting for extreme right-wing parties
Asked: What is the origin of prejudice and extreme right wing ideologies? (30s/40s) - since groups belonging to the ‘other’ membership were exterminated
What was one of the internal factors linked to prejudice?
What did Erich Fromm argue about freedom?
Argued that capitalism/protestantism brought more freedom and individual property, but people are afraid of too much freedom and don’t know what to do
Too much freedom brings about feelings of helplessness, isolation, fear and confusion, leading to mechanisms to “escape from freedom”, one of which is to identify with authoritarian beliefs and leaders
Erich Fromm: what are the 4 characteristics of authoritarian beliefs?
- to give up independence and submits to a strong authority, but also wants to be a leader themselves
- Authoritarian character is “the human basis of fascism” - blindly submit to those with more power, want to hurt/exploit those with less power, see the world divided into groups with more/less power
- Idealises and glories people/institutions with more power
- Prefer situations that LIMIT freedom, eg. wars, conscription, strict social relations
What did Adorno and colleagues argue 2 aspects of the about the authoritarian personality?
Main cause of antisemitism and prejudice is reflected in the authoritarian personality -
- The negative attitudes towards Jews reflects the general ethnocentric attitude from a strong negativity to OUTGROUPS and a strong belief in INGROUP SUPERIORITY
- People who don’t like one outgroup are more likely to also hate other outgroups
What are the 5 characteristics of the authoritarian personality?
- Conventionalism = middle class values
- Authoritarian submission = uncritical attitude towards authorities
- Authoritarian aggression = to be on the lookout and punish people
These two were not supported later on:
- Preoccupation with power/toughness = see the world as weak vs. strong
- Destructiveness and cynicism = to other outgroups
What does Adorno believe the origins of authoritarianism are?
- Upbringing = punitive and harsh upbringing from parents, afraid of parents and other authorities
- Feel ambivalent, eg. like and hate parents, repress these hostility and feel displacement such that these feelings are TRANSFERRED from parents/authorities onto ethnic minorities/social deviant individuals
What are the 2 main criticisms of Adorno’s developmental theory and fascism-scale?
(there is still a link between prejudice, ethnocentrism and authoritarianism)
- The F-scale (fascism scale) only had positively key items, which can INFLATE the relationship between the variables
- Future research has not supported the DEVELOPMENTAL theory of authoritarianism but was resurfaced in 80s/90s and is prominent topic in today’s politics
What did Altemeyer discover about Adorno’s scale and how did he make improvements to a scale of authoritarianism?
- Altemeyer discovered thatonly 3 out of 9 variables in original scale were intercorrelated, mostly due to ACQUIESCENCE bias which inflates intercorrelations
Three valid measures were:
1. Conventionalism
2. Submission
3. Aggression
To improve the scale, Altemeyer made both positive and negatively key variables
What was the logic of Altemeyer’s theory of authoritarianism (after Adorno)?
RWA scale
1. There are dimensions to authoritarianism “right wing authoritarianism”
- Used Bandura’s social learning/cognitive theory to explain origin of authoritarianism, that parents teach children that the world is a dangerous place and people are bad
- Children grow up being scared of the world and ‘different people’
- start to perceive minorities/social deviance as being threatening and unpredictable, leading to prejudicial attitudes and hate
- Start to believe that we need strong and powerful authorities to protect good people from bad people
What is the strength and limitation of the RWA scale?
- Correlates better with Altemeyer’s research, methodologically stronger, RWA is correlated with ethnocentrism, prejudice and perceiving the world as a dangerous place
- Other researchers argue that the three dimensions are not correlated ACROSS cultures, argue that there is only one dimension in authoritarianism cross-culturally
What is the most widely used multidimensional measure of RWA?
Authoritarianism-Conservatism-Traditionalism (ACT) scale
What does the [newer] Authoritarianism-Conservatism-Traditionalism (ACT) measure?
- ACT scale has 36 items
(might lead to participant fatigue, time constraints, boredom, frustration - Better reliability and validity
What is wrong with shorter measures of authoritarianism?
12-18 items that do not cover three dimensions of authoritarianism appropriately - lower reliability and validity
How can political authoritarianism can be indirectly gleaned from measuring people’s attitudes on other dimension?
in the 4-measure scale of authoritarianism - they assessed childrearing attitudes on “do children need respect for elders or independence?” - scoring high on authoritarianism predicts voting for the republican party
does NOT cover the domains of RWA, lower reliability and validity
What were the findings for the Very Short Authoritarianism Scale? (Bizumic and Duckitt (2018))
- Cross-cultural measure
Australia, UK and US
Measures the 3 dimensions of authoritarianism
Question 1 and 2 = measures authoritarian submission (neg/pos)
Question 3 and 4 = measures conventionalism (pos/neg)
Question 5 and 6 = measures authoritarian aggression (neg/pos)
Good reliability for the 6-item measure of authoritarianism, all higher than 0.70 intercorrelation!
What can authoritarianism scales predict and NOT predict?
- Correlates WITH
* nationalism
* blind patriotism
* pro-war attitudes
* ethnocentrism
* social dominance orientation
* anti-immigrant and foreigner attitudes
* restrictive citizenship criteria
* warmth for anglo-Australians - Does NOT correlate with
* constructive patriotism
* warmth for foreigners/immigrants, chinese, arabs, indigenous australians
(US, UK examples) A person scoring high on authoritarianism is MORE likely to…
- be nationalist
- be conservative
- like the British Empire
- like virgins, executioners
- rich people, trump
(US, UK examples) A person scoring high on authoritarianism is LESS likely to…
- Voting for Sanders
- Show warmth to african and hispanic americans
Why is Bizumic’s measure better than older measures of authoritariansm?
- Bisumic VSA is better at predicting validity criteria and more reliable to correlate with nationalism, ethnocentrism and conservative political orientation
Performed well cross-culturally
Outperformed the 4-item authoritarian child rearing scale
Validity correlations supported the validity of VSA with effects similar to and only slightly lower than the full 30-item RWA scale
When people have 2 kinds of values what happens over having only 1 value?
- People find it difficult if they have 2 kinds of values (eg. liberal values and equality) - and produce more complex responses when they believe in liberalism and also equality
Much easier to reconcile this if you believe in freedom of speech and don’t believe in minorities etc.
(Suedfeld, Tetlock) What is Integrative Complexity, studied on politicians?
- A cognitive style/personality variable related to how people think:is people’s thinking either
Integrative, complex or sophisticated? ORPoorly integrated, simplistic and unsophisticated? eg. “George W. Bush “You’re either with us, or with the terrorists” = low IC
Is integrative complexity a trait or a state variable?
Both/either - be either state or trait variable in personality
What is the difference in trait or state integrative complexity?
- State = more/less sophisticated thinking in certain situations over others
- Trait = tendency to be more/less sophisticated thinkers regardless of situation
How is integrative complexity studied?
- Using content analysis
- Coding for differentiation, integration on a 7 point scale
1 - low differentiation and integration
3 - moderate differentiation and low integration
5 - moderate differentiation and integration
7 - high differentiation and integration
What is differentiation and integration in content analysis for integrative complexity?
- Differentiation = how many dimensions used to make decisions
- Integration = are there many complex links between different dimensions
What is Tetlick’s value pluralism model?
How does relate to value discrepancies?
Integrative complexity tends to INCREASE when peoples important VALUES, eg. freedom, equality, are IN CONFLICT
- If there is NO value discrepancy = people make decisions and statements very EASILY, low integrative complexity
- If there is value discrepancy = people find it difficult to make decisions, and need to work hard to assess the different aspects of the problem, high integrative complexity
How does integrative complexity correlate with political orientation?
- People in the MIDDLE/CENTRIST of the political spectrum tend to be HIGHER in integrative complexity compared to people on the extreme left or right
Moderate socialists/conservative were higher on integrative complexity in British parliament, those with moderate views were higher on integrative complexity compared to those who were anti-slavery/pro-slavery
They might try to reconcile may different viewpoints instead of taking extreme points without integration and differentiation
How does integrative complexity correlate with war and peace?
- Integrative complexity in political communication DECREASES as WAR begins
- It INCREASES after a peaceful resolution of war
Predictive uses: Researchers can use analysis of political communication to predict the possibility of armed conflict or war
How does integrative complexity correlate with traits?
People HIGHER on integrative complexity are..
More creative
Less nice
People LOWER on integrative complexity are..
Highly conformist, simplistic
More nicer people
Textbook: what traits are overall good for relationship outcomes?
- warmth and truthfulness
- low negative emotionality
- high positive emotionality
Is it easy to predict compatible between people using personality traits?
What are 4 “deal-breaker traits” that undermine/prevent relationships?
- being untrustworthy
- having anger issues
- feeling dispositional contempt for others
- Rejection sensitivity
Textbook: what traits on average are the best for compatibility?
average traits, ie
1. well-adjusted and agreeable people
What is the trait of sociosexuality?
- an individual difference measure in sexual behaviour defined as the willingness to engage in sexual relations in absence of a serious relationship
Textbook: are there any findings on the bio, enviro or evolutionary reasons for homosexuality?
Nothing of firm empirical support
What types of home lives lead to
a) anxious ambivalent attachment style?
b) avoidant attachment style?
a) a chaotic home leads to anxious-ambivalent
b) an emotionally cold home leads to an avoidant attachment style
Textbook: what 3 traits are best for employment?
- conscientiousness
- integrity
- trustworthiness
Textbook: What is conscientiousness associated with in the workplace?
- low absenteeism
- high performance
- exhibit citizenship performance that promote organisational goals
What is Holland’s occupational typology as a scheme for organising traits in the workplace? (six types for organising personalities)
- Realistic (engineer)
- Investigative (scientist)
- Artistic (artist, musician)
- Social (teacher, therapist)
- Enterprising (entrepreneur, business)
- Conventional (accountant)
What traits are most strongly related to leaders and managers?
- Emotional stability/low neuroticism
- High conscientiousness, extraversion and openness
(agreeableness is NOT related)
What is the link between the dark triad and leadership roles?
The dark triad traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy can sometimes be helpful for attaining leadership roles
but leaders high in these traits can be disastrous to work for.
What is the link between financial decision making and personality?
- not much but managers who take risks in their personal finances are more likely to take risks in managing their companies