Week 8 Reading: Chapter 3 (How can we Measure the Harms Done by Drug) Flashcards
Evidence-Based Comparison of Harms
- Misuse of drugs law in UK 1971 = drugs put into three classes A,B and C
- Council set up to advise what class a given drug should be put in (the ACMD)
- Problem is the class system is largely static with no movement of drugs between classes according to evidence or even advice of the advisory council. i.e. it’s not evidence based
-This gives the public the wrong information about drug harms and undermines the effectiveness of messages from the government surrounding drugs i.e. someone is not going to listen to an actually important message if the entire system the government uses to class drugs is so obviously flawed - they lose credibility.
What should a drug classing system ideally be like? What challenges present when trying to achieve this?
- A drug classing system should be transparent (so people trust it), evidence based and flexible (drugs can move according to new information).
- Measuring drug harms is complicated as there is so many different factors to consider e.g. chronic illness, death, mental health problems, social problems like crime and violence etc. -> how do we think about these various harms at the same time? (take a holistic approach to drugs)
How many types of harm where identified by david nutt? What two overarching categories do these fall into ?
-Harm to users (individual level) = 9
-Harm to others (population level) =7
Types of harm to users: drug specific mortality
-What is the difference between the effective dose (produces psychoactive effects) and the lethal dose? This gives a safety ratio
-In other words how likely is someone to die from poisoning due to the drug (overdose)
Types of harm to users: drug related mortality
-Deaths from chronic illnesses, such as cancers, caused by drug-taking and deaths from associated behaviours and activities e.g. injecting putting users at risk of HIV/ aids.
-Can sometimes overlap with drug-specific mortality i.e. overdose causes death but harms associated with use but individual more at risk of this (cardiovascular illness).
Types of harm to users: Drug-specific harm
-Any physical damage (short of death) specifically caused by the drug e.g. alcohol-related cirrhosis.
Types of harm to users: Drug-related harm
Damage short of death from drug related activities and behaviours e.g. viruses and infections, non-fatal road accidents
Types of harm to users: dependence
Types of harm to users: drug-related impairment of mental functioning
-Psychological effects that continue once the drug has left the body
-Heavy drug use can be associated with psychotic symptoms = depression, memory loss, increased aggression, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure).
-Addiction -> depression
Types of harm to users; Drug-specific impairment of mental functioning
-Intoxication impairs judgment which can lead to risk behaviours like unprotected sex as well as drunk driving.
Types of harms to users: Drug-specific impairment of mental functioning
Intoxication impairs judgment which can lead to risk behaviours like unprotected sex as well as drunk driving.
Types of harm to users: Loss of Tangibles
- Job
Loss of due to drugs
Types of harm to users: Loss of relationships
- Lose friends due to behaviour while intoxicated (aggressive/ reclusive)
-They might engage in compulsive behaviours like stealing from friends to fund drug habit.
Types of harm to others: Injury
Impair motor control + judgment therefore increasing likelihood of accidents that damage someone else e.g. road.
Types of harm to others: Crime
Two categories :
-Acquisitive crime to fund a drug habit
-Crime committed when judgment is impaired while under influence (burglary and vandalism).