Week 8 Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions Flashcards
- A word that takes the place of a _______
- It modifies a _______
Ex: Lee Dong Wook is so handsome. He is also talented.
- A word that takes the place of a noun
- It modifies a noun
Ex: Lee Dong Wook is so handsome. He is also talented.
- It is a word for which a pronoun _______(ante = before)
Ex: Lee Dong Wook is so handsome. He is also talented.
- It is a word for which a pronoun stands (ante = before)
Ex: Lee Dong Wook is so handsome. He is also talented.
A _______ pronoun must replace a singular noun; a _______ pronoun must replace a plural noun.
Ex: The students listen attentively. They are always active in class.
A singular pronoun must replace a singular noun; a plural pronoun must replace a plural noun.
Ex: The students listen attentively. They are always active in class.
Personal Pronoun
First Person (_______, _______, _______)
I – me – my, mine
Second Person you – you – your, yours
Third Person he, she, it – him, her, it – his, her & hers, its

Personal Pronoun
First Person (Nominative, Objective, Possessive)
I – me – my, mine
Second Person you – you – your, yours
Third Person he, she, it – him, her, it – his, her & hers, its
Intensive and Reflexive pronouns (ends in self)
- _______ pronoun when the action indicated goes back to the subject.
Ex: Kyle is making herself a sandwich.
- _______ pronoun when it is used for emphasis.
Ex: She herself will make a sandwich.
Intensive and Reflexive pronouns (ends in self)
- Reflexive pronoun when the action indicated goes back to the subject.
Ex: Kyle is making herself a sandwich.
- Intensive pronoun when it is used for emphasis.
Ex: She herself will make a sandwich.
- _______ pronoun – directs attention or points a specific person, place or thing.
Ex: This is my favorite book.
- _______ pronoun – a particular name of a person, place or thing, often without specifying which ones.
Ex: Several newsmen covered the sensational story.
- Demonstrative pronoun – directs attention or points a specific person, place or thing.
Ex: This is my favorite book.
- Indefinite pronoun – a particular name of a person, place or thing, often without specifying which ones.
Ex: Several newsmen covered the sensational story.
- Are words that _______.
- They also describe _______ of nouns
- It is a word that _______ a noun or a pronoun
- It tells what kind of person, place, or thing a _______ or a _______ is.
- It can appear _______ the noun it modifies.
Ex: Such a beautiful place.
- Sometimes, it comes _______ the noun it modifies.
Ex: Mark is young and famous.
- It appears _______ the linking verb in S-LV-C pattern.
Ex: The movie was fantastic.
- It comes _______ the noun complement in the S-TV-DO-OC pattern.
Ex: Erika made her phone call very brief.
- Are words that describe.
- They also describe quantity of nouns
- It is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun
- It tells what kind of person, place, or thing a noun or a pronoun is.
- It can appear before the noun it modifies.
Ex: Such a beautiful place.
- Sometimes, it comes after the noun it modifies.
Ex: Mark is young and famous.
- It appears after the linking verb in S-LV-C pattern.
Ex: The movie was fantastic.
- It comes after the noun complement in the S-TV-DO-OC pattern.
Ex: Erika made her phone call very brief.
- _______ adjective – a word that gives quality, size, age, shape, color, origin and material/kind to a noun or pronoun. (What kind of?)
Medium shirt
Rectangular box
- _______ adjective – a word that points out an object or indicates its number or quantity. (Which? How many? How much?)
Few students
this university
- _______ adjective – questions words what, which, whose are used to modify a noun or a pronoun in an interrogative sentence.
What is the best book you’ve read?
- Descriptive adjective – a word that gives quality, size, age, shape, color, origin and material/kind to a noun or pronoun. (What kind of?)
Medium shirt
Rectangular box
- Limiting adjective – a word that points out an object or indicates its number or quantity. (Which? How many? How much?)
Few students
this university
- Interrogative adjective – questions words what, which, whose are used to modify a noun or a pronoun in an interrogative sentence.
What is the best book you’ve read?
- It is a word that modifies a _______, an _______, or another _______.
- It modifies verb, adjective or adverb by expressing _______
- Adverb of _______– it indicates how the action is done.
Mia dances gracefully.
- Adverb of _______– it tells where an action happens.
The children played outside the campus.
- Adverb of _______– it denotes when an action is done.
The guest will arrive in two hours.
- Adverb of _______– it shows how many times or how often an action is done.
Jack visits his doctor weekly.
- Adverb of _______– it signifies the intensity of or how much an action is done.
I am very excited.
- Adverb of _______– it shows negativeness.
She never listens.
- It is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
- It modifies verb, adjective or adverb by expressing number
- Adverb of Manner – it indicates how the action is done.
Mia dances gracefully.
- Adverb of place – it tells where an action happens.
The children played outside the campus.
- Adverb of time – it denotes when an action is done.
The guest will arrive in two hours.
- Adverb of frequency – it shows how many times or how often an action is done.
Jack visits his doctor weekly.
- Adverb of degree – it signifies the intensity of or how much an action is done.
I am very excited.
- Adverb of negation – it shows negativeness.
She never listens.
- a word that expresses relationships of various sorts between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.
- It is used before a noun, a noun phrase
- _______ of preposition – it shows where something happens.
John and Sarah were hiding inside the wardrobe.
- _______ of preposition – it shows when something happens.
Our class starts at seven o’clock.
- _______ of preposition – it shows where something is going.
A man was walking his dog along the riverbank.
- Prepositions with special uses:
I need three pieces of paper.
I made this bookmark for Mom.
Would you like to come with us to the cinema?
Everyone likes chocolate except Tom.
Kathleen looks like her dad.Are these shoes the same as those?
Dad is taller than all of us.
- a word that expresses relationships of various sorts between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.
- It is used before a noun, a noun phrase
- Place of preposition – it shows where something happens.
John and Sarah were hiding inside the wardrobe.
- Time of preposition – it shows when something happens.
Our class starts at seven o’clock.
- Direction of preposition – it shows where something is going.
A man was walking his dog along the riverbank.
- Prepositions with special uses:
I need three pieces of paper.
I made this bookmark for Mom.
Would you like to come with us to the cinema?
Everyone likes chocolate except Tom.
Kathleen looks like her dad.Are these shoes the same as those?
Dad is taller than all of us.