Week 9 (a). Gait training after stroke Flashcards
What are the temporal characteristics of gait?
Stance phase - 0-60%
Swing phase - 40%
Characteristics gait - how are they different in older people?
Similar kinematics Increased stance phase - 66% Increased double support - 15% Decreased stride length Decreased push-off power
What is critical during swing phase at the ankle?
Quick change from powerful PF to DF
Concentric activity during stance phase
Occurs primarily in double support
Hip ext - beginning of stance
Hip flex - at the end of stance
Ankle PF - end of stance
Eccentric activity during stance phase
hip flex
hip abd to control the lateral displacement centre of mass on stance leg
knee ext
ankle PF
Concentric activity swing phase
Hip flex. initially
Ankle DF throughout
Is swing phase concentric or eccentric
Primarily pendular motion with eccentric muscle activity used to control limb segments
Eccentric activity swing phase
Hip ext. mid swing
Knee extensors initially and knee flexors for rest of swing
What are the walking outcomes after stroke?
after 12 months, 80 % are walking in some manner
What is the mean walking speed following stroke compared with age matched controls
- 53 (+/- 0.22)
1. 34 (+/- 0.17)
What is the speed considered necessary for community ambulation
> 0.8
What is the walking speed of 0.8 m/s
Minimum speed considered necessary for community ambulation
Studies into functional walking capacity in people with stroke
Less than half could walk further than home/letterbox
What aspects of gait can be commonly affected by stroke
Stance on affected leg
Swing on affected leg
Asymmetrical step length, increased step width
What are common problems in stance after stroke?
Increased propulsion of intact leg to shorten swing phase