Week 8- personality disorder Flashcards
what are signs for someone to be diagnosed with a personality disorder?
Markedly disharmonious attitudes and behaviour
involving several areas functioning
e.g affectivity, arousal, impulse control, ways of perceiving
and thinking, and style of relating to others
- Early Onset
- Enduring
- Pervasive
- Impact
- Cannot be explained by other mental disorder
- Organic brain disease, injury, dysfunction excluded
what is the epideomolgy of Perosnality disease?
prevalence is lower in black vs white in uk
what is featurers are included in Paranoid Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster A Features include : • Suspicious • Mistrustful • Jealous • Sensitive • Bear Grudges • Self Importance
what is featurers are included in Paranoid Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster A Features include : • Suspicious • Mistrustful • Jealous • Sensitive • Bear Grudges • Self Importance
how may a patient with Paranoid Personality Disorder feel?
• Find it hard to confide in people, even friends and family
• Find it very difficult to trust other people, believing they
will use you or take advantage of you
• Have difficulty relaxing
• Read threats and danger (which others don’t see) into
everyday situations, innocent remarks or casual looks from
what is featurers are included in Schizoid Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster A
-Features include:
• Emotionally Cold
• Detached
• Aloof • Lack Enjoyment • Introspective
how may a patient with Schizoid Personality Disorder feel?
The patient may :
• find difficulty forming close relationships with other people
• choose to live your life without interference from others
• prefer to be alone with your own thoughts
• not experience pleasure from many activities
• have little interest in sex or intimacy
• have difficulty relating to or are emotionally cold towards
what is featurers are included in Schizotypical
Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
Related to Schizophrenia ( not classified in ICD10 but is in
Features include: • Social anxiety
• Eccentric Behaviour • Cognitive and Perceptual distortions
• Oddities of Speech
how may a patient with Schizotypical Personality Disorder feel?
• experience distorted thoughts or perceptions
• find making close relationships extremely difficult
• think and express yourself in ways that others find ‘odd’,
using unusual words or phrases, making relating to others
• believe that you can read minds or that you have special
powers such as a ‘sixth sense’
• feel anxious and tense with others who do not share these
• feel very anxious and paranoid in social situations, finding it
hard to relate to others
what is features are included in Antisocial Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-Features include:
• Callous
• Transient Relationships
• Irresponsible
• Impulsive and Irritable
• Lacking Guilt and Remorse
• Failure to accept responsibility
how may a patient with Antisocial Personality Disorder feel?
• put themselves in dangerous or risky situations, often
without thinking about the consequences for themselves or other people
• behave dangerously and sometimes illegally (they may
have a criminal record)
• behave in ways that are unpleasant for others
• feel very easily bored and act on impulse – for example, they may find it difficult to hold down a job for long
• behave aggressively and get into fights easily
• do things even though they may hurt people – to get what they want, putting their needs and desires above other people’s
• have problems with empathy – for example, they may not
feel or show any sense of guilt if they have mistreated
• have had a diagnosis of conduct disorder before the age of 15
what is features are included in Histrionic
Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster 2 Features may include • Self Dramatisation • Suggestibility • Seeks attention and excitement • Inappropriately seductive • Over concern with Physical attractiveness
how may a patient with Histrionic Personality Disorder feel?
The Patient May
• feel very uncomfortable if you are not the centre of
• feel that you have to entertain people
• constantly seek, or feel dependent on, the approval of others
• make rash decisions
• flirt or behave/dress provocatively to ensure that you remain the centre of attention
what is features are included in Narcissistic Personality Disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster B • Grandiose sense of self importance • Sense of entitlement • Fantasises about success • Believes they are special • Requires admiration • Lacks empathy • Arrogant • Exploits others
how may a patient with Narcissistic Personality
Disorder feel?
The Patient May
• believe that there are special reasons that make you different, better or more deserving than others
• have fragile self-esteem, so that you rely on others to
recognise your worth and your needs
• feel upset if others ignore you and don’t give you what you feel you deserve
• resent other people’s successes
• put your own needs above other people’s, and demand
they do too
• be seen as selfish and dismissive or unaware of other people’s needs
what is features are included in avoidant personality disorder and what cluster is it in?
-cluster c Features include: • Feelings of Tension • Feels socially inferior • Preoccupied with rejection • Avoids involvement • Avoids risk • Avoids social activity
how may a patient with avoidant personality disorder feel?
The Patient May
• avoid work or social activities that mean you must be with
• expect disapproval and criticism and be very sensitive to it
• worry constantly about being ‘found out’ and rejected• worry about being ridiculed or shamed by others
• avoid relationships, friendships and intimacy because you
fear rejection
• feel lonely and isolated, and inferior to others
• be reluctant to try new activities in case you embarrass
what is features are included in DEPENDANT
DISORDER and what cluster is it in?
Features Include: • Allowing others to take responsibility
• Unduly compliant • Unwilling to make reasonable demands
• Feeling unable to care for themselves
• Fear of being left to care for themselves
• Needs excessive help to make decisions
how may a patient with DEPENDANT
• feel needy, ‘weak’ and unable to make decisions or
function day-to-day without help or support from others• allow or require others to assume responsibility for many
areas of your life
• agree to things you feel are wrong or you dislike to avoid
being alone or losing someone’s support • be very afraid of being left to fend for yourself • have low self-confidence
• see other people as being much more capable than you are.
what is features are included in OBSESSIVECOMPULSIVE
DISORDER and what cluster is it in?
cluster c Features Include • Inhibited by perfectionism • Excessively concerned with productivity • Over conscientious • Ridged and Stubborn • Excessively doubting and cautious • Expect others to submit to their ways
how may a patient with OBSESSIVECOMPULSIVE
- need to keep everything in order and under control
- set unrealistically high standards for yourself and others
- think yours is the best way of doing things
- worry about you or others making mistakes
- feel very anxious if things aren’t ‘perfect’