Week 8 - Tithi Bhattacharya - Introduction Mapping Social Reproduction Theory Flashcards
Social Reproductive Theory
It is a methodology to explore labor and labor power under capitalism as a way to explore social relationships. According to this theory, capitalism is not only an economic system: there are wider ways in which explotation and oppression are reproduced through schools, households, hospitals, prisions, etc.
Societal reproduction
According to Marx: “the reproduction of a capitalist system as a whole”
Social Reproduction
Broader term than Societal Reproduction. It involves socially necessary work: mental, physical, emotional work, providing food, shelter, socialization of children, etc.
Exchange value and necromancy
Every commodity under capitalism has two manifestations: value and exchange value (social form). Labour power is the unique commodity that is produced outside the circuit of commodity production. The necromancy is the process of “transforming” value into “exchange value” .